Am I 2nlz fish or 50nlz crusher? Mate...
I'm Ceres. A 38 yr old manchild from sunny Wales in the UK.
Five years ago I got sick and lost my job and had to move back in with the folks. After about a year I had the bright idea of learning poker as an insurance policy for my illness - not slightly underestimating how bloody hard it is.
Anyway, cut to now and I'm an okayish player (I think). Somewhat impossible to know exactly what level I'm at given I've zipped around the micros zoom and cash playing mostly 2-10nl (earnt ~£2.5k overall). Because I'm basically penniless with no income I've spent the whole roll on a mix of poker things (tracker, pio, training), food and - most importantly - marijuana. I currently play 25nl on a soft site I'm grinding for food money and seem to be crushing, but I'd like to do it on stars too as a backup bankroll AND as a test of skill. Plus the convenience of zoom is pretty amazing.
My main issues are with bankroll management (I spend it) and getting in the hours. Both of these are fixable with a little discipline and dedication.
I would estimate my skill level to be somewhere between 10-50nlz. Which brings me to the point of this challenge.
tHe CHallenge
[ ] 200k hands
[ ] From 2-50nlz
If I *think* I'm a 50nl player then I should be able to grind myself up from 2nl to 50nlz right? If I can hit 5bb at every stake and use an aggro bankroll strat (20 BI) then I calculate this should take me somewhere around 200k hands. And that's not so bad as a challenge for the start of 2021.
202,100 hands perhaps?
So... my plan is first of all to train for the next two weeks to see out 2020 and finally cobble together all I've learnt up til now about good micro strategy. I will maybe talk about some of that here.
I've no choice but to continue grinding my 25nl cushy site for ~ 3 hours a day, which is separate from this challenge, but I will aim to add a couple of zoom tables in for at least an hour a day and maybe more on weekends. By my most optimistic estimate this would allow me to complete the challenge in around 12-16 weeks. Or somewhere around the end of April 2021.
😃 - as if.
Of course mother variance is queen and could destroy/prolong the whole exercise indefinitely or, and this is the more likely outcome, I might not be as good as I think I am and land flat on my arse at 5nlz. I don't know. It's an adventure. What will we find out there on the streets?
Me as we stand with a lowly 20BI bankroll for 2nlz:
You can follow here for updates or try and snipe me on Stars. I'm toying with the idea of adding a twitch mainly just so I can have an accessible repository of hands as played. Is that wise or am I just inviting needless hassle/stress? Idk
Anyway, thanks for reading. I'll try and make things as entertaining as can be for a 38 year old stoner in pyjamas flapping at luck buttons in a pathetic attempt to win $$$ against other lonely men.
Pray for variance,
3 Replies
♠ Mid Quarter Update ♠
‘Mad Progress 2024’ has been somewhat hampered quantitively because of this bloody perpetual detox but, that said, and more importantly, we have reached 65 days sugar free now. So, marv.
Plus... on top of that, we’re moving up to 25nlz at last.
35k hands, 6.5bb all-in adj, 20BIs... check. Time to take a shot. 5 buyins sounds about right for me. I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder every hand but not super worried about moving down either. Luck is luck. right. ...Right? Pool doesn’t look too scary but who knows. Gonna wait for the weekend, fire some bullets and see what happens.
Health still stuck in crapsville for now. Haven’t managed to give up all refined carbohydrates yet, not completely. And as they are kinda the same thing as sugar as far as my poor liver’s concerned my immune system is still going haywire and making me PAY for 4 decades of shameless gut wrecking. I remain haunted by my former self.
Not much can stop the progress train from here tho and we just need to apply the same tech we used for sugar on carbs: a.k.a. relentless incremental progress. Like tearing off a plaster in slow-mo. Then, one day, it’s just.. gone.
I cannot stress how ****ing amazing it would feel to be well again after so long being sicko. My dream is to get to the beach this summer and take surfing lessons. We’ll see.
We’ll.... sea?
Ok, bye
happy holidays ceres, hope you are doing well.
get your gambol on here if you want:
and wtf happened to simplerick? lol
couldnt even find his thread anymore.
Thanks washoe but the truth is I don’t actually like gambling. Never have really. The thought of it brings me nothing but existential pain. Partly why I thought poker would be easy to learn (ahahaha)
Posting because I don't care.