I Missed Witnessing A 135M-1 Poker Occurrence…
…but had I been there it might not have happened.
I got to the poker room around 430pm last Friday. Old timer in 1/3 game has a stack of green and some black chips. I ask if he hit the high hand bonus, he said he hit it twice, with back to back quads!
High hand starts at $200, goes up $100 every two hours it’s not hit, AAAQQ+ qualifier, must have pocket pair, quads get $100 extra, SF $200, RF $500. One hole card Royal gets $200 but not the HH.
OT got dealt 55 at 1;58pm, flops set turns quads, $500+$100. Gets dealt 99 next hand at 2:02pm, flops set, turns quads, has to sweat it for 55 minutes, $200+$100. Twins were born in different years.
Being dealt a pocket pair is 1/17
Making quads with a PP is 1/122
Likely two time intervals per hour where this could be possible so 2/60=1/30
Estimated chance BOTH hands are good for bonus 95% so 1.05
I get 1/135,496,494 chance of this happening. I’ve been dealt red and black aces BTB a couple times each, and also made flushes BTB and saw the screenshots claiming BTB Royals online, but I’ve never heard of something like this.
Bad beat for him, he should’ve bought lottery tickets that day instead.
8 Replies
…but had I been there it might not have happened.
I got to the poker room around 430pm last Friday. Old timer in 1/3 game has a stack of green and some black chips. I ask if he hit the high hand bonus, he said he hit it twice, with back to back quads!
High hand starts at $200, goes up $100 every two hours it’s not hit, AAAQQ+ qualifier, must have pocket pair, quads get $100 extra, SF $200, RF $500. One hole card Royal gets $200 but not the HH.
OT got dealt 55 at 1;58pm, flops set turns
Nice! I might bet that OMC checked his set the flop in both cases, regardless of the board and the number of players in the hand. Gotta catch that out, and he did.
When unlikely things happen to me, they tend to be useless.
Nice! I might bet that OMC checked his set the flop in both cases, regardless of the board and the number of players in the hand. Gotta catch that out, and he did.
When unlikely things happen to me, they tend to be useless.
His flop checking a set is -110 over sun rising in the east. Really nice guy. Daughter’s a blackjack dealer. Twenty years ago she was the second most beautiful girl in the casino. The first was an 18yo who worked the hotel front desk and looked like a Hispanic Jennifer Connelly from the Career Opportunities era.
Someone told me I could bluff (PLO) a flush board with AAAA, as no one could have the nut flush (assuming they didn't have the straight flush). But you don't even have that option with KKKK.
In any case, I completed in the SB, n ways, and the flop came out paired. Decent action on the flop and I went away. If trips came on the turn or river, I would have made a nice boat, and no one could have had quads on a trip board, but it wasn't anywhere close to worth chasing.
Never mind, you can have quads on a trip board. I'm not good at PLO lol.
Though not as crazy as your story, here's one of the craziest high hand situations I've personally witnessed. I was at the table where this took place.
Hourly HH promo, any boat or better. Must use both cards, but you're not required to have a pocket pair for quads. Older gentlemen makes quad aces with pocket aces about half way through the hour. This was on a Saturday, so there were 20 tables going bare minimum. With that many games running and only paying 1 HH per hour, obviously it's a longshot to win one.
So the hour ends, his hand holds, and he wins the high hand. They pay you by filling out a slip with your information, the floor brings it to you to sign and then you cash it in at the cage. A few minutes goes by and the floor brings the slip over to be signed by the player, who's involved in the current hand being played. The guy makes quad aces again, holding A10, pretty much simultaneously as he's signing for his previous HH.
His hand holds the entire hour and he wins B2B HHs with quad aces, with at least 20 games running, drilling his 2nd HH while he's signing the paperwork for his first HH.
That’s gotta be mid 8 figures to 1 at least, counting with quads if the same rank. Winning the high hand back to back with 20 tables going happens maybe once a year running 24/7?
Quads of the same rank both cards play in an hour interval has to be over 10M-1.
Two craziest things I’ve been at the table for. I get felted w/QQ v KK (it was a clear fold for me preflop) by guy to my immediate right. I get up walk around to cool off. Hear a bunch of shouting, V had made a royal the very next hand, $800 HH + $500.
Long ago in a 10-20 limit game I got 22 five times in less than three hours and flopped sets and won each time. Then I got A2s and flopped trips!
I got the ducks AGAIN a bit later but can’t remember what happened aside from losing and jokingly screaming I QUIT!
Every hand is 50/50 OP. You either flop trips and turn a set or you don't.