From NL2 to Professional poker player in 1 year? Is it possible?
HI Guys,
I am Confucius96 and I'm a aspiring poker player.
I want to challange myself this year. My goal is to reach at least NL50 by the end of the year. I know it will be very difficult but with a lot of effort and dedication, I believe it will be possible.
I'll be posting my results every 10k hands or every time that I decide to move up or move down. The rules are the following:
• NL2 ⇾ NL5 (30buy-ins + 5ev/100)
• NL5 ⇾ NL10 (40buy-ins + 5ev/100)
• NL10 ⇾ NL25 (50buy-ins + 5ev/100)
• NL25 ⇾ NL50 (60buy-ins + 5ev/100)
Net loss of 10buy-ins.
If you have any questions, recommendations or some things you'd like to see, just let me know.
8 Replies
Vwp OP, well done! How's the grind going? Did you ever out the site you play? This is not Pokerstars or GGPoker right?
" The Venividi Diary "
Hey guys, it's been a long time that I write something here.
I had some personal issues I had to take care of but now I'm back. I wanted to get back to the blog with a challenge and since I didn't play for a while and I really like the way that Venividi did his "$1,000,000 bankroll challenge", I decided to make my own challenge.
I thought about doing this in a different thread but I still have people adding me on Discord asking about my progress and about coaching, so I decided to do it in this thread.
My version of the challenge is a bit different, for starters I don't have a $ target, I just want to share my experience with you guys.
I'm going to play cash games (mostly reg tables) on GGPoker. I'm starting at 10NL and I'm going to be aggressive with my shots at least in the beginning. I’ll share my results weekly here on 2p2 and on IG and if you have any question or suggestion just hit me up.
Week 1
For security reasons I’m not going to share my screen name and the screen name of my opponents, so if you think you recognize me or played vs me please keep it to yourself.
Cash games + Rakeback: + $328.00
Total Hands: 10 073
Total: $328.00
Amazing first week, I runned super hot on the tables and outside of the tables. I won 4.5 buy-ins for being part of a BBJ and roughly another 5 in the #ThanksGG Flipout.
I'm going to be honest, I played 2 small sessions on the 16th/17th (~2000 hands) to see if I was ready to commit to this challenge and the rest of the sessions were from 23rd - 28th.
Any question or suggestion just hit me up, see you next week!
Hey! I just read this thread. Very impressive results. Congrats on the coaching success and everything.
Did you stop completely after your last post before posting again? Or did you get some more hands in at 100nl? What made you decide to start all over again?
Impresive records you had last year!
GL with your journey
added you on discord for coaching!
@Shipnickle - Thank you! I didn't stop, I've played a lot of 100nl with good results and took a 5bi shot on 200nl unsuccessfully. In this summer I had some personal problems which made me stop for a while. Once I got back I wasn't feeling super motivated. I decided to make this challenge since most people say that GGPoker is unbeatable.
@BE2370 - Thank you!
Hey guys, there’s a slight change of plans. Since I posted about my challenge, I got a lot of people adding me on Discord most of them asked me if I could start the challenge from 2NL on GGPoker.
After a week thinking if it was worth it, I decided to officially start my challenge on December 1st.
The first part of the challenge is to go from $0 to $100. Wish me good luck!