My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL
Hello everyone, I want to share with you my 20 days result with 50$ deposit on GGpoker
2NL was awful, after like 15k hand
This is how poker works... by definition it is an extremely high EV spot with QQ on the flop here. Your goal should not be trying to "control the pot" when you haven't even filtered your opponents range at all except for preflop. It's an extremely reductionist way of thinking. If OP said ok he randomized to check QQ here 30% of the time or something, sure, that's fine I guess, but trying to control the pot when your hand is such a high EV bet otf makes no sense.
- i agree, that's an extremely reductionist way of thinking.
This is how poker works... by definition it is an extremely high EV spot with QQ on the flop here. Your goal should not be trying to "control the pot" when you haven't even filtered your opponents range at all except for preflop. It's an extremely reductionist way of thinking. If OP said ok he randomized to check QQ here 30% of the time or something, sure, that's fine I guess, but trying to control the pot when your hand is such a high EV bet otf makes no sense.
I believe flop SPR more important than ranges itself because if you’re stacking off everytime with overpair 200BB deep with 10SPR ill call your 12BB 3b with any pair just to setmine, imo stack off is good near to 3SPR
I haven’t played last 2 days, this QQ hand really got me thinking, adjustments inc.
It's so bizarre how you play tbh. You potctrl with queens and the reason is we are deep and other times you run 300bb bluffs with five high. Don't know if you follow twitch but there is a former poker strategy (?) coach who streams these games at higher stakes. You really should watch him and learn.
It's so bizarre how you play tbh. You potctrl with queens and the reason is we are deep and other times you run 300bb bluffs with five high. Don't know if you follow twitch but there is a former poker strategy (?) coach who streams these games at higher stakes. You really should watch him and learn.
Thanks, will check it out.
What does overbet turn accomplish? Villain's flop call was ambitious!
I guess you're not scared of Tx on river for some reason?
What does overbet turn accomplish? Villain's flop call was ambitious!
I guess you're not scared of Tx on river for some reason?
This overbet came from my experience, before everytime i flopped a top set i thought im invincible so i can bet really small and not lose anyway but actually i lost often
When i see 2 high cards on board my experience tells me that someone always have a gutshot type of hand like KQ and if i bet really small yeah i will get a call but that call will be disastrous, either they make gutshots and stack me or they will just fold on turn and thats all
So if my overbet gets called im not afraid of T coming on turn anymore because KQ type of hands would fold on flop, same reason im not afraid of Tx hands on river because after my 2x overbets getting called im sure those type of hands are in fold already
Flop is OK vs fish even with this combo. I prefer going small OTF (get some value vs any PP and induce a raise) and OB/XR many turns, to build the pot vs the infinite amt of straight draws villain has with all the offsuit broadways etc they CC preflop. As played on this turn you can bet smaller than pot to keep villains range wider, they will raise with worse valuehands anyway so you don't have to bet huge. Maybe 15-20bb bet/fold OTR makes sense, I just don't see many turn slowplays so I'm guessing there is proportionally more pair + SD/FD hands in villains turn calling range than there is sets or 2p.
Flop is OK vs fish even with this combo. I prefer going small OTF (get some value vs any PP and induce a raise) and OB/XR many turns, to build the pot vs the infinite amt of straight draws villain has with all the offsuit broadways etc they CC preflop. As played on this turn you can bet smaller than pot to keep villains range wider, they will raise with worse valuehands anyway so you don't have to bet huge. Maybe 15-20bb bet/fold OTR makes sense, I just don't see many turn slowplays so I'm guess
Yes going small OTF and OB turns is a good line imo but i prefer to be over protective to deny any draw possibility
Yes going small OTF and OB turns is a good line imo but i prefer to be over protective to deny any draw possibility
So you want hands with 4 outs to fold as standard when you have the nuts? Not saying a big flop bet is bad, but the intention to make them fold is bad and a disaster for your winrate. Also it's not correct to fold all gutshots to the nuts to an overbet, so you're not really denying anything.
So you want hands with 4 outs to fold as standard when you have the nuts? Not saying a big flop bet is bad, but the intention to make them fold is bad and a disaster for your winrate. Also it's not correct to fold all gutshots to the nuts to an overbet, so you're not really denying anything.
I don't know tbh those 4 outs hit sometimes and when they hit it's so hard to fold top set like you get stacked off like everytime and they only call your flop small bet
I like the idea to induce bluff, only for this reason can be considered to bet small and even bet in 50% range turn too because gutshot type of hands no longer profitable to continue but they may raise and overbet river when everything is safe, this line can be considered too
Lets say we are against QTs whom 9 also gives a straight, they have over 27% equity, yeah i prefer to just kill all gutshots on the flop and make sure only made hands move to turn, i might be wrong tho
I don't know tbh those 4 outs hit sometimes and when they hit it's so hard to fold top set like you get stacked off like everytime and they only call your flop small bet
I like the idea to induce bluff, only for this reason can be considered to bet small and even bet in 50% range turn too because gutshot type of hands no longer profitable to continue but they may raise and overbet river when everything is safe, this line can be considered too
I know you like to at least try to play smaller variance. My guess is you're going to lose a stack almost just as often in this case whatever you bet OTF, it's not like you're going to overbet flop and then x/c, x/c with your sets when the turn is a K/Q. Like I said people just aren't folding draws to the nuts often when their outs are clean.
If you want to reduce variance in general, especially OOP, you can/should actually bet smaller OTF when 1/4th or more of the deck significantly reduces the equity of your strong hands on the turn. And then check or bet smaller when the turn & river is bad for your range/hand, and the opposite when the runout is clean. By small on the turn & river i don't mean 1/4 size OTT/OTR just because a card completes a gutshot, but just not go 2x or something. And on flush completing you can bet something like 50% pot when you have TPTK or better to not isolate yourself against a stronger range.
Edit: I now saw your QT scenario. This hand doesn't fold to any size bet so it doesn't die
I know you like to at least try to play smaller variance. My guess is you're going to lose a stack almost just as often in this case whatever you bet OTF, it's not like you're going to overbet flop and then x/c, x/c with your sets when the turn is a K/Q. Like I said people just aren't folding draws to the nuts often when their outs are clean.
If you want to reduce variance in general, especially OOP, you can/should actually bet smaller OTF when 1/4th or more of the deck significantly reduces the
At least they pay expensive price to get there and more they pay harder it gets for them to just fold their draws, it happened to me sometimes too like im on a flush draw, villain bets flop i call, villain bets huge size on turn, i don’t want to call so i just shove, well nowadays id fold vs big sizes instead of shoving but i know the psychology when we’re on a draw facing big bets, somehow big bets sometimes do magic tricks
Another way can be to never OB. What if i just bet small flop, 50% turn and 75% river? What do you think about this line? We get more calls and they might river shove bluff too sometimes if they miss draws… but we need to be capable of folding when board completes draw and villain starts to bet big
Also what line do you think is best to get value from TPTK type of hands like AK AQ villains just tend to fold A-K flops even vs small bets, checking flop and bet turn/river do you think is good line? Or bet flop and check turn?
i think flop you wanna go 2/3p flop. Turn 60%.
i like it that u bet bcz checking accomplishes very little they dont start stabbing there and giving free cards is useless.
the way to think of it is that you want to get the max amount of money from the most presented hands he will put money in with in this case its the mid-pairs and gutters when you overbet those hands start folding and that is very bad deal when we block the tp calling range.
i might start potting flop with JJ/88 but never go above that .
How nitty zoom pool can be on GG? i can't believe these are real people
I play for hours, got dealt KK/AA countless of times but stacked off no one preflop, it's logical i should stack off someone my AA/KK vs their QQ/AK/JJ but hell no! then i got dealt KK and i 4bet, someone 5bet shoves and im thinking to myself FINALLY!!! i stacked off someone!! and he shows AA, this is getting absurdly stupid how zoom plays
Me trying to stack off someone be like
This hand is very interesting for me, how this guy manages to avoid getting stacked off 200bb deep, first he just calls my 3b instead of 4b, i got dream flop vs AK but how the hell i know that villain has AK? my thought process was to give him more cards maybe he will make a set or something and i will stack him for 200bb and as he checks the river im convinced he has weak hand so i go for thin value, jeez how could i have stacked off this nitty player?
feeling like im squeezing water from a stone, hate to play zoom pools man
Why are you checking turn?
Answer, controling variance is not allowed.
Sorry but to me looks like two nits playing their hands to its max value potential.