Formula for Betting to GII on Later Streets

Formula for Betting to GII on Later Streets

Is there someone that can help me as to what the formula would be to making a bet or raise on a certain street considering villain's SPR to GII on the river? Also, is there a formula that can be used to let's say make equal, or close to equal, portioned bets to GII on the river?

Much appreciated.

14 February 2024 at 04:03 AM

2 Replies

You're looking for the geometric bet size

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Alternatively, you can memorise some common SPRs on the flop, and their corresponding geometric size.

For an SPR of 13: 3e = pot
For an SPR of 3.5: 3e = half pot

And from there you can just extrapolate. Eg if SPR is 10, 3e would be slightly less than pot.
