Holdem Manager Support

Holdem Manager Support

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25 June 2007 at 09:05 PM

160 Replies


by PaulyJames200x k

After my HEM3 subscription expired, I know there has been several HEM3 updates after that. But I wanted to know from others if that fixed the stars tournament results recording correctly with the rebuys and reentries and addons.

I answered as I had played something similar recently, and our other customers generally don't reply to those types of posts from other customers here.

by PaulyJames200x k

Did you ever tested stars tournaments that are reentries? I should have used that word instead as not many tournaments on stars are rebuys these days I believe. It's all reentries. ........

You sent me some hands and summaries recently, and they all imported with proper results for me using our latest versions.

If you want the proper results without having to manually edit them you will need to renew your Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan, update HM3 to version and then reimport your archive.

If you renew and update, see the linked FAQ for more details about the reimport process here - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

When you say if you want the proper results by manually editing them, what do you mean by that exactly? Do you have to request tournament summary of all the tournaments you played during the session from stars? Then look through each one and enter yourself your win/loss and the amount of reentries you did each on every tournament? I did recall back then when requesting tournament histories on stars a while back, it would tell you what place you finished in each tournament but you are literally checking each of them manually 1 by 1? So if you played 20 tournaments total in a session, you going to have to do that yourself? However, I don't recall it tells you how many reentries you made for each tournament in those tournament histories from stars or do they? Haven't requested any tournament history from stars in a while.

Okay. Will most likely renew and update it if that is case that it imports correctly with the new updated HEM3.

by PaulyJames200x k

When you say if you want the proper results by manually editing them, what do you mean by that exactly? Do you have to request tournament summary of all the tournaments you played during the session from stars? Then look through each one and enter yourself your win/loss and the amount of reentries you did each on every tournament? I did recall back then when requesting tournament histories on stars a while back, it would tell you what place you finished in each tournament but you are literall

If you do not renew your S/M and update HM3 then reimport the old hands and summaries, you will need to manually edit the results of each tournament via the Reports - Tournaments - Tournaments - right-click a tournament in the upper half of the report grid - Edit - Tournament Editor, then edit as needed and click 'OK' to save the edits.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

I keep getting multiple security flags for the Advanced Poker Tools Converter. The website was flagged as being suspicious by my virus/malware programs, and according to virustotal website, one of the extracted files ("clubgg32.dll") was flagged by 44 security vendors:


In addition, the suspicious file was resilient to deletion--I had to boot up in safe mode to remove it.

I emailed AdvancedPokerTools about it, and the only response I received was this:

"Hello! It's a false alert, you can add our software to exception of antivirus and use, more than thousand players already using our converters, this is proof of the safety of our software"

The reply does not instill me with a lot of confidence. Have others experienced a similar problem? Is the software safe?

by Entrenko k

I keep getting multiple security flags for the Advanced Poker Tools Converter. The website was flagged as being suspicious by my virus/malware programs, and according to virustotal website, one of the extracted files ("clubgg32.dll") was flagged by 44 security vendors:


In addition, the suspicious file was resilient to deletion--I had to boot up in safe mode to remove it.

I emailed Advanced

Writing hand histories for sites that do not provide hand histories requires programming techniques which can incorrectly be flagged as a virus or trojan. Advanced Poker Tools have been around for a few years now and there have not been any known security issues (other than false positives via scan). With that said, Advanced Poker Tools is not our software nor have we reviewed their code base. I would suggest you submit the files to your antivirus software provider, state that you believe the file may be incorrectly being flagged as malware and they will be able to do some research on the file.

FWIW: I personally installed the Advanced Chico Converter a week or two ago for testing and did not receive any alerts from my Windows Defender.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

HM3 Hud didn't work for ACR yest. Haven't played ACR in weeks. Looks like ACR made me install update yest too. Maybe that's why it didn't work? HM3 hud was working on other sites yest. I'm using up to date version of HM3.

by slimshady1999 k

HM3 Hud didn't work for ACR yest. Haven't played ACR in weeks. Looks like ACR made me install update yest too. Maybe that's why it didn't work? HM3 hud was working on other sites yest. I'm using up to date version of HM3.

1) Restart the computer.
2) Uninstall/Reinstall your WPN poker client.
3) Update your WPN poker client and close it
4) Restart HM3 and ensure HM3 and the HM3 Server (Auto Import/HUD) are fully started.
5) Launch your poker client(s).

If you continue to have problems:

Try creating a new folder on your computer such as C:\WPNHands and C:\WPNTourneys then set your WPN client to save both the hands/results here in their settings/options and set HM3 to Auto Import from there in the Tools - Site Settings - Auto Import Folders menu - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...

Please ensure that you remove all the auto-import folders that are not being used for the default hand history path of the site. Having duplicate paths for the same site can sometimes cause the HUD to fail, even if the hands are being imported to the database.

If none of that helps please reproduce the issue and screenshot the tables/HM3 then send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of this FAQ - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

can i import GG hands to HEM2 or do i need to get a newer tracker?

by Keruli k

can i import GG hands to HEM2 or do i need to get a newer tracker?

Unfortunately, HM2 never supported the import of GG hand history and tournament summary files. You will need to get a new tracker like HM3, PT4, etc.



There is no hud stat of percentage a player bets when checked to? There is only the stat total bet vs cbet.

by PaulyJames200x k

There is no hud stat of percentage a player bets when checked to? There is only the stat total bet vs cbet.

The closest thing that comes to mind is:

Flop Bet vs Missed CBet: Percent of time player bets when opponent missed flop continuation bet


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

Okay so no tracker has a stat like that then and the closest is the flop bet vs missed cbet? So PT doesn't either or I have to ask that there? Because when I notice the stat for a player that was betting almost every single flop when checked to them, it showed a really low percentage for flopbet vs missed cbet.

So if it's an unraised pot that is why? Also if it's multiway and that player bets at a multiway pot, it only counts to the flop bet vs missed cbet if the pot is unraised? I was curious how a player's flop bet vs missed cbet was so low when they were almost betting everytime. It was like 10% or even lower. The thing is I'm pretty sure almost all those pots were not unraised pots. I recall there was a poster that mentioned a while back that one of the stats they use... they compared it with HEM2 and the stat on players for HEM3 was much different than HEM2. Did that issue get fixed? I recall that player said it was some stat on 3betting and said it was completely different numbers for HEM2 and HEM3.

by PaulyJames200x k

Okay so no tracker has a stat like that then and the closest is the flop bet vs missed cbet? So PT doesn't either or I have to ask that there? Because when I notice the stat for a player that was betting almost every single flop when checked to them, it showed a really low percentage for flopbet vs missed cbet.

So if it's an unraised pot that is why? Also if it's multiway and that player bets at a multiway pot, it only counts to the flop bet vs missed cbet if the pot is unraised? I was curi

Theres also 'Bet Flop% In Pos', that will count all bets on flop when others check.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

Does that stat means assuming everyone has checked to that person? Thus whether it's heads up or multiway and not with even 1 player let to act? There is that bet flop % in position for turn and river as well. But there is no total bet in position % overall?

by PaulyJames200x k

Does that stat means assuming everyone has checked to that person? Thus whether it's heads up or multiway and not with even 1 player let to act?

It is impossible to bet if everyone doesn't check. If you face a bet, you cannot bet. Therefore, it assumes everyone checked.

by PaulyJames200x k

There is that bet flop % in position for turn and river as well. But there is no total bet in position % overall?

We have a 'Postflop Bet' stat for 'Percent of time player bets postflop' but it doesn't yet have a HUD Item Property for 'Has Position = In Position' like some of our other stats so it will include IP and OP hands in the data.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

Hi guys, new to HM3, I used to work with HM2, can I use the same hud I was using for HM2 ? also can I import hands from PT4 to HM3?

by Bill_GateS k

Hi guys, new to HM3, I used to work with HM2, can I use the same hud I was using for HM2 ?

If you still have HM2 installed on the same PC you can use the HM3 - HUD - 'Import HM2 HUDS...' option. If HM2 is not installed and/or you have an exported 'MyHM2HUD.xml' you will have to use the HM3 - HUD - HUD Editor... - 'Options' button 'Import HM2 Profile' option.

by Bill_GateS k

also can I import hands from PT4 to HM3?

You have to manually import the original hands to HM3 via the 'File' - 'Import Folder...' option from the PT4 'Processed' hands folder - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...

In PT4, if you go to:

Configure > Site & Import Options > Preferences

it will show if, and exactly where, processed hands are moved for your particular system.

If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/wind...


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

pm send

Has anybody experienced this?
Any solutions?

by bka11 k

Has anybody experienced this?
Any solutions?

First, try setting exceptions for HM3 in your Firewall as instructed here.

If you continue to have problems try disabling your Windows Defender Ransomwa....

If none of that helps please reproduce and screenshot the error then send us your log files, along with the screenshots and details of what steps preceded the error to a support ticket.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

Anyone know if HM2 works at Champion Poker (Ipoker)? . Ty

by Chiffo k

Anyone know if HM2 works at Champion Poker (Ipoker)? . Ty

If Champion Poker writes local hand history files, like the majority of IPoker skins, then HM3 should work on that site. Please see our IPoker Setup Guide for more details.

If you continue to have problems please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and reproduce the issue then send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of that FAQ with a link to this forum thread and your forum username.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

by Holdem Manager k

If Champion Poker writes local hand history files, like the majority of IPoker skins, then HM3 should work on that site. Please see our IPoker Setup Guide for more details.

If you continue to have problems please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and reproduce the issue then send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of that FAQ with a link to this forum thread and your forum username.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

And HM2? Ty

by Chiffo k

And HM2? Ty

Unfortunately, I do not know which sites HM2* still works with. If you have an HM2 license you can try to set up HM2 with IPoker and test it on some micro stakes tables to see if HM2 still works at IPoker.

*HM2 support and updates ended on Dec 31, 2020, so it will likely not work at many of the sites it used to support. You will need to upgrade to HM3 for future technical support. You can read more about the HM2 End Of Life here - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowledge-b...


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager


I am not getting a HUD on Ignition. A message says that Ignition Hand Grabber has an Out of Date File. Then there are instructions that I do not understand, like "

  1. ".

    Please advise.

