Folded Aces. Thoughts?
To start off, I had only recently started playing live regularly. Having a great session, I'm up about $500 on on a $200 buy in for the night at 1/2 NLH. (a fair bit for me at the time).
Villain is brand new to the table, maybe two orbits in. Involved in a fair amount of hands, but no real reads on 3bet play at the time.
I raise to $50 with AA and get reraised to $125. Easy call.
I check to V and he bets around pot size.
I tank for about 2mins, thinking the only hand that makes ANY sense here is KK. 33/99 wouldn't have reraised, right? Ultimately I fold and he agrees to show, showing complete air. something like 47o.
Looking back, he was dressed well and I could have read that he had "mess around" money in retrospect. Talked to him as i stayed for another orbit or two and confirmed that, but left as I was a bit shaken and doubting myself.
Just looking for thoughts on this fold. Also, if someone wants to plug it into a solver, I'd be curious to see what it says.
1 Reply
Why didn't you reraise preflop instead of just calling?