$800 (online) to >$12,500 than Vegas- lets talk poker

$800 (online) to >$12,500 than Vegas- lets talk poker

Hello fellow poker players. I'm going to update my bankroll maybe go over some hands and include some sportsbets.. just want to create an atmosphere where if anyone wants to talk cards or be open about anything on they're mind they can(as will I) been through a recent downswing and after being up in life at the game but I'm around I'd say anywhere from $15k to $40k. Been playing since 20 y.o. love the game and am 40y.o. in February. Was up up untill a few years ago. Have played sporadically but am now committed to make it work.

25 September 2024 at 10:20 PM

1 Reply

You are planning to play full time? Are you currently working?

You only have 800 to start with or you just want the challenge?

Good luck!
