Just got told me I’m the stupidest motherf****** they have ever played with

Just got told me I’m the stupidest motherf****** they have ever played with

Was playing a 1/3NL game while waiting for 2/5 and it was a table full of OMCs. I was catching many playable hands and raising pre a lot. One of the old men was in a foul mood because there was a drawing going on for prizes ranging from $300-$2500 and most of the biggest prizes have already been won. He limped and I raised another hand pre to $15, to which he called. I got 4 callers and bricked the flop so I check folded to another OMC who bet. That’s when the grumpy OMC said “Youre the stupidest motherf****r I’ve ever played with. Keep raising and folding. You’re wasting everyone’s money”

Meanwhile the OMC who had won the pot I built is happily stacking having just turned his $100 stack to $200. If it weren’t for me he would have played a $20 pot. He chimed in “Young gun can keep raising” with a smile.

BTW I am turning 50 this year and am no young gun but the OMC is like 80 so there are 2 brags in this story: being called the stupidest m******* ever by one OMC and a young gun by another.

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13 February 2025 at 03:25 AM

10 Replies

Nice, but that insult lacks creativity. If you ever play him again, you might want to suggest him some new ways to insult people.

how much in tariffs was paid to claim a prize?

Raising and folding the flop is modestly common in the 1/3 I play. For the better players, I would guess 1 in 4 times.

by JayKon k

Raising and folding the flop is modestly common in the 1/3 I play. For the better players, I would guess 1 in 4 times.

That’s why it’s so ridonkulous the old man went off on me for raising and folding and saying I’m wasting everyone’s money when theres always a winner in every hand.

Nice, but that insult lacks creativity. If you ever play him again, you might want to suggest him some new ways to insult people.

Even though the insult lacks creativity, I give credit to the sheer inanity of it and you know you did something right whenever you make OMCs drop F-bombs

The dude was probably just in a bad mood and running bad. Let him enjoy his party and get something to eat.

Reminds me of Road House.

Bouncer: What if somebody calls my mama a whore?

Dalton: Is she?

The possibility exists, however remote, that OMC was not wrong. 😃😃😃

Octogenarians are 1 thing

by JohnnyDough k

That’s why it’s so ridonkulous the old man went off on me for raising and folding and saying I’m wasting everyone’s money when theres always a winner in every hand.

Even though the insult lacks creativity, I give credit to the sheer inanity of it and you know you did something right whenever you make OMCs drop F-bombs

Have you got abuse while shopping yet because of this?

the grumpy old man has a point. why would you waste everyone's money by giving them your money

Yeah, but turning 50 is the new 49....
