adjusting preflop ranges to postflop stats
We open BTN 2,5x, BB 3b 15% range to 9bb (fold to 5b 60%). He postflop always range cb for 40%.
How do we wanna adjust our preflop ranges if we know this info? Do we wanna trap more? Do we wanna 4b more, because we never realize our equity?
2 Replies
It's an interesting question, it could be answered with a preflop solver
The main points from the times I've looked at these things is that if you increase postflop aggression, for a short margin, the defending player preflop will be discouraged from going postflop with marginal hands, reducing the amount of calls but also calling more with hands like JJ.
If you increase aggression past a certain threshold, suddently your postflop implied odds with any sort of made hand become so high that going postflop with marginal hands becomes good again, and the calls increase
Am i missing something? BTN rfi's for 2.5 BB 3bets so what is the significance of bb fold to 5bet? just gonna assume you meant fold to 4bet. At 15% BB is slightly OBing. So 4bet more to punish the slightly anemic range of BB ?????