Looking for GTO freaks to share the rent of a server. (MASSIVE solving)

Looking for GTO freaks to share the rent of a server. (MASSIVE solving)


I am part of a group of GTO freaks playing mainly small-stakes NLHE (online).
We have already solved all the 1755 flops in 4bet and 3bet pots.
The next step is to solve BTN vs BB single-raised-pot and afterwards, we are basically going to solve every solvable spot.
We are about to begin this massive project which requires us to rent a server with an extremely powerful CPU and a huge amount of ram (~ 150GB).
Of course, we will need to buy a license key for the solver and the rent of a server, so we are now looking for players to share the costs with.
We are not looking for many players, we prefer to work with a small group of serious and reliable people.
If you are interested in this project send me a private message.

18 December 2020 at 08:00 PM

2 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Hi, I'm interested in the project, I myself running sims rtoo. My discord is dabbb#4654

by bigburge10 k

I assume you're providing 5 sizings (the max GTO+ allows) per betting option offered? If so, why?

Depends on position. SB versus BB srp can easily be 200 gigs+ with just 3 sizes per a action per a street if you have small sizings on the flop
