Mixed-Games MTTs on PS

Mixed-Games MTTs on PS

Hello fellows

After a longer break, i will get back into Poker during these holidays.

Starting with 200$ and aggressive BRM of roughly 5$ avg bi. I will get gradually more conservative, as the bankroll grows.

Expect to be able to grind up to 55$ games before 2024 ends, and shot-take 109$s in 2025.

Goal is 3 sessions of at least 8 games on at least 3 days per week, for the whole year of 2024.

28 November 2023 at 11:24 AM

138 Replies


The whole day was terrible. No matter how good i got it in, the river delivered the suck outs.

Bubbled some satellites, and only got into 44$ 8game, where i was absolutely card dead.

Even day-savers we're bad, aside of 45$ in the NLO8 hu total ko, where i lost a huge pot for the big chiplead with 8 left, and 90% equity on the turn.

Only got 11$ NLO8 hyper KOmania left.

Bankroll = 3906$

Feel like taking tomorrow off atm, but maybe do a very short session, only regging for 2 hours...

With SCOOP only being a month away, and me playing nearly any variant that isnt holdem, i decided to start studying seriously, again.

My NLO8, and especially my PLO8 need some work, hence why i will watch at least one hour of final tables on YouTube every day, and go over at least 4 hands in detail by checking equities on each street, looking at bet sizings, evaluating how big of a factor icm is playing etc etc

Because i dropped to 3850$ (350x 11$) busting sunday 8 million satellites now, i decided to change my schedule for mondays till thursdays.
I will skip all the 5.50$ to 11$ satellites to PLO, PLO8 and NLO8 events that are 55 - 109$ during the week, but still fire one bullet in each of the three satellites to the 530$ PLO on tuesday and thursday, which is 16,30$ per playing day.

Instead of those satellites, i will play more 3.30$ to 11$ day savers, especially the PLO8 and NLO8 ones, as well as some 5card PLO tourneys.

On the weekends, i will still fire everything for PLO high, horse and 8game (but skip sats to PLO8/NLO8 events that are higher than 44$), except when i drop below 2750$.

If that happens, i'll likely also skip the sats to all 55-109s of omaha variants at the weekends, but still play the few 8game and horse satellites, plus 16,30$ to get into the 530$ PLO.

Thats the plan until SCOOP starts, to arrive at fifth of May being properly rolled, and in the groove of playing all the games frequently, not just 70% PLO high volume.

Managed to get into the 55$ 8game, where all 7 players had nearly even stacks at final table.

Made it to 3handed, but only had 6bb left vs 40 and 60bb when i typed "i'll win this, now running super hot", and 15 minutes later i was chipleader.
Then second in chips decided to raise and then call off all in with second nutflush vs my nutflush in PLO.
Heads up went really well, because my opponent had to play me at PLO and 2-7 TD where he had some serious leaks, while those are my two best heads up games.

Shipped it soon after, during LHE round, and got 294$ for first, plus 412$ bounties.

Great short session, made up for the bad weekend.

Bankroll = 4418$

Got quiet a bit of work to do tomorrow and intended to take that day off from poker, but after shipping one today, i might play some tomorrow, too.

Guess i'll again fire all satellites during the week, too, as long as im above 3850$.

Congratz! I'd love to read a bit more about 2-7 Triple Draw. What leaks did he have? Thx.

Thank you

I guess he was a bit too loose pre, calling any two low cards in bb, drawing three cards, instead of taking just 2 card combos that contain a deuce to defend.
IIRC, he showed down an 86543 after drawing three in big blind in one hand.
He also used to draw 2cards vs a bet on the third draw, even when i was standing pat, or when the pot was very small, because it was limped and/or there was a street without bets before the last draw.
And i havent shown anything worse than a 98 low at heads up showdowns before, which makes that even worse.

Heads up 2-7 triple draw is extremly swingy, and also 6max, its the limit game with the highest variance.
Great tournament game to push people around by snowing, which means staying pat as a bluff. That works well when you pair your lowcards, and there is some icm pressure for opponents.

Insanity today...

Made second in 11$ 8game for 101$, and got into 33$ to 530, 82$ to 530, as well as 55$ 8game and 55$ PLO KOmania, but...

Lost AAxxds vs AA99r in 82$ to 530 PLO as chipleader vs second for save ticket after i flopped flushdraw plus bdfd and gutter that was oesd ott, cause he hit one outter 9ball otr...

Right after that, i bubbled satellite to 55$ on badbeat, and next hand i repot JT98ds in 55$ KOmania, get 4bet, Flop grat draw, but bust again...

After that, i quickly calmed down, cause what can you do...gotta lose that money...

Only grind 22$ horse now, where i also got into...

Min-cashed horse after wild up and downswing on the exact bubble.
Also got in and quickly out of 55$ NLO8 hyper KOmania.
Slight loss today

Bankroll = 4301$

Not gonna play tomorrow, really need a break

Spazzed hard in some hypers, and shipped 11$ 40man NLO8 for 108$.

Bankroll = 4340$

Played a short session and nearly ran perfect in satellites, only stone bubbled the one to 109$ PLO.
Got into 22$ NLO8 turbo KOmania, 55$ 8game and 55$ NLO8 hyper KOmania...

And again didnt score any of the 3 events...

But i finally won a ticket to the 215$ sunday 8 million 😀

It just sucks that its included in my table count. Means, until sunday i can now only play 3 tables. Will have to skip some day-savers, i guess.

Bankroll = 4222$ plus 215$ ticket

Tomorrow, i'll likely just play a few satellites until seven o'clock, and visit a friend afterwards, if i dont go deep in a big event. Skipping the Razz satellites, cause of the 3 table cap now.

Lost a hundo over short session, running good in satellites, and bad in 3 target events, again...

Bankroll = 4125$ plus 215$ ticket

Gonna play a long session tomorrow.
Friday is the day with the lowest variance, due to the weekend warriors already playing, but there being no 530$ PLO, or other events 2x bigger, or with 75% bounties, like on the actual weekend.

Hope to score smth that gets me above 4.5k...

Cant wait for the sunday 8 million. Will surely play like a solid Maniac, if i dont get two or more high-stakes crusher at my starting table again, like last year.

Back in the golden days, when i had a backer, i scored nearly 12k in the sunday 10 million 2016, where i busted 88th place, calling of 99 vs TT with 11bb...

Good luck in the Sunday Million. It's gonna be huge. And tons of fishes.

Thanks, mate.
Itll surely be the best MTT of the year,... At least for those going deep, hahaha.

by Parasense k

This sunday will be the end of my nlhe degenaracy...

If anyone finds me playing a nlhe MTT that is lower than the sunday million, or a satellite to such an event, i will give 350$ to the charity of your choice!

Until sunday, this wont count.

To get some practice in nlhe tournaments again, i will add 2 or 3 nlhe events today, and maybe also squeeze one in tomorrow, if i find space with my 3 table cap.

After sunday 8 million, itll be same as before / as i posted in that quote.

Im so sick off it... Run like dogcrap

Busted 109$ PLO KOmania vs complete drooler, getting it in limp repot with KKxxds, and lose to QQxxds, which suits i dominated.

Losing to every stupid nonsense hand, versus people who cant even spell poker.
The nlhe games, i simply lost every bigger ace vs smaller one...

**** this day, im done after last two games, already.

Bankroll = 3812$

Starting tomorrow later, and end earlier

After i calmed down, i got back online and shipped the crazy 11$+R PLO 4max turbo for 237$, but had to fire half a dozen bullets for it...

Bankroll = 3975$

Three ****ing two outter in the same 5,50$ satellite, twice lose top2 vs bottom set with small spr elsewhere, and then i raise AATx and get called by bb... We see 888 Flop, he donks, i raise, he shoves and has ATTx, and ofc the last ****ing ten hits the turn...
Not to mention the 22$ PLO KOmania with 75% bounties, where every pot was 3bet of unconnected offsuit crap hands, where i lost topset vs naked toppair that made nutfulls...

Gonna be a great day, as soon as they stop the ****ing hardcore doomswitch on me.

Maybe the good run will come in the Sunday Million. Keep the good play!

Maybe today will be better...

Just got into 215$ bountybuilder and 109$ fenomeno to practice for the big one

Edit: Zero hands in bb so far, but 15/95 in fenomeno...

Aaand lost JJ aipf vs JTs for 15bb... Still 36bb left

What a ****ing joke again...

Itm in fenomeno, made a pay-jump, call my last 11bb with AKs, villain has A6s, shoved from ep, flops flushdraw, but then just hits 6 on turn, aaand 6 on river...

Other Games all went bad, except 109$ win cause 109$ 8game didnt start... Very frustrating.

Bankroll = 3902$

Cant wait to play the big one in 17 hours.

Im in the 109$ PLO KOmania, the 215$ sunday 8 million, and just got into the 530$ PLO highroller... Lets fkn gooo

Ran really bad in the 530$ PLO, and busted early.

But i had five times starting stack in the 8 milly, when i 3bet aces in position with 80 of my 96bb at risk...
Flop is AK4 with flushdraw, and i bet 33% and get called...
Turn is Q, also bringing backdoor flushdraw, and i bet 55% pot, he tanks... And shoves...
Ofc he had JTs for naked gutter with backdoor flushdraw and board doesnt pair... Busto soon after.

Though, the 109$ PLO KOmania was full of nlhe-fishes who repotted QQ47r playing deep, for example.

Shipped that one for 872$, plus 1420$ in bounties 😀

Then i furiously tried to get into the sunday 8 million again, but when i won a satellite, i only got tournament dollars hahaha...

Ending the day with two more deep runs in s8m satellites to win more t dollars...

Bankroll = 5894$ plus 204 T-$ (if i bust last two)

Tomorrow, i will definitely get drunk

Well played! I should try all this satellites for big events, they seem very profitable.

They are super soft on Pokerstars. Even the normal sunday million satellites are very soft, because people either fold to less than 1bb despite not even being close to a ticket, or spazz early... But the funniest ones are those who call off all ins for stacks close to bubble with small pairs, despite having a stack that surely would get them into the money.

I lost 99$ soberly grinding sunday 8 million satellites for about 2.5 hours, then i intentionally spazzed 24$ at 2$ 6+ holdem tables quickly, for reasons that'd sound silly, and went out to get drunk and high - legal here since this month - with a good friend, and played some playstation stuff...

After i got back, i quickly lost about a hundo again, playing like i owe the other players something...

Very spensive "day off", but tomorrow, there'll neither be anymore nlhe tournaments, nor anymore alcohol in my flat, until SCOOP has ended.

Managed to lose more than 3kg last month, and got back to be able to do 20 clean push ups, with nose on ground.
Will be talking walks in the forest a lot more, now that its warmer here, too, cause thats what old men do...

Bankroll = 5886$

Last 530$ PLO super tuesday had $2k overlay, with only 11 players, and 3 getting paid, and i will fire my three 2-steps satellites as usual tomorrow, because those satellites always have overlays, too.

Also feel like tragically busting second in 22$ horse...

If i dont drop down below 5.5k, i might become a bit lazy, skipping some early day-savers...

Only got into 22$ NLO8 turbo KOmania and 55$ PLO KOmania, and busted both.

Again made twenty smth place in 11$ PLO KOmania after being top3 in chips, which happens every second day, it feels like. Collected 40$ bounties.

Chopped 5.50$ 6+ holdem 4way for 25$ as slight chipleader, cause i was single tabling and wanted a break.

Only 3.30$ to 33$ PLO8 turbo KOmania left, and likely skip the rest.

Bankroll = 5812$

Maybe take tomorrow off, yet unsure.

Felt very good today, way better than on yesterdays hangover.

Some satellites got cancelled, hence why this was the short session of day-savers.

Shipped the 11$ 8game, and the 7.50$ PLO Omania, both for exactly 176$.
Had 200bb+ nearly the whole final table in the Omania, and hit every 3bet pot i called, iirc...

Cut the session short, and visit a friend now.

Bankroll = 5996$

Gonna play tomorrow, too.
