Bankroll Challenge Ignition $20 - $10,000

Bankroll Challenge Ignition $20 - $10,000

Making this post to keep myself accountable. My biggest issue has been bankroll management and winner's tilt.

So here are the rules for myself that I will follow:

1. I will never play for more 1% of my bankroll, or at the lowest stakes if that is not possible.
2. I will take 3-5 minutes to prepare myself mentally before each session.
3. I will write down any hands I believe I played questionably immediately after the hand.
4. I will never play more than two tables at a time and never multitask while playing.
5. After 3 questionable plays, I will always quit.

Every Saturday, I will reflect on my performance and post my worst hands because I want to be proud of being able focus, as well as being able to quit when I am tilted or not at my A-game. I will post my bankroll every Saturday as a high score of sorts to be proud of as well.

01 July 2024 at 12:12 AM

4 Replies

I think if everyone followed these rules, a lot of players would have much better results. Good luck with your challenge 😀

If I were you, I might change rule #1, especially at the lowest stakes. While it sounds fun and exciting from the outset to do a bankroll challenge, getting trapped in micros for infinite hands is mind-numbingly boring both for you and any readers. I would at least advocate for making that number 2% or even 2.5-3% and adopting more aggressive brm. If that's too much, I would suggest being more aggressive at micros and then getting a bit more conservative as you move up the stakes. 100 bi brm is very conservative, and it will take you a very long time to move up stakes even with a solid winrate. We're talking about 100k+ hands here, which is a lot of real time 2 tabling micros.

Thank you Dunecelanas. For me, it's not a true bankroll challenge in the sense that I want to challenge myself, I'm doing the challenge because I can't afford to add to my bankroll at the moment. This has to work for me and if I bust, I'll have to wait another month before I get to grind again which I really don't want to do. But I'll definitely consider a 2% at the micros when my bankroll reaches $200.

Best of luck, and we look forward to your updates!

by slyless k

Best of luck, and we look forward to your updates!

Yep, best of luck OP. If you follow your rules, then you should have success.
