Looking for study partners and a passionate poker coach. Chasing a Dream that's in my own hands

Looking for study partners and a passionate poker coach. Chasing a Dream that's in my own hands

Hi Guy's.

For the last few years I have been meaning to `play poker on a more regular bases than I was at the time. I couldn't really get things going online with 2 baby girls around. I started my own Organic Health Food Store business during the pandemic, which I loved running as much as I do playing poker. I had 2 partners in the business, who from day one were trying to get rid of me one way or another. They loved my idea for the business, we managed to get it up and running, hitting a healthy turn over. But than things started to go wrong. They were always finding a reason to argue and caused me soo much amount of unnecessary stress. Than I would come home and I am going through the same stress at home. At the same time I had to leave the game I love so much, a game that makes me feel happy and excited and focused. I never got as stress playing poker as I did at work with the partners around and at home. Even when I kept getting one outered and going on downswings 😀

I FT a GUKPT Main event, and also FT's a side even a few months later. I was on a roll. But never was able to continue the momentum and chase my dream because of issues at home.

It's has been 4 month's since I left my business to my partners. I managed to take a long holiday with the family to think through what I want to do with the rest of my life. I don't want to have any regrets about not chasing a dream of doing something I love so much. So, a month ago I decided to pursue my dream of becoming a professional poker player. I'm not a pro now of course. Spending more time studying than playing. I will be attending some live events coming up in London this weekend and also in December. I just know there is soo much work than needs done, many hours studying and going through situations and hands that I'm not sure if I can do it all by myself.

Poker will be my only source of income, so I don't have any other option but to work on my game in the best way possible in order to to get myself in the best possible shape.
I'm also working on The Mental game of poker, and life. Working on improving my health, so working out a little and working on eating healthier foods.

I would love to have like minded poker buddies around that can help me progress and who I can help improve and take each others game to the next levels.
I'm older than most new poker players out there, I'm 39. But you see, the best thing about poker is it brings people of all ages and cultures and backgrounds together, and units us as one.

I have a bank roll for 1/2 cash and £300 and under for mtts. I'm happy to cut down on my variance if any of you guy's would like to but peace of my action moving forward, or swap action.

I hope to hear back from enthusiastic poker players, Health focused and Mental game focused buddies out there.

Take care

24 October 2022 at 07:54 PM