Looking to stay at 2NL and 5NL until I earn hundreds of buyins
18 Replies
Good work.
I know the deal about moving up but I seem to have poorer luck moving up then compared to just staying at the micros:
Maybe cheer for me to reach higher stakes someday, I want to be playing 100 NL and 200 NL at the end of the year.
Can I ask why you are waiting? Is it just a mental thing, you don't feel ready yet? If so, what would you need to feel ready?
It seems as though you have already established you can crush the stakes you're at.
Actually I've tried to move up several times but only win at 10 and seem to meet some resistance at 25 and 50. I'm not sure if its run bad though because in my normal winning I do go on 15 and 30 buyin downswings. I feel pretty ready, I just want to make sure its not a negative desperation cycle of moving up and down the stakes like a rollercoaster.
Could be run bad, could be some differences in table difficulty?
Might be worth really deep diving on your next shot take in hand review, look at every hand from your next session, see if you're missing something. As you said, short term results won't tell you if you're able to beat the game.
You definitely have the capacity to beat 25NL, but there might be something you're missing. I know with my shot takes, I often play worse than my best just from internal pressure, but you might be running up against something different.
If you are deliberate and systematic about shot taking, letting your bankroll dictate when to take shots, I think that's more likely to keep you from desperation shot taking than taking them when you feel up for it.
mycorrhizae, can you help me i'm really struggling to beat 2NL
I find 2 and 5 NL soft.
10 NL is when things change...depending on the site and fast poker. Fast poker invites way too much Leaderboard/RB grinders too which you need to be aware of.
I find when I start to play 25 NL to 200 NL I change my playstyle. I am less confidant in my villains ranges. I am paranoid he's more nutted than he is and often he is. I think a lot of $ is made from bluffs. Finding comfort in bluffing is tough. I have experimented with higher limits and found I have to go back down to comfortably win.
I deeply feel people study more at a certain point and if they're from poorer nations. It's nice to have your fish tagged. It's really about taking all the $ from the rec players and holding your own vs the reg players. If you master that by whatever way you win I suppose in the long run.
Take as long as you want...I believe till you're comfortable!
(I imagine 200 NL players have a firm grasp on advanced poker concepts online, cause I converse with these individuals and it appears if they win up there, they do)
Ya you're right. 2 NL and 5 NL are considerably easier than 10 NL and higher. I'm hoping some of these posts will help me to gain an understanding of the game that will make me on par with the regulars.
GTOW is too advanced for 2 and 5 but 200 NL I think on Worldwide sites it's time to invest in how to use the knowledge there. Coaching... You should be able to rack up 1-2k at 5 NL over about a year though!
GTOW is too advanced for 2 and 5 but 200 NL I think on Worldwide sites it's time to invest in how to use the knowledge there. Coaching... You should be able to rack up 1-2k at 5 NL over about a year though!
Ya 1-2k sounds about right.
What do you believe GTOW trains a poker player well in?
GTOW used properly is supposed to make you hard to exploit.
Some players feel exploit poker is still superior.
Don't think it really matters, just what works... Though I don't see people making $ in higher stakes without a mastery of it to add to their game.
P.S. Was just using exploit tonight and earned 7 BIs just using exploit poker... that of course is a lot of holding.
I've played some more hands guys:
Amazing chart!
How many tables do you play?
6 to 8 tables usually.
nice chart, whats your winrate at 2nl? mine was 3.5BB/100 over 100k hands. i tried 5nl and i was barely break even at 5nl.
Be careful...if you play too many hands at the micros (especially NL2) you will develop some bad habits and tendencies.
It's generally best to try and move up and escape the micros as quickly as possible. At least try to escape NL2-NL10 as quickly as possible and start really studying and becoming a profitable NL50 player.
Congrats on having the patience to play 100k hands of dollar menu poker.
I started at 2nl and got to 25nl quickly but I've been stuck at breakeven for 70k hands pre rakeback, feels like I hit a brickwall at this stake the play seems to be alot nittier or solid not as much punting, quite swingy won 15 BIs the other day then lost them the following day lol wasn't tilting either just alot run good and bad