Live 10/20 nlh pro 250k+ attainable annually?

Live 10/20 nlh pro 250k+ attainable annually?

Hi I have studied and grinded Over the years from a poor recreational, to bad reg, to professional. The bulk of my bankroll comes from 2/5 live where I have a 20+bb/hr win rate over 500 hours ytd(and an insanely good win rate last year in 2/5 which is what I mainly played). I also have a $250/hr win rate in 5/10 live and 10/10 live over 300 hours total. And, have a 2/5 online win rate of about 14bb/hr over 30k hands total in a very soft player pool. This is the first full year I have played professionally. I play nothing close to gto(although I do study it and understand it) and choose to play extremely exploitative and Uber lag to the max. I have been toying around with shot taking in bigger live games all the way up to 25/50 and I have decided to play 10/20 5 days/wk after reviewing some players pools and data I have collected from what I feel pretty safe to assume to be sufficient, consistent, and reliable(about 100 hours of data in this pool of 10/20 with a $870/hr win rate). Of course I donT think this is a sustainable win rate full time(although maybe who knows) but After collecting said data I do believe I can make 250k + annually. My goal after accumulating a big enough bankroll is to play big private games as I have made some pretty good connections through my travels. This will be my first time committing to grinding 10/20 full time consistently and am very excited about it. I want to track my journey on this thread and will check it from time to time. Please feel free to ask me any questions besides where I will be playing. I do not want to give up my player pool. Thanks.

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04 August 2022 at 11:23 PM

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