Is this a bad beat or a really bad beat?

Is this a bad beat or a really bad beat?

This hand played out some time ago, so I can't remember all the bet sizes, so please forgive me if the pot size doesn't math correctly.

1-2 400 max. I bought in for the max. Dealt pocket Jacks in middle position.

Early position who is loose and splashy makes it 10. Player to his immediate left who is a loose calling station calls.

It gets to me and I bump it to $40. One player behind calls. Blinds fold. Both early players call.

4 ways to the flop with $155 in the pot after rake.

Flop comes J Q A rainbow. I just knew I was going to lose here. I'm scared about the straight, But I could fill up to beat a straight. And I figure I can get action from an Ace, two pair, or Pair and straight draw combos. What would be bad if I was up against a straight and Ace Queen.

Checks to me. I bet $50. Late position folds. Early position calls. And the last player to act shoves for $191. I call. And the other players calls for less, I think for $120.

Turn card is an Ace. Hey at least now I can beat a straight, but anyone with an Ace now picked up some outs.

River is another Ace. Three Aces on the board. I just knew I was done before anyone showed. The player who shoved showed Ace King to take down the $700 dollar pot. I lost to a runner 4 of a kind.

To throw salt onto this wound. The casino had a high hand promotion, So they put this guys hand on the screen where I had to see it for the next hour.

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29 January 2025 at 08:01 AM

19 Replies

fold the river

You need to bet the turn to protect your hand.

All players were all in on the flop. There was no more action. Betting turn and folding River we’re not options

Inaction leads to decline, decay and ultimately death, as evidenced by your refusal to fold. My condolences.

Ejames209 how often do you fold to $0 bets?

Occasionally. Sometimes I look my man in the eye and I just know he's got the goods. No sense in continuing in the hand after that.

The high hand reminder for an hour was a good lesson to not be stubborn and fold when you are beat

I couldn't fold. All the action was done on the flop. What is going on? Does everyone on this thread earn commission by selling blood pressure medication?

A bad beat but far from a really bad beat.. You were a slight favorite pre-flop, became a roughly 5 to 1 favorite on the flop, and a 6 to 1 favorite on the turn. Now losing this precise way makes it look like runner, runner but there were a lot of other ways to lose.

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by ruo44 k

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Fold preflop

The hand was 50/50. Either you were going to win it or you were going to lose it. Not a bad beat.

OP lost the hand with 100 percent probablility.

OP needs to move up in stakes where they will respect his raises..

Most people here are telling you that it was a clear fold yet you refuse to acknowledge that time after time.

If you don't listen to what seasoned, winning players have to say then you'll never get good at this; hell, you wouldn't fold the jacks even if you played the hand another 100 times. That's how stubborn you are.

by ShoeMakerLevy9 k

Most people here are telling you that it was a clear fold yet you refuse to acknowledge that time after time.

If you don't listen to what seasoned, winning players have to say then you'll never get good at this; hell, you wouldn't fold the jacks even if you played the hand another 100 times. That's how stubborn you are.

Exactly. I mean, I'll tell you this much son I would never have put more than $3,000 in with two tens there

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by FaceplantWizzard k

Checks to me. I bet $50. Late position folds. Early position calls. And the last player to act shoves for $191. I call. And the other players calls for less, I think for $120.

Turn card is an Ace. Hey at least now I can beat a straight, but anyone with an Ace now picked up some outs.

River is another Ace. Three Aces on the board. I just knew I was done before anyone showed. The player who shoved showed Ace King to take down the $700 dollar pot. I lost to a runner 4 of a kind.

First, the guy who ended up with quads went all in on the flop. So, you got your money in as a favorite. While that's a tough beat, Mr. Quad's play wasn't all that horrible ... not good, but not horrible. It's a beat that I find easy to move on from.

Second, if everyone was allin, so be it - see first. If not, the discussion should be why you didn't re-shove on the flop, or bet the turn to build a side pot. That is the only place I see an error on the OP's part.
