NL10 to NL50
Hey 2p2,
Decided to start a thread to keep myself accountable and track my progress.
I'm a 28 year old german and I've pla
you say if you bet too many high equity draws people will be right to overfold, which may be true, however you're assuming people at 10nl or 25nl are aware enough to exploit you by overfolding or raising thinner for value. My advice is forget playing gto if you're trying to have a winning strategy at the micros. Obviously study gto and understand the theory, but then see where you can deviate. No one plays gto or even close to it at 25nl so if you try in my opinion it's not going to win long term. I think it's fine to take some heuristics from gto, but when it comes to balancing frequencies perfectly forget about it, you don't need to. Most people are way too passive, and won't know how to exploit an unbalanced strategy. Even 50nl is fishy as hell. I think understanding gto is absolutely necessary to understand the game better, but not something that should be followed at the micros.