The DooDooPoker Experience
It's long past due I made one of these things but I move at a snails pace so that's pretty typical for me. I need some a
It's long past due I made one of these things but I move at a snails pace so that's pretty typical for me. I need some a
It's long past due I made one of these things but I move at a snails pace so that's pretty typical for me. I need some accountability in my life and thought it would be fun to get out of the Microstakes Forum Cave for a bit (I live there if you didn't know.)
There will be a separate post with a long history of my poker experience since its inception but I'll save that for another day, here is my current history.
I joined Metagame in June 2023 after being impressed with Saulo's YT videos. Since joining I played 50/100nl for a few months but have been trying to establish myself at 200nl. I have around 45k hands so far, and although I still don't feel 100% comfortable at these stakes, we are settling in.
Graphs or GTFO.
$WWSF over 50%: Check
Not Terrible Red Line: Check
Still suck at poker? Check
I've been stuck in this MDA craze ever since I bought Patrick Howard's Ether. That was in late 2021. I'll be posting random theories and data in this thread whenever the mood strikes me. I really just wanted a place to put all my thoughts and I think this forum is the perfect spot, let's get established at 200nl and try to make some money at this crazy crazy game.
Yeah, I did ask this. I should have been more tactful as I see it certainly rubbed you the wrong way. I did not expect you to give it to me. I recently got some hh and a new SSD and was going to do some MDA analysis on my own and mostly wanted to know how your stable had configured/structured/organized the data. That being said I also did not expect you to post here in under 24 hours and instantly block me without further communication.
I mean.... this isn't really your data, it is data that someone else compiled that you had access to from your previous CFP which you're no longer in. But, yeah the way I said it was bad. I was a bit busy last night and messaged you in between doing some things. But if you had just not blocked me or posted this I would have just said okay np, can I see how it was organized? I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do, but just wanted to compare with how someone else has organized/structured it.
Those recent posts have nothing to do with me and kind of annoyed you'd even insinuate I'd post **** on your listing as someone else.
Yes, so for some context in a sense I did/do feel like DDP owes me a bit because I did stake him/provide him with material/coaching/hh review and he ended up ghosting me for a couple months hence the post on 2+2 a while back:
Now to clarify, if he just said no I'm not giving you this data or whatever that would be the end of it and I'd just have said okay and gl, I'm going to be working on my own MDA soon and maybe could I see how it's organized? And if he had said no again same thing, gl at the tables and see you on 2+2. But yeah that isn't what happened so here we are I guess.
But anyways... to provide additional insight on the staking--he asked if I knew anyone that was staking and I agreed I would stake him. I staked him for 1k which he lost and staked him another 1k... he'd keep getting bullets if he needed and I wasn't particularly concerned about whether or not he could beat the games especially if I offered my insights/assistance etc.
Well after a lot of communication for 6 months... me answering questions, reviewing hh, 1 on 1 coaching, etc. he ghosted me on discord/all platforms and I did not know what happened which is why I posted the 2+2 question asking where he was.
So, my last contact with him was in March of 2022 and posted the thread in June of 2022 which you can read through, but basically it was relatively misleading. Prior to this he had made back the money from being under EV and had a roll which he stated was 3800.
And... before anyone asks why it took so long for me to post on 2+2 or track him down it was around in february my mom was diagnosed with cancer and I was traveling to help her meet her appointments/take care of her/etc.
Anyways, after posting on 2+2 he quickly messaged me back and admitted he had lost the bankroll with sports betting, but did not want to admit it in the thread... which... I mean I was pretty disappointed, but I never posted anything about what he had done in the thread and simply kept it private.
Anyways... we came up with an agreement to pay me back the 2k and I received the last payment in February of 2023. Almost 2 years after having staked him I got the money back with no profit/interest etc. I was mostly just happy to have gotten my money back and I never treated him with animosity. I continued to answer questions and respond to his posts on 2+2. So, in the entirety, I did to some extent feel he owed me and that was why I had asked the question because I know he has all the MDA from his previous stable and I'm going to be doing some MDA here hopefully soon when I find the time.
Yo ddp dont shut the thread down bro. Its an interesting read. Plus good promo for ur future coachings, plus anything else poker related for u in the future.