My goals
Well I’ve been away for a while. I played regularly around 15 years ago till about 10 years ago. I then stopped online and only played live sporadically.
Anyway now I’m back I’m trying to build a roll on GG poker. I deposited $10 on Friday and I’m currently up to $22 (from an ath of $25)
My game is rush and cash 0.01/0.02. My goal/plan is to beat this game and get to $100 then move up to 0.02/0.05. And then onwards from there.
I don’t get a huge amount of time to play that’s why I play rush and cash as I can get a good amount of hands in short amount of time.
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Just finished a small session.
Had some unreal luck flopping a set of 8s then turning quads with a bet and then a re raise into me. Won 2 buyins on that hand alone!
Current bank role at $26.55