Rosarito Life - Zooming to $50k in 6 months

Rosarito Life - Zooming to $50k in 6 months

Well, I figured it was time for a new PGC. About a year ago I dropped out of college to play poker full time. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I won't bore you guys here with a long story about my poker career, but some of that can be found in my old pgc:

While I've found a lot of success both online and live, my dedication to the grind has been lacking. With fewer distractions now, I'm hoping to turn that around. I have some goals I'd like to achieve in the 6 (now 5 1/2) months I'm here, but first I'll post my results to date.

Online Cash

200nl hands: 262,163 @ 6.37 bb/100
500nl hands: 63,497 @ 8.24 bb/100
1knl hands: 3,897 @ -23bb/100

this is over the last ~15 months. yeah, my volume sucked

Online Tournaments

Total: 219
ITM: 23%
ROI: 131%
AVG Buyin: $99

Live Cash

166 hours (2/5 and 5/10, mostly 5/10)

So, after a fairly lackluster year as a college dropout turned professional poker player, I'm looking to really ramp things up and put the necessary volume in to really make money. I just moved into a place in Rosarito and it's ****ing amazing. Right on the water, ocean views from every room, nice facilities (gym/pool/sauna), cheap rent, almost no distractions, close to Rosarito and the border... what more could I ask for? If I can't grind out real volume here then I can't do it anywhere.

Weekly Goals

10k hands Bovada (200-500nl)
20k hands pokerstars zoom (100nl right now)
$1.5k in tournament buyins
Run at least 10 miles
Spend less than $50 per week (rent/utilities already paid)

Long Term Goals

Play only 500nl or higher on Bovada (by Feb 1, 2019)
Play only 200z or higher on stars (by Mar 1, 2019)
50k richer by April 30, 2019

So lets get to it then. Going down to the gym to run 2 miles now, then on to the grind.

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16 October 2018 at 05:22 PM

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