Tick Tock Tick Tock
Hi all,
Let me start by sharing two thoughts that have been spinning in my head for quite a while now:
- The clock is ticking..
- How the F*ck did I end up here?
The first thought is referring to the title.
What I mean by the clock is ticking, is that it feels like I should have found, or be close to finding some form of determination by now. In other words working towards something I love.
The second thought refers to my current situation.
I’ll keep it short, and won’t bother you with a long story about how unfair life is since I know the majority of people are in a worse situation when looking at life standards such as financial stability, health and free will.
I am a 30 year old male, working as a manager and physiotherapist in a hospital at diffrent nursing departments.
Working as a physiotherapist was never a dream job, and neither is my current management role.
It feels as a feather in the wind, where without too much conscious control I just "randomly" ended up here as a manager in a hospital. Although it pays a decent salary, it is not what I want.
So knowing that I want to get out of my current situation I need a plan B, and you guess it, that plan is poker.
I've been playing for a few years recreational, breaking even in micro cash-game and slightly losing in MTT's.
I Barly did any studying. Although I did well in college, I've always been a lazy mofo when there was no urgent reason to study like exams in collage.
I've been doing 5-10 hours weekly studying the last few weeks and it feels like my game is evolving fast. Understanding fundamental mechanics & concepts, and implementing these into the game has something satisfying.
My pitfall is my laziness in studying, which counts for most players I guess. It's easy to grind for 5 hours, but so much harder to study the same amount of time. That's why I gave myself the 2:1 rule, 2 hours of study translates to 1 hour grinding. The ratio will change along the way but it's a good start I think.
Poker/Life goals
I think it's good to have a vision, and it is months, more likely years away, but it feels good to say/type it out loud: I want to become a professional poker player.
I'm currently working 32 hours a week, aiming for 25 hours a week dedicating to poker (including weekends obv.)
Specific goals:
- Be active on 2+2
- Track and develop my mental game
- Strict BR management, and share everything with you guys
- Don't play impulsive, only scheduled sessions
- Exercise 4 times a week
- Tracking mental health, and productivity
- If this poker thing works out, look for opportunities to work less in the hospital, towards to point where I can quit
- Travel more
Not a goal, but if I made the BR, and play 200nlz at the end of 2024 I would be really F*cking proud of myself.
I started with a $350 bankroll around december last year. Currently the BR is at $615, mostly from playing 5NL & additional bonuses.
What I will share:
- The Study-grind: What I'm working on, how motivated I am, and what progress I made
- Results & bankroll report
- Lifestyle situation, without boring you guys
- Work situation, same as above, without boring you guys
- To challenge myself
- To motivated others
- To make (poker) friends
- To become more disciplined
- To do somthing I love
Lastly I want to share what made me write this topic.
Few months ago I found KidCudi147's blog "MY LAST SHOT AT POKER". The story is amazing, from a $20br to beating >200NL in fast pace.
The threat is motivation fuel, and I want to do the same, and maybe even faster.
I started this blog earlier end of last year, but scince I used the same username on 2+2 and on GGpoker, I decided after some of you advised me to start the Blog on a new account, so here we are.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I'll keep you guys posted!
8 Replies
Current hands played / WR:
GLGL, looks like a similar story to mine.
For me biggest improvment was understanding my mental flaws, playing sessions with bigger breaks and most importantly personal coaching (someone with experience that can quickly fix leaks in my game). Still far from my goals but going in right direction, playing 25nl.
Keep us updated.
Thank you brother!
GLGL, looks like a similar story to mine.
For me biggest improvment was understanding my mental flaws, playing sessions with bigger breaks and most importantly personal coaching (someone with experience that can quickly fix leaks in my game). Still far from my goals but going in right direction, playing 25nl.
Keep us updated.
Hey man, good to know that there is more people sharing a similar story.
The mental flaws are definitely there. Currently reading the mental game of poker 2. Got a lot out of the first book, second part is more practical, playing in the zone, warm-up/cool-down, setting goals etc. Interesting stuff.
GL with your goals!
Looking forward to reading your thread, best of luck!
Thanks for the kind words! Appreciate it
100k hands into 5NL, happy with the results:
Bankroll start: $350
Current Bankroll: $670,3
$ Won / $ Won EV adjusted: $287 / $224,5
$ from bonus/RB: $33
Bonus contains:
- Badbeat JP; Rush&Cash leaderboards; GGcheers freerolls
Current goal:
Excited to start at 10NL.
Going the use the last 4 days of March to study my ass off and analyze the first 100k hands
Aiming for 100k hands on 10NL in April
Aiming for 50 hours study in April
Study will be database / hand analyse next 4 days, will be sharing some thoughts here as well.
In April I will mostly be focused on board textures in 3b pots; finishing the mental game of poker II, and river calls.
Thanks for reading!
Maybe I can help you a bit with db analysis, I'm trying to mess around with that lately. If you are interested pm me your discord. If you rather do it yourself, thats fine also ofcourse 😀 glgl!
Maybe I can help you a bit with db analysis, I'm trying to mess around with that lately. If you are interested pm me your discord. If you rather do it yourself, thats fine also ofcourse 😀 glgl!
Hey man, good to see you’re still active on the forum, hope everything is going well poker and life wise.
Of course I’d love take your advice, just pm’d you 😀