I am jawcheek.I am in start of my 30s and i am from Slovenija.I have a security job and i am playing basketball in league.I have previous background as a poker player since 2011.My new chalenger is going from 100 $ to 1000$. Start is from nl5 and some micro tournamets.I will post graph and results daily. I will be playing on GG poker and Pokerstars,and i will play 2-3 hours pretty much every day,
Day 1:100$
crazy last 24 hours graph:
Hej i am done with poker for today.Bad cash game session and played some tournaments but did not cash any.I am tired and not 100 % focused.Need a break from game.I have 2 night shifts and basketball game on sunday.
Day 16: -18$
Bankroll:470 $
Yes it did. Poker is crazy somethimes.
Hej played 4 hours today.Again collers and not running the best and fish always have hands.Played some tournaments cashed some .
Day 17:+30$
Bankroll: 500$
GG rush graph nl5:
bad day.I come home from night shift,and i had basketball game.When i come home i was playing tournaments and cash game.Verry bad run on both.
Day 18:-32
Very bad run on tournaments and also cash game.I am taking 3 days break from poker.
Day 19:-80$
Couple of things i was thinking to improve my game.I will move up to nl10 and play regular tables 4-5.Tournaments are over for me at the moment.
Hello i am back at the tables.I cashed really nice score first day back.I was 4 in big 11 on pokerstars for 300$.I satelited in.I will be playing only on pokerstars from now.NL10 cash game and MTTs
Goals for the next days:
-Training 5x
-No tilt at poker tables
-Low stress of tables
-Eat more healthy
Day 20: +240$
Hey i am curently playing nl10 tables and some MTTs .Mindset is finally pretty good.I am also eating more healthy and training daily.
Day 21 and 22:+36$
Hello i am very happy with my mental game.Good trainings and no alcohol is paying off.
Day 23: +35$
Finaly this work week is over.I have basketball trainig and then i am resting .Played 3 hours today.Cash game pretty god tournaments not so.
Day 23: +25$
Its one month into my challenge and day 24 playing.I learned much this month.Results are pretty great in my opinion.I will continue with challenge.Today was pretty tough day.Bad run and then nice score in heads up MTT.
Day 24: +61$
Started day with going to work from 6-2.Then from 3 to 7 was grind of tournaments.I satellited into some bigger tournaments and in one i cashed pretty nice(100$).Overall happy with game.
Day 25: +96$
My playing day is already over.I woke up early with my girlfriend and she went to job and i played for 2 hours(tournaments breakeven,cash game plus).Now going to gym and little rest before going to work from 2-10.
Day 26:+19$
Bankroll: 900$
Today was solid day.I played two 2 hours seasons(cash game nice plus,tournaments not so).Did some cleaning and now training and then night shift.
I am curently playing zoom nl5 and tournaments and SNG buyins max 3 dollars
Day 27:+8$
Played 3 hours today.Again very nice cash game results but tournaments minus.I have 2 night shift today and basketball training before.
Day 28:+24$
Very bad day.I played my game but cards were not on my side.I played 5 hours mostly tournaments.Now basketball training and tomorow is new day.
Day 29:-52$
Again bad day.Tournaments are really tough at the moment.Done for today.I have basketball game later.
Day 30: -23$
Bankroll: 857$
Best of luck and hope you get it done this month!
I think cash games is the way to go. Mtt can be fun way to spend a day off from cash games.