My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL
Hello everyone, I want to share with you my 20 days result with 50$ deposit on GGpoker
2NL was awful, after like 15k hand
Also i want to add: LAG/Maniac style not actual anymore because GTO is so powerful its basically a maniac with balanced ranges which you can’t exploit
Also i want to add: LAG/Maniac style not actual anymore because GTO is so powerful its basically a maniac with balanced ranges which you can’t exploit
i always thought gto was very balanced in everything. but pretty tight overall. If i Look GTO ranges they are very basic. Iplay alot More And 3bet more
i always thought gto was very balanced in everything. but pretty tight overall. If i Look GTO ranges they are very basic. Iplay alot More And 3bet more
Lately i played HU vs GTO bot and actually its more gangsta than people may think, ranges in 6max is much tighter compared to typical maniac but that doesn’t necessary mean its bad, just the way it plays ranges puts you in tough spots, as soon as you stop giving action it will run you over and your redline will be miserable
Lately i played HU vs GTO bot and actually its more gangsta than people may think, ranges in 6max is much tighter compared to typical maniac but that doesn’t necessary mean its bad, just the way it plays ranges puts you in tough spots, as soon as you stop giving action it will run you over and your redline will be miserable
One might even say that GTO bots have killer instincts
Lately i played HU vs GTO bot and actually its more gangsta than people may think, ranges in 6max is much tighter compared to typical maniac but that doesn’t necessary mean its bad, just the way it plays ranges puts you in tough spots, as soon as you stop giving action it will run you over and your redline will be miserable
not bad by any means. After looking into it a bit, Gto understanding is the most important skill to exploit good players.
even though I play looser than gto recommends, that's also because the pool where I play is full of nits who fold too often pre-flop. they also fold too often on post flop. Same Logic i 3bet more coz they just fold too often every street. After that they might think iam a fish coz playin loose agro stats and i will benefit for that
The reason why a GTO bot puts you in tough spots constantly is that (one of) it's aim is to make most of your good continuing range indifferent to continuing, i.e. that you won't have easy > 0EV decisions with most of what you want to continue with. This is also what you will experience when someone exploits your weaknesses. If you never bluffcatch close to optimal, people will bluff more often and potentially size down to give themselves the best price and you will have a tough time more often. If you have checking ranges that are too weak, you will face larger bets for thin value and bluffs, and most of your range will be indifferent and there is 0 combos in your range that can gain from the large bets.
not bad by any means. After looking into it a bit, Gto understanding is the most important skill to exploit good players.
even though I play looser than gto recommends, that's also because the pool where I play is full of nits who fold too often pre-flop. they also fold too often on post flop. Same Logic i 3bet more coz they just fold too often every street. After that they might think iam a fish coz playin loose agro stats and i will benefit for that
Things not always go according to the plan, online poker is dark and dangerous place, we never know how often we play vs human players and how often vs bots
From my experience as soon as i start to apply unbalanced lines at some point it works great but sometimes suddenly my 2 barrels getting called 70%+ of times in a long session and i either have to bluff rivers more often or just give up pots after pots (disaster)
So as they say all ways go to Rome, i don't study GTO right now but i think i want it or not all ways go to GTO in the end, i don't really want to be like everyone and study like same thing like everyone does, i have little ego that i want to be different so im trying come up with my own strategy but i understand it has to be balanced
Thanks mate, gl you too as you play much higher stakes you’ll need it more.
The ante games are soften imo and they’re played deep-stacked but rake is very high too, if you master it as i see top regs have 10-15BB winrates
Lately i look things a bit more differently than before, my thinking process is changing, what is large part of our winrate? It’s AA-KK right?
So environment where our top value hands get action is the best environment, AA-KK will get more action in 9max games mo
I think redbaron was one of the first guys who started using solvers to his advantage (not only trying to play the equilibrium strategy). Was probably very good in OG CREV at the time, inputing more sizings than max pot size and created trees that wasn't mainstream at the time. As you know his strategy has always been unique to what everyone else was/is doing. From my understanding he has always been looking at exploits and gametrees people don't explore, and taking players there (probably most of the HS crushers do this more or less, stefan is an extreme case). I think the takeaway is that you need tools (nowadays a solver or more advanced range tools) to actually know that your own strategy works. You might have good intuition, but even then you will miss a bunch stuff in such a complex game and might just be punting EV by doing something that seems like a good exploit. Most crushers use solvers and are more or less "GTO experts", but more importantly they use it in their unique way to create their own strategies and exploits. Not using a solver to improve your game is like wanting to be competitive in CS:GO by not upgrading your 2005 PC and settling with 50fps. You have guys like Charlie Carrel not using a solver, but he is still crushing up to mid stakes online (don't hate me for assuming that, I actually think he can). But he has played millions of hands and probably done a ton of work on combinatorics and analyzing his database with millions of hands. Intuition can be great in itself but it usually builds over millions and millions of hands, which most don't have time for.
I think redbaron was one of the first guys who started using solvers to his advantage (not only trying to play the equilibrium strategy). Was probably very good in OG CREV at the time, inputing more sizings than max pot size and created trees that wasn't mainstream at the time. As you know his strategy has always been unique to what everyone else was/is doing. From my understanding he has always been looking at exploits and gametrees people don't explore, and taking players there (probably most
I agree, this a good point.
I think Stefan was successful because he found a way to have positive redline in a way that it outweights blueline, i was reading his latest posts in his blog where he says he never experienced big downswings or variance before
Only lately when he started playing 1K NL on GG he experienced such downswings, tbh i dont think he changed much in his strategy just GG is strange platform, lately everyone sees GG wants to make high stake games casino like right?
Also i read some posts some regs complain that playing on GG something "magic hand" pulls them back to be successful, also Stefan's latest results is sus too
So when i said GG app may have AI thing coded in it's algorithm to make you win less but when you lose lets you win more, this may be true, i know this is conspiracy theory but why its impossible when we see that GG tries to make poker casino like? when we see Stefan fails to beat NL1K etc
Which altcoins do you have?
I have KAVA and DOT from that list. Haven't heard about any of the others!
lol bitcoin surpassed 88,5k now wow and STX started moving up as well, there is a hope
My total money on altcoins atm is 4,5k$ and to reach 6k seems realistic but if i get little greedy i can wait until 8-9k yeah 8-9k$ roll would be perfect for live 1/3 games and i can grind for 5/5, nice plans but hopefully altcoins dont fail me lol
Literally can’t go tits up
I haven’t played last few days, was working to balance my strategy especially RFI OOP soon will test it out
I finished my general OOP RFI strategy but SB vs BB needs another strategy itself because range is too big OOP and how do i play balanced postflop is like a puzzle
I really hope this is the last time i make major changes with my strategy, in the end i came to conclusion that there is no future without balanced strategy
Strategy is ready just i need adaptation period to get used to it, gonna play only 1 table at lower limit just to allow my brain slowly memorize it, right now all i need is to memorize it, second step will be to test it and slowly increase table count again to 4
What does your process look like when you create your strategy? Like, what do you do for preflop, flop, turn, river? What method do you use for different streets to make sure you're balanced etc.?
What does your process look like when you create your strategy? Like, what do you do for preflop, flop, turn, river? What method do you use for different streets to make sure you're balanced etc.?
Preflop: i compared my ranges with GTOwizard's preflop, mostly it was close but i was opening too wide from SB and too tight from late positions, even tho it's seducing to open a lot from SB hoping BB will fold and you take that free money thats actually burning money so i dramatically reduced opening from SB
From late positions i wasn't opening enough with low suited aces likes A2s A3s A4s etc actually solver suggests to open with all suited aces and some more hands so when i reduced openings from SB i had really low VPIP so i had to add those suited aces and some more hands from late opens, like A9o from HJ etc etc
Also i created 3bet calling range with mid/low pairs with a balanced postflop plan, before i was just folding a lot vs 3bets and had strategy to 4bet or fold, i hated to call 3bets
Postflop: I calculated roughly how often do i have nutty hands on flop, turn and river and matched that frequency to add same bluff frequency, i created plan how to play different draws, different value hands, which ones to check-call which ones to check-raise, which ones to double barrel and which ones to river bluff and make all of this balanced, for example if V decides to not call my river shoves and not pay me off when i have nutty hands thats OK because other half times it will be bluff so, he will be losing a lot in redline
Everything i calculated myself so it may be not super accurate, someone in this thread suggested me to check my strategies with solver and see if it works etc but for now i dont have subscription to solvers i just use free GTOwizard preflop ranges thats all but i will test it myself in practice
I wrote "late" by mistake lol i meant early position opens UTG, HJ
Also i want to add: it's very hard to bluff balanced, sometimes i really don't feel like bluffing but i have to, sometimes i want to raise or bet some draws but i can’t because if i do it will be unbalanced so i have to check etc
It's a bit complex strategy postflop, RFI, 3bet, 4bet, out of position, in position everything has different strategy and i need to very accurately drill preflop ranges in the first place and accurately memorize postflop game plan with correct frequencies
Sounds decent. Usually on textures with not very many draws out there but infinite value OTT, you can just bet every draw pretty much on any street and add in quite a bit of "complete air" with blockers to TP and unblockers to floats. And on textures with a ton of draws, you should start shutting down a lot of the SDV draws, strong draws that don't want to face a raise and draws that have some reverse implied odds that don't really want to play a huge pot when they hit.
One thing I think is very common even amongst strong regs is that they don't mix in checks with really strong value hands that always want to go for 3 streets (solver checks strong hands a lot). This leads to having almost all valuehands OTR and requires more bluffs than the equilibrium strategy. This could be offset by the fact that people don't thin valueshove rivers (for example on an overcard river in 3b pot where TP becomes second pair), but just a thing to keep in mind.
A tip is to keep track of how many likely _offsuit_ combos have a straight draw, the more there is, it's more likely someone is unbalanced towards bluffs. I haven't done proper data analysis on this but played around with what "seems natural to do" and what should be done with your range, but in general in SRPs I think these textures are played like this:
Underbluffed // need to fire a ton of unnatural air (or 1pair bluffs) OTT to be balanced, especially if you bet all value pure
Just right // naturally easier to not go out of line to either side
Overbluffed // important to start shutting down a lot of draws/air OTT&OTR to remain balanced
Sounds decent. Usually on textures with not very many draws out there but infinite value OTT, you can just bet every draw pretty much on any street and add in quite a bit of "complete air" with blockers to TP and unblockers to floats. And on textures with a ton of draws, you should start shutting down a lot of the SDV draws, strong draws that don't want to face a raise and draws that have some reverse implied odds that don't really want to play a huge pot when they hit.
Do you mean like check-call or check-raise? you can go check-call all the way with strong hands or you can go check-raise-bet but with my strategy i really have a lot of good value hands in my checking range so nothing to worry about
Thanks for the insight mate, will keep it in mind, i can't wait to test my new strategy how it will work, i hope for the best.
Do you mean like check-call or check-raise? you can go check-call all the way with strong hands or you can go check-raise-bet but with my strategy i really have a lot of good value hands in my checking range so nothing to worry about
Thanks for the insight mate, will keep it in mind, i can't wait to test my new strategy how it will work, i hope for the best.
Just bet-bet-bet in general
Why do u want to play balanced vs nl10 players