Life and PLO$ full time challenge $50 - $250k
Hello everyone!
Today I’m starting a new poker and life challenge. A few years ago, I was an MTT (multi-table tournament) regular, and now I’m returning with a completely new challenge.
At this moment, I have food and housing for 30 days, with all utilities paid. I also have a bankroll of $50, which is all I have. I don’t have any additional support, no friends or family in this journey. I am fully all-in on this challenge, and although I know the odds of success aren’t high, I am determined to give it a try.
My focus will be on playing PLO5, a variant I’m familiar with, although I’m aware of the high variance it entails. My strategy will be to use 25bis per level and play some MTTs with a 50bis rule. The variance in PLO5 is brutal, but I trust my experience to manage it.
In addition to my poker sessions, I’ll also focus on staying physically and mentally fit. I’ll be exercising and practicing meditation to improve my concentration and mindset, both key factors for being a successful player.
Throughout the challenge, I’ll be updating my progress daily, sharing my learnings, wins, losses, and reflections on this adventure.
Lastly, I’d like to share the graphs of my bankroll right before starting this challenge. Please note that the graphs are not completely accurate, as GG Poker doesn’t include rake in them.
MTT Graph
PLO5 Graph (not accurate)
See you in the daily updates!
3 Replies
bro post "see you in the daily updates!" then disappeared lmao
Hello! im sprry for being away for few days, got sick and wasnt able to play.
So far, I've completed my first two sessions: Monday and Tuesday, each with 5k hands played and a profit of $80. I’ll post the graph, though it’s a bit inaccurate since GG doesn’t account for the rake.
A few things I’ve learned during these first two sessions:
9 hours straight of playing PLO5 is really draining, especially when 9 tabling and I only took 2 short breaks of 5 minutes. For tomorrow, I’ll try splitting my time into two 4.5-hour sessions with a 30-minute break in the middle to rest.
As for my actual game, I identified a couple of mistakes I think are easy to fix. However, the most important thing I realized is that my biggest area for improvement is mental game. Even when the session is going well, I struggle a bit with my mindset when complications arise.
I also think my sleep has been affecting my performance. The last two nights, I haven’t been sleeping well due to pain in my feet from the cold weather here in my city.
Posting my graph so far, its little off coz GG doesnt count rake
Today was a physically tough day. The pain in my feet was stronger than usual, which made it hard for me to wake up at my usual 5:30 AM. I ended up getting out of bed at 7:30 AM instead. I played only 4 tables because I was struggling to concentrate. I finished with 1.8k hands and a profit of $25.I also managed to get a good score in a $1 hyper for around $200, so my bankroll is now sitting at $350.
I’ve been reading the posts here, and I really appreciate all the feedback. I understand the low chances, but I enjoy the challenge.
Tomorrow, I’ll be moving up to 0.2/0.5 and plan to play at least 15k hands at that level before I consider jumping to 0.05/0.10
Now it’s time to relax, spend time with babygirl, and rest up!