Tracking my results

Tracking my results

Hi, ITT I want to keep track of my results over 2025. Currently my roll is at 4.2k I play 50 PLO, 4, 5 and 6 card, maybe I'll take some shots... Goal for end of year is hit 20k, I want to study more as well, and need to find good ways to study my sessions on GG. Probably I'll use GG's own tracker software...

Wish me luck!

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19 December 2024 at 07:49 PM

54 Replies


Played some 100PLO5 today, 5 tables, ran hotter than the sun: roll at 6465

today's graph... a lot above all in EV... but a very winning day! Played some 100PLO6 to end the day, and ran very hot again... roll back above 7k: 7046

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10k roll when?

Do you feel the diffrence in games fishiness between December and January?

Best of luck in your grind!

by DeeKayBee k

10k roll when?

Soon I hope 😉

Do you feel the diffrence in games fishiness between December and January?

Best of luck in your grind!

Thanks... Yeah I do think December is traditionally the fishiest month, but still plenty of fish to go around in January IMO...

In other news, I finally took a successful shot at 200PLO5, and won two stacks... Roll at 7657

played a bit here and there today, some very soft 200PLO6, lots of 100PLO5... endresult is ~breakeven for the day: 7618
