I WANT HIGHSTAKES - Starting at NL25
Hello guys, this thread mostly is to motivate myself and share all my results.First of all i want to apologize for my poor English, i speak 2 other languages fluently and English is my 3rd language. I will be posting on here once a week with the weekly and also with the overall graph.
Let`s first start with who I am. I am a 28 year old guy who made lots of mistakes in his past. Currently i have to pay off dept around 25k€. I live in Europe, in my country the average income is about 45k€/year.
So some might think, why would I play NL25 for a living if i could do much more just working? You got a fair point. Obviously I dont want to stay at NL25 for a long time but since i have to withdraw money every month, it will be a bit more difficult to move up in stakes.
Currently, I am playing on Coinpoker because of low rake and decent rakeback with a deposit Bonus. I started playing on Coinpoker a few weeks ago, on 9.12.24
What are my goals? The main goal for 2025 is to move up to atleast NL200. IF i dont make it to NL200 by the end of 2025 im most likely gonna quit Poker and look for something else.
Is it possible to go from NL25 to NL200 in 1 year? Yes, it absolutely is possible. It might be difficult in my shoes because of the dept i have to pay off in 2025 aswell but atlest I want to give it a try.
Currently, after 33k hands which dont include this weeks hands : https://gyazo.com/24fdfb12bff05cdc423605...
For a long time i was thinking about looking for a Staking + Coaching but i decided to try this on my own since i dont really know any Poker players and I dont have any friends that play poker on a good level.
I would NEVER join a CFP, imo CFP is a big scam.
If you guys are interested in my journey, follow please.
I will be posting every Monday.
Thanks for reading !
10 Replies
Good luck with your progress, what is the field like on coinpoker?
Field is pretty good imo, there are some regs but these arent really good. But a lot of punty players
So overall its pretty good but also depends on what time of the day you play. European night time is the best
Thanks for the gl
sick results over 33k hands. I think we are playing on coin vs one another at the moment. Im unfinishedbiz.
GLGL at the tables.
Hey bro, hmu we can study together. Gl, its a pleasure battling wt u on nl25. I wanna play nl100 in 4-5 months, I’m already giving some shots on nl50. See u on CP buddy
Funny how a bunch of HSNL players credit their CFP for their success, but you as a 25nl player have written it off as a scam.
Altho to be fair, I would never recommend a 25nl player to join a CFP. So much material out there that reaching nl200-500 should not be an issue. Any CFP who takes 25nl players is most likely bad
Funny how a bunch of HSNL players credit their CFP for their success, but you as a 25nl player have written it off as a scam.
Altho to be fair, I would never recommend a 25nl player to join a CFP. So much material out there that reaching nl200-500 should not be an issue. Any CFP who takes 25nl players is most likely bad
I think he means you should get staking as well for 50% of profits. I agree with banana in the sense that pure CFP for 50% is wildy one sided in favour of the CFP. I have played for stables in the past for mtts and always done a 50/50 deal with makeup.
If your ev is 60-80k/yr and your paying 30-40k for just coaching, while taking on all the risk, its a slippery slope for the player. The CFPs hourly is extremely high with little to no downside if your not playing in the same games as the coaches your really not taking much ev away from them directly.
Bananaplay69 "For a long time i was thinking about looking for a Staking + Coaching but i decided to try this on my own since i dont really know any Poker players and I dont have any friends that play poker on a good level."
Try looking on Discord bro, there are several communities with fóruns debating hands
Funny how a bunch of HSNL players credit their CFP for their success, but you as a 25nl player have written it off as a scam.
Altho to be fair, I would never recommend a 25nl player to join a CFP. So much material out there that reaching nl200-500 should not be an issue. Any CFP who takes 25nl players is most likely bad
I mean you said it yourself - Any CFP who takes 25nl players is most likely bad
Maybe i shouldnt declare all CFP for scam, but imo a CFP doesnt really care about one specific player, they just try to get as many players in and some of them are gonna make profit.
I mean most of these contracts are like this : play at least 50k hands a month on regular tables only. 50/50 split. Get like 1 hour of 1on1 coaching per month and maybe 2hr/week of group coaching.
After 3-6 months you might get a database review to find your leaks.
Maybe im wrong, correct me if i am.
So lets get to last week. I didnt really play good poker if im honest. I got tilted way too often, i dont even know why. Happens i guess and whining doesnt get me anywhere. Just have to accept it and focus more on playing good poker and not tilting like a monkey.
Last weeks graph :
I ran way above EV, got it in bad too often and just got lucky. Not really proud of that. Running way above EV made me some money. I also got 2 x $87.9 from the deposit bonus and gonna get some rakeback at some point today.
Overall graph
Since i have cleared my deposit bonus, im gonna try to sell my CHP somehow and withdraw my money. For January im going to play on iPoker. Got a good deal for iPoker where im going to get around 50% rakeback.
Honest opinion on Coinpoker : Some days the games are really good but some days it is just a battle vs regs. Those regs might be making more mistakes then i do but i would rather play against weak players then against regs.
Also, i dont want to be playing all night to have the highest EV. I want to play at daytimes and sleep at night. At daytimes there are like 6-8 tables of NL25 running but mostly just regs playing and clearing their deposit bonuses aswell.