What are your thoughts on having flop leads?

What are your thoughts on having flop leads?

It seems pretty well established that solvers play leads (donks) on the flop on certain board textures. Secifically textures where the caller has a nut advantage, such as low connected boards in BBvsIP SRP, as well as lower boards in 3b pots.

What are your thoughts on playing flop donks? Do you think the effort required to study and implement them in ones game justifies the additional EV gained in GTO? Or, are they worth having exploitatively as people are likely to play poorly against them?

How do your thoughts WRT donking differ OTF vs OTT?

15 November 2023 at 10:00 PM

1 Reply

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There are a few spots GTO says you´re supposed to lead (donk), on flops, turns, or rivers. Before answering your question, I'm gonna tell you quite a few people on the micros are simplifying, or being told to simplify, their IP strategies on SRP, and bet a lot (range bet), and it is in fact a good strategy when taken on the aggregate. But think this, when solver splits between leads and check, it arrives with a very different range then when it is locked to check everything, the 100% checking range is obviously stronger. When you have such a stronger range than GTO, but your opponent is still betting more than he should, what do you think will happen with your strategy?

So no, I wouldn´t implement leads, but would make sure I´m very good on how to respond to population overcbetting in spots they shouldn´t be doing it, as I think this will give me more EV. Maybe at HS or vs very tough opponents, not the avg 25nl/50nl guy.
