2NL -> 50NL (zoom)

2NL -> 50NL (zoom)

Helllo poker people 😀

I'm making this thread to hold myself accountable and to maybe make some poker friends along the way.

The last year I've been playing poker starting at 2nl zoom on stars, moved to 5nl and some 10nl.

My goal for this year is to make it to at least 25nl and hopefully 50nl.

last years graph:

I plan to move up in stakes when I have 100 buy ins and move down when losing 10 buy ins
Also I play a warm up session of 600 hands on one stake lower than what I actually play

Poker Goals for 2023:
1. Play 1million hands and move up to 50NL
2. Watch From the ground up
3. Read Poker mindset 1&2
4. Update this thread
5. Post hands on 2+2
6. Journal my sessions based on how well I ran and played
7. Create a tilt profile

I also believe that a healthy mind will be important so I will add some Other goals:
1. Cold Shower for at least 2mins daily
2. Meditate 30mins daily
3. Gym 3x a week

What to improve:
1. Study to feel confident playing higher stakes
2. Play more when in a flow and less when tilted
3. Discuss hands with other people
4. Reflect more often on how I play

Would love some feedback on my plan 😀

) 2 Views 2
01 January 2023 at 10:29 AM

14 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Hello 2024
New year, New Me, or not 😃

Decided to keep updating this blog occasionally until I reach my initial goal of 50nl. I'm not going to put pressure on myself by some kind of time limit. Also posting graphs maybe just once a month since it has put some pressure on me. This year aiming to play more consistently and also study more. Have a study group which I'm really happy with, that has also taught me that poker can be quite lonely and that there's always so much value in meeting people. If you are reading this and are in the same position, it would be nice to connect. Think poker has taught me a lot about myself and there will be a lot more to discover so I'm happy to continue on this journey. Think this blog will be a good outlet to write about mental stuff mostly as mental game still can use improvement.

Goals for January:
-Play 80khands of Zoom
-Get my schedule going again (google calendar)
- Work on technical and mental side of poker
- Find a more balanced approach to life in general

goals for the year are:
-Be good enough to play 50nl (more theory knowledge)
-Have a balanced life (better mental game)
-Play 1mil hands
- (+1k a month would be nice, rb and winnings combined)

Think this blog will be a good outlet to write about mental stuff mostly as mental game still can use improvement.

I need to improve this too. And maybe pump some iron.

by swerbs22 k

I need to improve this too. And maybe pump some iron.

Muscle Money Mindset! Gotta catch em all!


Pokerstars ended my ''weekly challenge'' so lost 40% of my rb. Doubting to stay there as the level of play is higher compared to most other options. Started playing on a different site, goal is to move up the stakes there asap. Still playing on PS as there's always a lot of action and I really like the software.
Still looking for alternative sites to play on so that's also one thing to be busy with.

goals for last week of the month:
- Play and study poker every free hour of the day
- Find a new ''home'' site to play on

Study for the next week: the most pop gtowiz vid's:
YT GTOWizard- Preflop Mechanics
YT GTOWizard: The Mechanics of Cbet Sizing
YT GTOWizard:10 Most Important Concepts for Poker Players
YT GTOWizard:: Poker Math Every Player Needs to Know

-Get my routine going and staying.

Gl subbed

''last 7 days of pokerstars 10nl''

Doubled my initial deposit on the new site, no graph there unfortunately.

Theory wise watched a few vids and this time actually made notes so that's a W.

Also happy to be part of a study group, if anyone is interested in joining LMK.

Quest to become full-time poker pro 😀

Want to be more consistent so that's why I start this blog again. Decided to keep updating this blog until I reach my goal:
- Make at least 2k a month from poker

Goals for the rest of the month:
[ ] Play 30hrs
[ ] Watch 13 vids of ftgu
[ ] Gtowiz sb vs bb
[ ] Dailydosegto p36->p150

Fitness goals :
[ ] Weigh daily
[ ] Walk 30m daily (on average)
[ ] daily intermittent fasting 18hrs
[ ] Do one 50h fast
[ ] -1kg

Also happy to be part of a study group, if anyone is interested in joining LMK.

I know I would really like to see more updates about the journey and more about how you think through spots

Also going to try to fast more so maybe we can hold each other accountable #consistency

Gl, subbed!

Hey lads, long time no see

Was reading the kidCudi147 blog (thnx bribri) and thought to update mine. When I first read his blog he was in Mexico and that really inspired me as he was living a life of freedom. I always wanted that, just didnt know how. Him being a fellow dutchy and starting at 2nl really made me feel the poker dream is still alive. It has been quite some time since then but I can finally update this blog with that I´m living my own version of my poker dream 😀 I didn't end up in Mexico but Vietnam instead. Here some random pics from the first week;

Poker related: Last month I had my best month so far reaching +100bis for the first time:

Even though I´ve reached my original goal of supporting my lifestyle through poker I somehow still have the Impostor syndrome, to combat this i will focus more on my study this month ^^
At the same time I'm happy and proud of how far I´ve made it 😀 Also really wanne thank the people from the ´´From reg to fish´´ discord, they have helped me a lot <3 (swerbs you are a legend)

Goals: Study a lot more, Move up in stakes, Enjoy the travels

Good stuff man!! Enjoy Vietnam and keep crushing on the tables! Looking forward to updates, glgl

So much motivation to find on 2p2 these days. #consistency

Have been traveling Asia now for a bit over 2 months, thought to give a small update. Last month I´ve learned that Kuala Lumpur is kinda nice for staying at hotels with nice amenities. Also understand now better why all rich peeps have jacuzzis. Bangkok has been nice if u really wanne be stuck in traffic <3


Poker has been going okay, have been studying more than before and also playing less tables.
Graph since the start of my Asia trip (below), have been playing a little toooo low volume, at the same time it was since i switched from 12 tables to max 6. Also laziness, changing environments, travel days, sightseeing has caused a lower volume so its whvr. Have been very blessed to not hit any real downswings so thank u poker gods <3


Goals for this month:
- play 6 tables max
- watch uri course
- min 20hrs of poker a week

If you wanne be part of a hella cool poker discord pm me 😀)
