GOAL #1: At least $1k profit a month
Hello everyone,
This is going to be my thread for my journey to build my monthly profits in this game via MTTs. My big goal is $10k a month, but right now we're going for the $1k a month mark.
In order to do that, I'd just need to make only $250 a week in profits. Pretty doable, just need to work on my trouble spots in the game as well as as many leaks as I can find in order to decrease my overall variance in terms of cashing.
I have my satellite tournos that for some reason are very high variance (it just seems like everyday I make just ONE mistake that cost me the ticket. I keep working on fixing those issues and I am getting better.)
I also have my consistent MTTs that (when ran deep) can easily get me to my weekly goal, and eventually my monthly.
I just need to get better at reading hands, stopping myself from hero calls, and betting larger with good hands, and adding more hands with high profitability when they hit like suited connectors to my range as well known big hands like AK are nice and all but they aren't super decrete and act as blockers against opps having hands they will want to get money into the pot with.
I appreciate each and every one of you who offered constructive criticism, advice, and feedback so far in my various postings on this forum.
I plan on posting a update each day on how the tournos went for the day. It's 3:03 AM right now so I'm not sure if I'll do the first post now but we'll see.
Wish me luck, let's do it!
Alright, so I'm going to start a new goal.
Goal: 7 days of $100 profit in a row. The ultimate goal is to consistently make $100 or more a day from poker. I will be mainly be using cash tables for this. I will play at least 4 one hour long sessions a day. I will gradually move up in stakes as I reach at least 10 buyins for that stake. I will deposit a full buyin for the stake below, play that table up to a full buyin for the current stake, and then play the current stake. At the end of the day I will withdraw all my money leaving only 2 buyins so I can't lose money making additional buyins. I also have a $20 deposit limit on my accounts (I'll have to increase it once I get to NL50 so I can deposit $25 for NL25).
Example: $250 in roll. I would play NL25. At the start of the day I would deposit $10 and play NL10 up to $25. Then play NL25. This will make our buyins go far, and allow me also to practice and reinforce each stake as I pass them.
Starting Roll: $336.57
I officially start tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
Starting Roll: $353.78
Starting Roll: $354.22
Based on my experience focusing on single day results is really toxic. In poker you can't win every day and daily profits are determined by luck. For me it was much better to actually ignore daily fluctuations as much as possible and look at profits monthly.
Based on my experience focusing on single day results is really toxic. In poker you can't win every day and daily profits are determined by luck. For me it was much better to actually ignore daily fluctuations as much as possible and look at profits monthly.
Yeah I hear you man. I'm just gonna see how it goes.
March 9th, 2024 Session 1:
Session Change: Lost $22
Session Playtime Duration: 1hour 11 minutes
Current Balance: $332.22
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
I played well at NL10 overall. Lost the first buyin, then ran the second up earning back the first buyin, and making it to the $25 I needed. I then went to NL25. Didn't do so well today at NL25. None of my draws came through, and no one was coming to play post flop. I just started playing NL25, then was probably my 3rd session ever at NL25 taking poker seriously.
I actually haven't played poker since March 4th since I was away so I was not able to, but I'm just getting warmed up again. I may not play any more today since I've lost more than $20 already, but we'll see how it goes. I do have 1 $10 deposit left, since I had $12 in the account initially.
March 9th, 2024 Session 2:
Session Change: Lost $10
Session Playtime Duration: 1hour 16 minutes
Current Balance: $322.22
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
The variance is hitting me today. I lost 2 hands with a rec at the table. He shoved 8T and I lost with A8s. He shoved K7s. I lost with AQ. I made the call with A high because I knew I was ahead of his range. Oh well, it happens. Well, now I don't have any more deposits for March 9th calendar day. I'll continue at 1 AM.
As you can see I'm good at NL10, but NL25 has been hitting today. Also my poker room has a bug starting today where all my colors I set for my opponents to classify them are being reset during the game and I have to do it all over again. Caused me to mess up a hand because of that. I'll win this challenge, don't worry!
March 9th, 2024 Session 3:
Session Change: Lost $20
Session Playtime Duration: 24 minutes
Current Balance: $302.22
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
Today was not good unfortunately. In this session I played 1 $10 tournament for 1 buyin and then NL10 for 1 buyin. My poker rooms problem with the colors is a major issue, and has really messed up my plays and become a major distraction. Had a lot of problems today. Lost with AK vs Q6 that hit trips on the turn with the 6 at the cash table after the tournament. Lost with over card, and open ended straight draw vs flopped bottom straight (I caught trips on the turn). That caused me to eventually lose the tournament not too far after. Lost AK vs KQ flopped straight at the cash table. It was one of those days unfortunately. I contacted the poker room so hopefully they fix the problem VERY VERY fast. I unfortunately used the wrong account for the tournament I played at 1 AM, so I ended up using my cash table buyins for March 10th :/ . I guess I just have to get back into things after being away since the 4th. We're down $52 for today. Frustrating day, but I'll get into the groove again! Maybe I should just play NL10 and dominate that stake? I don't know. This is only the first day back for a while + site issues, so I'll give it some more time.
March 10th, 2024 Session 1:
Session Change: Lost $10
Session Playtime Duration: 24 minutes
Current Balance: $292.22
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
This is the stuff I'm getting hit with today again.
As you can also see all the players are grey. This is a ridiculous bug in my poker room that's really really freaking terrible. Really messing with my game. It's ludacris. Now I can't just see what type of player I'm up against because they've reset my colors. It's just terrible. I can't play like this. This is ridiculous. I may play later, I only have 1 more buyin for today. Bull.
March 10th, 2024 Session 2:
Session Change: Lost $15.21
Session Playtime Duration: 39 minutes
Current Balance: $277.01
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
This time there was no tables for NL10. I decided to just go for NL25. Just not going well lately.
Out of buyins for today. I'll be back at 1...
March 10th, 2024 Session 3:
Session Change: Lost $20
Session Playtime Duration: 1hour 2 minutes
Current Balance: $257.01
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
WTF. Played 2 NL10 buyins.
This is absolutely hilarious! So be warned this might split your sides. Do not hold me medically responsible.
I didn't get 4th of 60. I got 1st of 60 according to my Poker site's email to me:
HILARIOUS!!!! This is funnier than Dave Chappelle!
More laughs on the way!
Lol dude. Everyone who wins a ticket in a settelite will be first.😉
which site(s) do u play & ABI? or u play cg now ? or still MTTs
March 11th, 2024 Session 1:
Session Change: Earned $103.21
Session Playtime Duration: 11 hours 13 minutes
Current Balance: $360.22
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
Great session. I ran up on NL10 to 250bb ($25). Then went to NL25, and lost it all eventually. After that I decided I should just play NL10 and dominate it, and when I have more roll I can come back to NL25. So I rebrought for my last $10 for the day. I ran it up from 100bb ($10) to 1231 BB ($123.08) in 9hrs and 44 minutes ( March 11th, 2024 3:54 PM to 1:38 AM EST) with 14 minute max breaks every hour.
Today was a success!
March 12th, 2024 Session 1:
Session Change: Lost $28.72
Session Playtime Duration: 3hrs 28minutes
Current Balance: $332.50 (I got a $1 rakeback a day or 2 ago)
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
Played NL10 and got up to 250 BB from 100bb as usual. Played NL25. Ran into a mega aggro at NL25 and lost my stack. Played NL10. Lost a stack with 2 pair vs a pre-lipped set on the turn when I hit 2 pair vs a mega nit. Rebrought. Lost most of my stack in the last buyin when I didn't realize my equity because my opponent was blocking half my outs with one of their hole cards. Eventually lost that buyin. I took a 1 hour break, and I think I'll get back in later today. The table has been filled with super super super tight players and it's like pulling teeth just to ink out a little smidge of profits from them. It sucks. I opened wider and got set mined. I was only loosing to the 3 combos of 77, or 22 most likely. Also the rare 1 combo remaining of 99 and 66. However, they do limp all the value hands like AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT (30 combos vs 8 combos) so I expect them to have flat called my pre raise with most of their range so I was ahead of most of their range. I was really really thinking I was dealing with a set though when I got raised on the turn, but I had to make the call.
I want to learn NL25, but maybe I should just stick with NL10 and just obliterate it? I don't know.
See you at the next update.
March 12th, 2024 Session 2:
Session Change: Lost $10
Session Playtime Duration: 6 minutes
Current Balance: $322.50
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
Equity. Not realized.
Hi Mallot,
Why do you hide your user name? You end up showing it anyway.
Why cant you just show your 3 different poker account results?
March 12th, 2024 Session 3:
Session Change: Lost $10
Session Playtime Duration: 3hrs 55 minutes
Current Balance: $312.50
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
Played NL10. Table was full of absolute mega nits. Worst 3hours of my life. These guys would not even put 1 freaking chip into the middle without the nuts, but loved to float IP. Absolute hell that I kept getting cooled by these dudes. The rare rec would come once an hour and I stacked 1 or 2 of them, but these regs would not even fold second pair when I didn't have it. I was running so dead, and I couldn't manage to hit even like 5% of flops tonight. Most of my big hands I chopped with, or ran QQ into KK. Just sucked :/... I think I'm going to just stick to NL10, and focus on running the blinds up from 100bb to 1200 BB instead of trying to play NL hell 25 for now at least. We'll see. These mega nits are so irritating it's hell playing for 3hours with them running dead OOP.
March 11th, 2024 Session 1:
Session Change: Earned $103.21
Session Playtime Duration: 11 hours 13 minutes
Current Balance: $360.22
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
Great session. I ran up on NL10 to 250bb ($25). Then went to NL25, and lost it all eventually. After that I decided I should just play NL10 and dominate it, and when I have more roll I can come back to NL25. So I rebrought for my last $10 for the day. I ran it up from 100bb ($10) to 1231 BB ($123.08) in 9hrs and 44 m
How to get involved with J4o? Doesn‘t look like a great play…
March 13th, 2024 Session 1:
Session Change: Lost $7.55
Session Playtime Duration: 1hr 5 minutes
Current Balance: $304.95
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
It was an okay session. Here's a hand that was really frustrating.
they hit a runner runner flush on me with second best 2 pair.
Eventually lost :/
Rebrought and played some more.
here's a hand I loved. I played 34s from LP. Faced a decent sized c-bet from the nitty OP. I called with the pot odds. Hit my straight on the turn. min raised vs their raise, they went all in and I got max value from AK top pair top kicker.
The table cleared out so this session ended earlier than I wanted it to. good session.
March 13th, 2024 Session 1:
Session Change: Earned $168.55
Session Playtime Duration: 8hrs 6 minutes
Current Balance: $473.50
March 9th, 2024 Challenge Starting Balance: $354.22
What can I say? This is an awesome session! I was feeling good and decided to give NL25 a try since I need to figure it out. I played and made some adjustments vs NL10. Before long I was playing NL25 comfortably like it was NL10. Taking stacks and winning pots. I played up to 303 BB from 53.8 BB. Then I eventually lost it all slowly which sucked :/. I then rebrought a couple times an in my last one I brought in for only 45.12 BB and turned it into 729.52 BB. Sick! One of the biggest differences though is that these villains don't want to call for their entire stack with second nuts nearly as often so I'll have to work on way to get max value.
Here's a couple hands I loved:
based on the action pre I realized I was ahead here.
Here I had an interesting spot:
This hand I followed my pot odds and the equity and played the hand properly.
This is my favorite hand of the day. I played suited connector from the SB since the table bonus gives me additional equity for all my hands, and also makes my opponents open wider and play more aggressively so I can get big value when I hit. I ended up flopping a flush. I check it back so the other players could bluff at it and try to get the table bonus on the hand. One bets pot. I call. The other 3-bets all in. They both then get in all in on the flop. I fade a diamond and I gain the maximum from a trash talker who had the A of diamonds.
Great session! Yeah buddy!!!! I made a total of $161.00 today. Goal smashed for today! Yeah buddy!