5bb - 15bb shoving, raising, and calling ranges HU - 6max

5bb - 15bb shoving, raising, and calling ranges HU - 6max

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to find solutions for 5bb up to around 15bb raising, calling, and shoving. This game typically plays with 3 or 4 players, sometimes up to 6.

Please can you point me in the direction of these ranges if someone has made them available, or otherwise let me know the best tool to make them myself?

Also [separate question, maybe better suited to poker theory] the max buy in to the game is capped at 5bb, so sometimes one or several players will have 20bb stacks while the others have only 5bb. In this scenario, does the short or big stacks have the EV advantage?

04 October 2024 at 11:51 AM

1 Reply

hrc is your friend (esp if you wanna have limp or mr in the mix as well)

if you want pure ship/fold ranges, hrc has that on their website (this one is free, but for 15bb rather useless 😀 )
