My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL

My results of grinding 2NL 5NL 10NL 25NL 50NL 100NL

Hello everyone, I want to share with you my 20 days result with 50$ deposit on GGpoker

2NL was awful, after like 15k hand

) 38 Views 38
11 September 2023 at 12:13 PM

1014 Replies


the AA hand is perfectly fine lol, posters here consistently focus on the wrong 'mistakes'.

(i would prefer to check a ten, but checking AA here is whatever)

by Keruli k

the AA hand is perfectly fine lol, posters here consistently focus on the wrong 'mistakes'.

(i would prefer to check a ten, but checking AA here is whatever)

Yea bro. All regs posting in here are wrong and u and OP microstakes geniuses know whats best.

by BigBananas k

Yea bro. All regs posting in here are wrong and u and OP microstakes geniuses know whats best.



by blazar k

Past week i was doing mostly off table work, numbers numbers numbers everywhere and calculator was my best friend

Now my main goal is to practice the strategy i made and see how it works in practice but there is still some more off table work to do, i do it too slow, i may just think whole day and not even play a single hand, hope to finish my off table work fast

just curious what are you calculating?

by BiLLAllas k

just curious what are you calculating?

Frequencies and stuff making sure my lines are balanced which requires math

Atm im working on BB defense strategy and there is a dilemma should i have donking range postflop at all? or only check-call check-raise range

by BigBananas k

Yea bro. All regs posting in here are wrong and u and OP microstakes geniuses know whats best.

You bumhunting low stakes somewhere in the other site where rake is low and believe you’re better than him? If you wanna test your skills come play on GG where rake is absurdly high and lets see how you beat it

There is +1k$ growth on my altcoins, im still not withdrawing funds, if i withdraw now ill have 5k$ bankroll but my guess is bitcoin will hit 107k mark before 15th December and altcoins will skyrocket then shortly there will be big downfall again or it may hit it in few days then downfall again, too many doubts i have but i feel like i should withdraw funds till 15dec

by blazar k

Yes but micro limit is just my training field, if i played micros for a living i would accept your advice but im practicing my strategy to chase my HS dream

imo this logic is wrong. First of all,who told you that HS players are balanced?

The goal in this game and what makes someone a crusher is the ability to exploit and maximize EV

As a smarter guy than me has said, trying to make poker science is a wrong approach.Poker is a game and you should treat it like that. Complex math ,frequencies and stuff are trash.

EG This AA hand. If SB is someone who probes a lot with big sizes and stuff like a maniac ,then X flop is probably fine. But this will be rarely the case in low stakes.

And even if he does,you can use Tx to take that EV.

If someone is not putting money in the pot ,you have to put them yourself.

EG you have AA in the same spot , but V is a passive fish or a nit who wont XR you enough and when he does it is 2p plus. What I like to do is to pure OB the flop with my good value candidates.

I am not a coach or something, but trying to make the game simple and act with pure logic is the way to go for me.

Gto solutions exist to help you extrapolate important concepts which are the roots of this game , not to memorize frequencies

gl op

by B_Hawkins9 k

imo this logic is wrong. First of all,who told you that HS players are balanced?

The goal in this game and what makes someone a crusher is the ability to exploit and maximize EV

As a smarter guy than me has said, trying to make poker science is a wrong approach.Poker is a game and you should treat it like that. Complex math ,frequencies and stuff are trash.

EG This AA hand. If SB is someone who probes a lot with big sizes and stuff like a maniac ,then X flop is probably fine. But this will be ra

Balance is crucial in big pools where we don’t have much information, crushers work in smaller pools i guess but for baseline balanced strategy imo is a good approach, you can exploit individual players at will, playing balanced strategy particularly doesn’t mean you can’t exploit

Playing balanced strategy imo makes us more consistent winners, in any lineup we cannot get crushed but we can exploit whenever we want

by blazar k

Balance is crucial in big pools where we don’t have much information, crushers work in smaller pools i guess but for baseline balanced strategy imo is a good approach, you can exploit individual players at will, playing balanced strategy particularly doesn’t mean you can’t exploit

Actually ,it works the other way around mate! Balance is important in smaller pools ,because people know you . The larger the pool, the more explo you are allowed to go. Rnc format is actually the best one to go full explo since up to 100nl the pools are huge and none has your stats.

But thats not the case, I am not telling you that having a solid baseline strategy is not important . I am telling you to not sacrifice EV in order to be 'balanced'

by B_Hawkins9 k

Actually ,it works the other way around mate! Balance is important in smaller pools ,because people know you . The larger the pool, the more explo you are allowed to go. Rnc format is actually the best one to go full explo since up to 100nl the pools are huge and none has your stats.

But thats not the case, I am not telling you that having a solid baseline strategy is not important . I am telling you to not sacrifice EV in order to be 'balanced'

Sounds logical and i had same approach before, in those pools you need to exploit pool tendencies which is doing same thing all the time over and over again but in practice nowadays online field especially RnC pools are filled with bots and staple players who share notes, also big amount of individual regs who are making notes on you constantly, if you believe you can just play same way all the time, for days, for months and stay as a crusher imo thats not gonna happen and yes i think i prefer to sacrifice little EV for more consistency

Anyway as i said before my goal is to chase HS dream, i don’t want to stay at micros, its really disgusting place to be, high % of players in the pool they playing for a living even at NL2, some guy from Siberia decided that 5$ a day will make him to buy a bottle of vodka and that was all his dream or a guy from China instead of working in a factory for 1$ a day he prefers to make 5$ playing NL2 and he is the main man in the family

by blazar k

You bumhunting low stakes somewhere in the other site where rake is low and believe you’re better than him? If you wanna test your skills come play on GG where rake is absurdly high and lets see how you beat it

Make rake is better. Even Paisting had a winning month on GG

Before you can reach your HS dream, you need to be able to beat GG rake and soft games NL2-NL100.

I do agree with some people here. In a lot of games you play the rake will be high, and HS the rake is increasing as well. I get the point of not being easily exploitable, but I don't think you need to worry about 1/20 players exploiting you, when 19/20 times you will gain EV. Those numbers will change a bit when the pool gets smaller and the regs a bit better, but still those who will exploit you are mostly a minority. What I'm trying to say is that if there are good exploits that you execute well, you will still make more money than being balanced even if some people will exploit you in the process.

The higher the rake is in your games, it gets even more important to exploit your pool. If we assume the rake is somewhere between 3bb-12bb/100 after RB depending on site and stake, this is how much better you have to be than your pool to break even. To actually make money you have to do even better vs your player pool. When you start having 3+ players on your table that know how to play balanced and executes exploits well, you should probably start considering having a balanced baseline strategy. This will not be the case 2-200nl, and if you table select well probably applies higher as well. When you start noticing people begin bluffing or bluffcatching you wider than they should, you can just make notes and adjust. Otherwise just make the plays that makes the most $ and tone it down vs the few people that pay enough attention.

To beat the rake (and then some), it's optimistic to think a balanced baseline will make it easy. Also it's impossible to be balanced in all spots. I think you get most bang for your buck by studying several common spots until you are an expert at them, and then apply the best possible exploits in those. With this I mean you should be really confident in the spots and know exactly how and why you make money vs different types of players in them.

Most people can claim that they are really good in X spots, but can't explain why and how they are making money in those vs xyz tendencies. A balanced strategy will be +EV in all spots because your opponents will make mistakes, but being +EV doesn't mean you are making money (or maximizing money), because after rake you can still be losing.

by blazar k

You bumhunting low stakes somewhere in the other site where rake is low and believe you’re better than him? If you wanna test your skills come play on GG where rake is absurdly high and lets see how you beat it

+$600k since 2018. Not good enough for OP.

GGpoker NL10 is the true test.

People think really wrong towards balanced strategy and it’s profitability

Let’s take an example, villain bets turn and we make huge raise, let’s assume we’re balanced, 50% of times we have gutshot/air type of hand and 50% times we have nutty hand, lets assume villain folds to our huge raise 70% of time and only calls 30% of time and 15% of that 30% consists of nutty hands, we get a lot of folds overall and we make big profits from pools passive plays, online pool likes to fold a lot, i prefer to take dead money all day long without complications, thats consistent redline money

Also when you know what you’re doing at all times gives you confidence

This is a classic example of regs nowadays over complicating things and forget to play poker.

You need to prepare for the real world, not for the possible hs top regs you might or might not face in years to come.

There is absolutely no reason to be balanced vs recs or in a weak pool.
Only be balanced where it actually matters, in this case maybe a few tougher guys in the whole pool.

Even when you move up, the same point applies. Dont use blanket strat vs whole pool.


by blazar k

People think really wrong towards balanced strategy and it’s profitability

Let’s take an example, villain bets turn and we make huge raise, let’s assume we’re balanced, 50% of times we have gutshot/air type of hand and 50% times we have nutty hand, lets assume villain folds to our huge raise 70% of time and only calls 30% of time and 15% of that 30% consists of nutty hands, we get a lot of folds overall and we make big profits from pools passive plays, online pool likes to

The example really doesn't make a point on balance. You basically just said you assume people overfold to a turn raise and decided to maximize your EV by not adjusting to this unbalance by our opponent.

Balance goes way beyond looking at a spot in isolation and deciding how many bluff and value combos you have when you bet and raise.

Maybe you define balance in your own way. But if you actually meant you just raise more than optimal OTT including more value and bluffs in your raising range (trying to have a good value:bluff ratio <- your definition of balance?), this would affect your balance in every other case going to the river. Your calling range would for example become too weak and exploitable OTR because you just shifted strong hands from your calling range to your raising range, while still having all your same weak bluffcatchers in your calling range. This is what the really strong players will pick up on and you just made yourself exploitable while trying to do the opposite.

by Shipnickle k

Maybe you define balance in your own way. But if you actually meant you just raise more than optimal OTT including more value and bluffs in your raising range (trying to have a good value:bluff ratio <- your definition of balance?), this would affect your balance in every other case going to the river. Your calling range would for example become too weak and exploitable OTR because you just shifted strong hands from your calling range to your raising range, while still having all your same weak

Oh no, what have you done...

OP will have to lock himself in basement with no light for few months to re-balanced his balanced strategy.


To describe balance with the simplest way how i look at it:

1. I can’t go wrong in big mixed pools so no matter what - they won’t make profits out of my imbalances

2. As soon as they start to overfold my redline will benefit a lot, especially from nitties who fold too often i can literally run them over

I don’t say it’s easy to build balanced strategy, otherwise everyone would do it, there can be a lot of questions like if you balance your raises then there can be imbalances in calling ranges, i agree it’s not easy

Atm im not in a position to loudly speak about a strategy until i have a success with it, i understand people here who don’t agree with me, RN im more like in a position to listen but i have my views and confidence so i need to go with it

by DeeKayBee k

Oh no, what have you done...

OP will have to lock himself in basement with no light for few months to re-balanced his balanced strategy.


I have no clue why he thinks that im unaware of what strength of hands reach rivers in what frequencies, without this balanced strategy makes no sense obviously

I guess when i gave an example about a raise OTT and said 50%-50% he thought i shifted all my strong value hands in that 50% idk

by blazar k

I have no clue why he thinks that im unaware of what strength of hands reach rivers in what frequencies, without this balanced strategy makes no sense obviously

Well I don't. But I think you said you try to balance the turn raising range while increasing the frequency. Don't see any other consequence than a weaker calling range, unless you start raising more thin for value (and keeping same amount of nutty hands in the calling range), which you probably shouldn't if you, by your own assumptions about the pool, don't expect worse to call.
