Freedom is a lonely road - Live Cash Game Grind
I am writing this blog post more as a journal/expression of my day to day activities + poker related content.
Im currently doing a 50 day stint of poker (<5 rest days, playing 8-12hrs per day) and im already 2 weeks in. I feel this is important for me to dump my thoughts and feelings as I am starting to experience some resistance and setbacks of the big grind. I dont necessarily want to give away all the information of where I am playing and what games as it may affect my bottom line. Again its just more of a place to express. If ppl feel the need or want to comment on either my day+activites or the poker HH then go for it. I may or may not reply. Knowing myself I will probably go through phases of being active and inactive. Im learning alot about myself both poker wise and as a person, test of character.
My current emotional state is a concoction of excited, motivated, fatigued, determined.
Ive been listening to Sun Tzus Art of War for some inspiration. Developing the warrior like mindset.
My diet is reasonably in check (apart from a few bin sessions which result in a detour past 7-11 for an ice cream before bed lol).
Ive been exercising every day with a combination of walking in the sun, weights, boxing, low intensity bike rides and sauna sessions.
Im currently 17 days in and im up 10 buyins. Im averaging 9.37 hrs per day.
I might back track with some HHs or just go from the most recent session.
Ok ill leave a little trailer. This is live 9 handed
Blinds: 100-200 (40k eff)
Player: unknown other than not very active in last 3 hrs (easily could be card dead, but also not showing fishy signs).
Spot: 4 bet pot CO vs BTN
V rfi CO 500
Hero 3bet AhKd 1700
V 4bet 6500
Hero call....
13200 - JJ9r
cbet 3500
20200 - 3d bdfd
bet 8000
36200 - Ac
he jams ¬20k
I call
He has JTo.
Obviously I dont expect this exact combo but when ppl in this pool 4 bet pre then BBJ its very concerning. I tanked for a while on river for what seems a crystal clear call. I should probably just fold the turn but I convinced myself theres a world he has Ax diamonds on turn. Maybe AK that gives up river and I can bluff jam him off. Little Jx. QQ and KK maybe even check turn a bunch.
I do have a tendency to station and call down in big pots cause my ego gets in the way ( not watning to lose the pot) which I know is bad because its expensive given ppl underbluff these kinds of nodes.
UTG opens 600
UTG1 super fish calls 600
Hero calls A3dd BTN
BB calls (standard reg)
We are all about 40k eff.
2500 - 334xhh
X to me
I bet 1k
BB calls
Superfish XR 4k
I think about 3 betting flop (and in heinsight I still prefer this) but I call
BB calls again
Check to me.
I think my hand can go either way here, definately can see a case for betting. But I think when BB calls twice he has a really nutted hand, most likely some combo/NFD. The superfish probably just barrels alot of his value too so when he checks I think betting is definately good. With that being said, multiway checkraises are also under bluffed. I end up checking.
Qx, so bricks out.
BB bets 7000
Superfish now raises to 15000
I end up folding
BB jams 35k
Superfish tank folds
Fkn weird hand. I end up talking to the reg who had 44 obviously. I was planning to call his bet if the fish folds. If the fish calls its a tricky spot.
One more..
6 handed 100-200 40k eff
BTN very active (seemingly competent reg?) isos a fish limp to 800
Hero 3b J9hh BB 3500
Fish folds
Reg calls
7.3k - Th 3x 2x
Cbet 2400
13.1k - Kh
When this card lands I asked the service girl for a dry towel..
I bet 8000 (can size up here abit i think like 9-10k is better)
He calls
29.1k 4h
Ok ima need the whole laundry shop now pls service..
I jam about 23k and he snaps worse.
** I thought this guy was ****ing around having vpiped like 20/30 hands. He might of been and I just ran into it in this hand (given he snapped). Its tough to know with live given the small hand sample, random player pool changing so much and also live card distribution factor. Veryp ossible to run good or bad in a short sample. So I kinda got binned for thinking he was abit OOL. Again my ego decided to say so otherwise. But lesson here is always to bluff with equity.. and get there. That helps.
About to fire off another session now. Im sore AF from gym and my energy is on the lower side but I am going to set the intention of really dialing in every single hand. No going on my phone between hands and taking a 5-10 min walk every 90 minutes to keep fresh. Quality > Quantity.
GL us & run it onceeeeeee
4 Replies
Nice good stuff keep it up!
Whats the stakes like usd/hkd/peso?
Well what better time to create this post then have the biggest losing session ever that same day? Poker certainly does one thing well and that is challenge your spirit and who you are at its core. Your best sessions and win can massively inflate and delude your ego whilst your biggest losses can pose a threat on your existance and question where your morals are, who you are as a person and how you deal with it.
I said in a very wild 100-200-400 game and lost 100k (argubaly not even that much for the action/size of the game) (the max buyin is 80k).
I had the Jesus seat to both the VIP and the passive whale followed by 4 inactive nits to my left.
The kind of game where the passive whale (Pwhale) was blind calling anything up to 5k pre then checking his cards on the flop.
I got into a big pot vs the aggro whale (Awhale):
(Awhale on BB)
(Pwhale on STD)
4 callers
BB squeezes to 14k
I make it 30k
He calls
Heads up
65k - 974r
He checks
I bet 15k he jams.. Im like well if you have AA its just GG and he asks me to show cause he thinks I have a set. I said nah I called you then he is hesitant to show on the river. So I was like ok fine he clearly has a dust hand which he certainly did but he had 74o hahaha. I felt abit tilted but then same time hes the VIP so theres no ethics and if hes happy im happy cause the game is flowing.
A few orbits later after hes on his high perch. Him and Pwhale got into a spot in a limped pot and somehow played another 100k pot.
Im on STD 400 with KTo
Awhale limps SB
Swhale calls
I check
He bets pot (2k)
SWhale makes it 7k
Awhale makes it 17k
Swhale calls
Awhale checks
Swhale bets 5k (into 36 or sth lol)
Awhale raises 10k
Swhale calls
Awhale checks
Swhale bets 20k
Awhale snaps
Swhale shows 2nd nuts - J8o
Awhale flashes a Q and mucks.....
wtf is going on.
We finish at 7am but man what a game.
I feel like God is testing me. Time to unbin this and get to work!
Cool diary and good luck
How’s the games and the rake ?