Left Home, Moved to Vegas! Pman Presents The Ride
Hello everyone!
My name is James Urbanic, better known as "PmanPrays" online (a combination of poker maniac and my love for God). In February of 2021 I decided it was time to move out of my parents basement and chase the dream. I am currently living in Las Vegas, I just signed a 1yr lease last week. I couldn't be happier. I have been making videos of my story, and plan to continue to do so.
My goal is to turn the game I love so much into a sustainable lifestyle. I want to make at least $35,000 a year. I'm a small stakes grinder right now, both online and live, and both cash and MTTs.
I'm so excited to see what this chapter of my life has in store for me. I hope to see you guys at the tables!
Mark, he’s a gambling addict calling 2p2ers toxic. We all know or have played with addicts, all they do is cause pain and suffering for themselves and everyone around them. They are pure toxicity but they make the poker world go ‘round — live cash games are tougher now because the addicts have either gotten help or left for private games where they can play on credit and not pay in order to get a measly rebate on their losses/suffering.