1/3 lol
typical fun session tonight at $1/3
$400 deep, UTG old nit limps, someone raises MP to $15, i $50 with KK OTB, old nit 4b to $175 and looks super strong, MP folds, i tank several minutes and fold. 90% sure he had AA.
then a few hours later, stack $375, I $15 with AA UTG, 1 caller, nittier type 3b to $60 in sb, i 4b to $130 (should have made it $150 but it would have not made a difference), nittier type calls.
Flop J75r, i bet $100 (dislike this should have bet $60 but again dont think it would have mattered), i get CRd all in for the $125 or so, lose to JJ.
dodging bullets aint enough, i need to walk through the rain and stay dry to win lol.
3 Replies
Or how about not folding KK pre flop…
There's really no reason to fold KK there , a nit probably isn't limping AA , maybe TT or AK. You have to see a flop there, especially in position.
With the AA were you going for value with the 4bet? It might not have changed the outcome, but if a nitty player is willing to 3bet an open from early position 4x , and you're looking at AA , you're probably better off shipping it and getting it all in ahead.