*** 2024 Mega Thread - NC/LC NSFW ***
Due to budget cuts, it has been decided that BBV will have only one LC/NC thread for 2024. Opening more threads in 2024 will result in infractions, bans, burnenings, etc.
Very bad weather, they will probably stop the match
What stadium is this?
nvrmind, Dortmund
ffs, typical german weather
It's because you haven't stopped climate change yet!
Wow thunder and hail!
As Sammy is property of Australia, I should have been asked about this.
There are literal waterfalls from the roof. Fid I bet you have never seen that much water!
Germans are scared of thunder. God of thunder Thor is from Denmark = Denmark will win this game.
Makes sense! 😀
OTOH, the thúnder is gone now...
ooooohhh did we scare you there Morph? That was very close to DK 1-0
thb I don't give a **** really! :(
Goal for Sammyland!
Off side though
You are not a real German. Good for you
RIP Sammy
arghhhhhhhhh VAR
Penalty for Germany? Sorry Sammy, Germany rigged it! :(
RIP Sammy