*** The Return of Senior Mod King Fish (A Big Deal Around Here) - February LC/NC NSFW ***

*** The Return of Senior Mod King Fish (A Big Deal Around Here) - February LC/NC NSFW ***

) 4 Views 4
31 January 2025 at 11:59 PM

127 Replies


sheep better not visit colin in person

Fake news!



I mean the article may not be true but I'm 100% sure that CP and S86 are doing the nasty.

in b4 tariffs

Sammy doesn't like that Ruo punk

I thought BBV moved to a year round format. Which monkey made this thread? Has anybody talked with their superior?

by King Fish k

I thought BBV moved to a year round format. Which monkey made this thread? Has anybody talked with their superior?

It was Craggoo. Sheep banned him immediately after he started the thread. Then Sheep deleted the first poast, so now it looks like Sheep created the thread.

by Sheep86 k

It was Craggoo. Sheep banned him immediately after he started the thread. Then Sheep deleted the first poast, so now it looks like Sheep created the thread.


Fid Trump is trying to take away Greenland from Australia and you haven't said a peep!

by Morphismus k

Fid Trump is trying to take away Greenland from Australia and you haven't said a peep!

Shut your ****ing mouse.

by Morphismus k

Fid Trump is trying to take away Greenland from Australia and you haven't said a peep!



by Morphismus k


You and I will fight side by side in the trenches when Europe is forced to start a war against USA.

The trenches of Greenland! We will eat whale skin and dryed fish during combat breaks! 😀

Obv. Fid will dig the trench.

by Sheep86 k

It was Craggoo. Sheep banned him immediately after he started the thread. Then Sheep deleted the first poast, so now it looks like Sheep created the thread.

Craggo still being alive and getting banned is insanity

I know a lot about trenches. No body knows more than me. I dig the best trenches.

by fidstar-poker k

I know a lot about trenches. No body knows more than me. I dig the best trenches.

i have a suspicion r/dontputyourdickinthat/ was made for you by your concerned friends

HAI Fellow Comrads. My name is Gypsie and I am a part of the new regime in Western Russia (AKA old US)


I hope the big space rock hits us in 2032. I don't know if I can deal with 4 years of this horse$#!t. I would rather listen to Sammy TBH.

Do not despair, Gyps! Maybe Trump deports you! 😀

Poor Gypsie. :(

by Gypsie k

I hope the big space rock hits us in 2032. I don't know if I can deal with 4 years of this horse$#!t. I would rather listen to Sammy TBH.

