Crushing Zoom, Crushing a few Tournaments and also Crushing Live Cash Games

Crushing Zoom, Crushing a few Tournaments and also Crushing Live Cash Games



Always tried to beat zoom for years, now it seems even harder but I'd really like to beat it, never really got very far and have a few weeks off work so would like to try and have a positive win rate in the games, just because it seems so hard


Think I'm up about £20000 in tournaments below $70 buy in
Think I'm down about £10000 in tournaments above $70 buy in 🙄

With tournaments will just try and stick to the odd few and try and make a profit, at least there is a bit of hope as I think my results over the years at lower stakes mean a bit of profit, can't say the same about zoom.

Live Cash Games:

I have heard they are pretty much the only place to make decent money these days so would like to dip my foot in at some point and as I live fairly close to the London games now

and making this blog i think just for somewhere to talk poker, play a lot but no one in my life actually knows much more than the basic rules and also think it will be good motivation, just need to stick to it

Hope it goes well, will post later with an update 😀

) 2 Views 2
06 August 2021 at 05:24 PM

16 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

January Summary

January ended up okay, think my longest downswing last year was about 90 hours when playing in bankroll, that downswing kind of felt normal like it could happen to lose that way, this month the first 47 hours I was losing fairly badly and it was happening in the most ridiculous ways, probably wasn't really unbeliveable at all over such a short space of hands it just felt like it, sets over sets, AA vs AK no suits and you know your going to lose this kind of thing and then just losing every all in. I played some micro zoom just to get a load of hands in, win a few buy-ins just to get away from the bad run of cards and then went back to my normal games and did alright.

Rakeback: $201.18
Zoom: $62.16
Normal Tables: $1042.80
Total: $1025.89

2024 Totals:
Normal Tables: $1042.80
Rakeback: $201.18
Tournaments: -$280.25
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89

here is how the bankroll challenge is going

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 31/366 so 62/732 hours target (8.47%) done 92.5 hours (12.6%), $2156.36 target (8.47%) done (4.03%) $1025.89

other goals - fitness (do some half the days and lose weight) ran 11/31 days, lost a bit of weight try and do same thing next month
booze - i lost count this month, don't think it was too bad but will try and keep track next month as it helps me keep it down
spending - good

Goals for Febuary - same as January, keep within bankroll, average 2 hours a day and make progress towards the bankroll challenge.

February Summary

Normal Tables: -$2490.99 129h
Rakeback: $934.75
Tournaments: -$139.23

Total: -$1695.47

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$1448.19
Rakeback: $1135.93
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47

Total: -$669.58

here is how the bankroll challenge is going
£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 60/366 so 120/732 hours target (16.39%) done 221.5 hours (30.26%), $4173.60 target (16.39%) done (-2.63%) -$669.58

Other Goals -
stay well within bankroll (not really but it is so small to really worry anyway try better next month)
fitness (do some half the days and lose weight) did it 8/29 days
booze - lost count again will try to count again this month
spending - not great improve next month

targets for March - to try and relax a bit, concentrate on fitness and just play low stakes and not so much as last couple of months.

March Summary:

Rakeback: $442.54
Normal Tables: -$607.12 42h
Total: -$164.58

2024 Totals:
Normal Tables: -$2055.31
Rakeback: $1578.47
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
Total: -$834.16

here is how the bankroll challenge is going
£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 91/366 so 182/732 hours target (24.86%) done 263.5 hours (36%), $6329.96 target (24.86%) done (-3.28%) -$834.16

other goals - didn't really keep track
targets for April- stay at a small low stake all month and keep fit

I'm sorry your year hasn't gotten off to the best start. Just keep trusting the process and things will turn around.

Gl in your grind! Keep up the good work! Will be following your progess.

by hurtNCYDE k

I'm sorry your year hasn't gotten off to the best start. Just keep trusting the process and things will turn around.

ah thanks a lot Hurt and hope you are doing well this year

by DeeKayBee k

Gl in your grind! Keep up the good work! Will be following your progess.

thanks DeeKay

April Summary:

Rakeback: $124.13 RB
Normal Tables: -$14.13 45/hr
Total: $110

2024 Totals:
Normal Tables: -$2069.44
Rakeback: $1702.60
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
Total: -$724.16

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 121/366 so 242/732 hours target (33.06%) done 308.5 hours (42.14%), $8416.76 target (33.06%) done (-2.84%) -$724.16

other goals - didn't really keep track again need to pay attention
targets for May - stay at a small low stake all month and keep fit

May Summary

Normal Tables: $741.98
Rakeback: $63.90
Total: $805.88

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$1327.46
Rakeback: $1766.50
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
Total: $81.72

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 152/366 so 304/732 hours target (41.53%) done 368.5 hours (50.34%) $10573.12 target (41.53%) done (0.32%) $81.72

other goals - haven't really been paying much attention this year really need to get back into fitness and trying to live healthier, maybe start again at some point this month.
targets for June - just try and get another winning month really.

June Summary:

Rakeback: $24.34
Normal Tables: -$552.37 - 27 hours
Total: -$528.03

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$1879.83
Rakeback: $1790.84
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
June: -$528.03
Total: -$609.75

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 182/366 so 331/732 hours target (45.22%) done 395.5 hours (54.03%) target $12659.92 (45.22%) done (-2.40%) -$609.75

July Summary

Rakeback: $282.46
Normal Tables: $912.41
Total: $1194.87

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$967.42
Rakeback: $2073.30
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
June: -$528.03
July: $1194.87
Total: $585.12

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 212/366 so 424/732 hours target (57.92%) done 458.50 hours (62.64%) target $14746.72 (57.92%) done (2.3%) $585.12

August Summary:

Rakeback: $539.62
Normal Tables: -$598.21
Total: -$58.59

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$1565.63
Rakeback: $2612.92
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
June: -$528.03
July: $1194.87
August: -$58.59
Total: $526.53

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 243/366 so 486/732 hours target (66.39%) done 526.50 hours (71.93%) target $14746.72 (66.39%) done (2.07%) $526.53

I am not doing very well with the poker this year at all so will try and concentrate a bit next month with these targets

poker: just stay well within bankroll and get some decent hours in
fitness: really try to do well, running most days as well as calisthenics most days
diet: try a good protein diet
booze: really try to cut it to very low, just a couple of times in the month would be great
spending: try to cut down haven't been paying attention

September Summary:

Rakeback: $57.04
Normal Tables: -$1262.88
Total: -$1205.84

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$2828.51
Rakeback: $2669.96
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
June: -$528.03
July: $1194.87
August: -$58.59
September: -$1205.84
Total: -$679.31

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day

Day 273/366 so 546/732 hours target (74.59%) done 560.50 hours (76.57%) target $18989.88 (74.59%) done (-2.67%) -$679.31

October Summary:

Rakeback: $5.17
Normal Tables: -$464.38
Total: -$459.21

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$3292.89
Rakeback: $2675.13
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
June: -$528.03
July: $1194.87
August: -$58.59
Total: $-1138.52

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 305/366 so 610/732 hours target (83.33%) done 593.50 hours (81.08%) target $21215.80 (83.33%) done (-4.47%) -$1138.52

other targets:
fitness: went alright
diet: went alright
booze: went alright
spending: went alright

yeah and the poker didn't go so well, I guess I just carry on and try and get to above $0 for the year now.

GLGL in your challenge!

by Omaha6betAI k

GLGL in your challenge!

Thanks, need it 😀

November Summary:
Rakeback: $10.19
Normal Tables: -$245.55 - 34 hours
Total: -$235.36

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$3538.44
Rakeback: $2685.32
Tournaments: -$419.48
Zoom: $62.16

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
June: -$528.03
July: $1194.87
August: -$58.59
November: $-235.36
Total: $-1373.88

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 335/366 so 670/732 hours target (91.53%) done 627.50 hours (85.72%) target $23302.60(91.53%) done (-5.40%) -$1373.88

here is the summary for December and 2024:

December Summary:
Rakeback: +$40.65
Live: +$93.92
Tournaments -$55.11
Normal Tables: -$539.21
Total: -$459.75

2024 Totals:

Normal Tables: -$4077.65
Rakeback: $2725.97
Tournaments: -$474.59
Zoom: $62.16
Live: $93.92

January total: $1025.89
February total: -$1695.47
March total: -$164.58
April: $110
May: $805.88
June: -$528.03
July: $1194.87
August: -$58.59
November: $-235.36
Total: $-1833.63

£20k ($25458.96) 366 day challenge to 2025
2 hours a day making an average of $69.56 a day
Day 366/366 so 732/732 hours target (100%) done 661.5 hours (90.37%) target $25458.96 (100%) done (-7.20%) -$1833.63

Yearly total since the start of this blog
5 months 2021: +$1798.46
2022: +$24.10
2023: +$1615.87
2024: -$1833.63
Total: +$1604.80 in 41 months since starting this blog

Happy New Year everyone, I'll carry on this blog as it is a good place for me to see my long term results and hope for a better 2025, good luck everyone.

so first month of January

normal tables: -$23.30
rakeback: $11.61

Total: -$11.69

2025 totals:

normal tables:

January total: -$11.69

yeah just a summary to keep track of things, haven't played much will have a think of what to do this year soon.
