Getting to 50z by 2024
Hi 2+2
Recently had a bad run just starting out with $100 jumped in the 10z pool (there is no lower zoom on ACR) and lost about 6BI of my bankroll went down to 5nl lost 5BI had about $15 left when I went down to 2nl where I somewhat rebounded to $29 that i have now with rake back. Thank god I did not run at or below EV or my bankroll would be gone.
what worries me most even though it is a small sample size is that when I enter it into the variance calculator with my expected win rate that I thought I had it gives me a less than 1% chance of that being my true win rate at 10z.
I am going to play at following stakes with the bankroll I have
0-45 2nl
45-120 5nl/
120-180 10nl/5nl HU
180-500 10z/10nl/10 HU
500-1100 25nl/25 HU
1100-1500 50nl
1500+ 50z/50 HU
I want to play at least a third of the hands heads up because when i get to 50nl, ACR has a very low 50 cent rake cap all the way up to 200nl which is a lot better than the $3 6max cap. These are my HUD stats I am going to use an RNG from now on to get into a good habit as well as make sure my flop-turn c-bet spread decreases significantly I think I was just default c-betting flop and checking turn.
My other goal which may be slightly more significant is to decrease my ev errors in the trainer by doing more studying currently my results for ev errors against GTO are:
6m SRP -0.03 per hand (GOAL: -0.01/ train 100 hands per day)
6m 3B -0.11 per hand (GOAL -0.04/ train 50 hands per day)
HU SRP -0.05 per hand (GOAL: -0.02/ train 60 hands per day)
HU 3B -0.15 per hand (GOAL: -0.06/ train 30 hands per day)
My study/play breakdown is currently 80/20 for about 2 hours a day.
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decided to take it slow today after playing sparsely in the last 4 months (continuous study though) so although the graphs may look disjointed given the number of hands and dates they are continuous there was a profit of $220 that was untracked on a clubgg game should of been twice that much but i got scammed by some people i thought i could trust 2+2 user Vvvvv being one of them.
should of folded given this is the bottom of my raising range: