NL10 to NL50
Hey 2p2,
Decided to start a thread to keep myself accountable and track my progress.
I'm a 28 year old german and I've played for about a year. I'm pretty much
purely studying with GTOWizard and am looking to understand as much about
the game as possible.
Goal wise I'm trying to crack NL25 by the end of this year and keep pushing for higher stakes asap.
5NL results:
10NL results:
Current weakest parts of my game:
- Overfold BvB / BTN vs B Situations
- Don't play aggro enough in BvB / BTN vs B
- Underbluffing in 3bet pots
- Folding too much in 3bet pots
- Thinking as range instead of hand
When I started out I was very, very aggressive. Now my red line is my
biggest problem and I'm certain it's because I'm playing nitty / scared.
I'm working on current weakness and evaluating them with Tombos21 spot importance sheet mostly,
but the 10NL red line speaks for itself.
Current GTOW Trainer stats / spot importance:
I'll update this thread with results, GTOW Scores and interesting hands.
Happy to answer any questions
no more reports on how your doing mate?
Didn't think anyone was even reading this, glad to see I was wrong.
So let's recap on the most important stuff since the last post:
Red Line
Much better, I don't overfold anymore and became a lot more aggressive.
Big Loss
Lost half my bankroll in 4 days, 4 BI when shot taking 25NL and then 15BI when moving to 10NL again.
Made me almost quit, but ultimately it was the best thing that could've happened to me. Made me realize how weak my mental game was and turn to stoicism.
Can't Play
Since Christmas I can't play because my ID is outdated and I'm waiting for my new one to arrive. Helped me realize I was playing a lot more than studying so right now I study only.
This thread
I was going to make a new one to start of the year and go with it, but I'll keep going in this one. 1 post / week with results and goals for the month.
January Goals
- Finish reading A Game Poker
- Play 1k Hands in GTO Trainer 3 bet pots and study every Mistake I make
- 50 Times Range Builder on GTOW
Gonna crush 2024
We read. Keep posting please.
Go go mate, I'm climbing 25NL too atm
I've actually kept on reading both of your threads and saw you're both making amazing progress.
Thanks for the motivation to keep posting and keeping myself accountable.
If you want I'm totally down to sweat each other some time 😀
Hope you have the best of luck on your journey too!
I can finally play again and crushed my first session
Goal Progress
- Behind on GTOW Hands and Rangebuilding exercises, but gonna catch up
- On Track to finish A Game Poker until the end of month
I've also started reading Modern Poker Theory and love it! I'm sure I will need to read it and A Game Poker more than once to fully absorb all the knowledge but it's great. No idea why I was watching random **** on youtube in the evening instead of reading books about topics I care about.
After the forced break my love for poker is back and stronger than ever before - also partially due to improving my mental game. If you have ChatGPT+, check out the Stoic Sage GPT I made which I use to improve my mental game even more.
As a last note, going to be more active on 2p2 moving forward. Definitely a lot easier since I have access to the game again.
I've actually kept on reading both of your threads and saw you're both making amazing progress.
Thanks for the motivation to keep posting and keeping myself accountable.
If you want I'm totally down to sweat each other some time 😀
Hope you have the best of luck on your journey too!
I can finally play again and crushed my first session
Goal Progress
- Behind on GTOW Hands and Rangebuilding exercises, but gonna catch up
- On Track to finish A Game Poker until the end of month
I've also started reading Modern Poker Theory and love it! I'm sure I will need to read it and A Game Poker more than once to fully absorb all the knowle
Great to see it man! Super sick session keep it up 😀
Took a shot at 25NL as my BR allowed it. started out alright but then took the worst redline beating of my life - just got 3bet on the bottom of my opening range all the time, 4bet on the bottom of 3bet range, all draws missing etc.
NL25 shot taking results:
Redline beating continued at NL10 but managed to steer it around
Currently taking a break from A Game Poker, but have been reading a lot of Modern Poker Theory - to continue with A Game Poker I need to actually create a schedule, which I definitely will but I'm likely not finishing every book task until end of the month.
Took a shot at 25NL as my BR allowed it. started out alright but then took the worst redline beating of my life - just got 3bet on the bottom of my opening range all the time, 4bet on the bottom of 3bet range, all draws missing etc.
NL25 shot taking results:
Redline beating continued at NL10 but managed to steer it around
Currently taking a break from A Game Poker, but have been reading a lot of Modern Poker Theory - to continue with A Game Poker I need to actually create a schedule, which I d
Tough, don’t get too caught up in one snap shot of sample. Keep playing and good things will happen too!
Thanks mate, I find it always more difficult to deal with bad redline than blue line. If you get set over set, so be it, but redline always leaves me wondering if I'm becoming a nit..
End of the day, Green line rules them all. If it's bothering you to see redline going down, turn if off. I just leave on my EV and green lines now until I look at end of month. It really helps me
End of the day, Green line rules them all. If it's bothering you to see redline going down, turn if off. I just leave on my EV and green lines now until I look at end of month. It really helps me
I kinda like it as an indicator whether I'm aggressive enough or not but I totally get your approach too. Might try it!
What's your WWSF?
So 48-52?
Good, don't sweat your redline then.
Did very good in January and February, crushing 10NL for 7BB for 50k hands or so.
Then march came and destroyed me.
Effectively down half my BR since I was shot taking 25NL before the downswing. I'm currently taking a break from playing, instead I'm studying and playing GTOWizard exclusively.
I'm starting today with a new study method:
1. Group a flop spot by strategic similarity (i.e. K [BW card] [
2. Aggregate data for all flops, then reduce to largest GTOW subset
3. Open ~10 representative flops of the subset, solve with AI for 1 betsize
4. Plug in the bet size from step 2 and check if we loose EV by simplifying to that bet size on all flops
5. Write down strat to spread sheet
6. Create Trainer with that flop texture and only the flop bet sizing and practice it
7. Play through that texture in range builder
Also back to reading A Game Poker and hopefully implementing a real schedule.
Goal for April:
- Write down all spots for BTN vs BB SRP
- Write down all spots for UTG vs BB SRP
- Implement schedule
- Train 100 Hands for each spot
- Play through at least 1 Rangebuilder for each spot
Have done my spreadsheet for most spots. I have in SRP: UTG vs BB, BTN vs BB, SB vs BB. As HJ I play UTG strat and as CO I play BTN strat. I also have BTN vs SB 3bet. Looking to create EP vs MP 3bet and BB vs x 3bet pot next.
I have strategy for different turns etc... Just not practicing enough against the trainer, mostly due to the devastation of losing 3/4 of my BR.
I'm quitting weed for good so hopefully this will help me set up a proper schedule and work on my tilt levels.
Good luck on your progress, I'm also currently at 10nl. Took a shot at 25nl yesterday, was hoping to boost the bankroll but took a 3.5 buy in loss instead. Obviously that's hardly anything but it's still a big part of my current roll so I'm back at 10nl for now. I played fine, just ran into some negative variance. Lost a big hand Vs a whale in a 3 bet pot who has 97o and turned a straight, then another whale jamming 33 into my QQ for 60 bucks and spiking a 3 on the fop. I guess this is why you need a lot of buy ins, it could easily have gone the other way.
Anyway I'll be grinding 10nl a little longer it seems.
Which site are you playing on BTW? I'm on stars. My username is Spac3m0nkey, perhaps I'll see you at the tables if you play there. GL
Hey there!
I noticed you're putting in a lot of hard work on your game, and it seems you have a solid strategy for improvement. That's great!
However, focusing solely on theory without practice, or vice versa, isn't the most efficient approach. The key is to combine them.
While playing, take note of interesting hands. Then, after reviewing them, you'll gain a deeper understanding and better recall.
It's true that bad beats can be demotivating, making it tough to keep playing. But trust me, even a little playtime can make a big difference.
Good luck on your progress, I'm also currently at 10nl. Took a shot at 25nl yesterday, was hoping to boost the bankroll but took a 3.5 buy in loss instead. Obviously that's hardly anything but it's still a big part of my current roll so I'm back at 10nl for now. I played fine, just ran into some negative variance. Lost a big hand Vs a whale in a 3 bet pot who has 97o and turned a straight, then another whale jamming 33 into my QQ for 60 bucks and spiking a 3 on the fop. I guess this is why you n
I'm on stars too, I actually think I've seen your nick before. GL Mate 😀
Hey there!
I noticed you're putting in a lot of hard work on your game, and it seems you have a solid strategy for improvement. That's great!
However, focusing solely on theory without practice, or vice versa, isn't the most efficient approach. The key is to combine them.
While playing, take note of interesting hands. Then, after reviewing them, you'll gain a deeper understanding and better recall.
It's true that bad beats can be demotivating, making it tough to keep playing. But trust me, even a li
Thank you for the advice, I took a real break. It helped and I love the game again. I'm also playing again, but I'm playing 5NL to increase my win ratio. I'm pretty sure my weakest point is still my mental game so this definitely should help me.
Thanks for lurking around guys. It's been challenging times but I will do my best to grow stronger from the hardship.
Hey man, hope it's going well. I'll be back on the grind soon today. I see in some of your posts you mention your red line and not been aggressive enough perhaps. I'm no expert, I'm trying to climb through the stakes myself, hoping to reach 100nl at some point, but if I can I can offer some things that I believe are helping my red line.
I think it's important to study gto to understand the game better, but more to spot where you can deviate and exploit the weaker opponents at 10nl and 25nl. Like in theory people are supposed to play aggressively from the blinds, in my experience they way under 3 bet so you can widen your opening range on the BU and CO.
Also yourself I think it's good to study the larger 3 bet sizings from the blinds, if you're not already. The larger sizings are more polerizing and focus more on blockers which generate more fold equity. I see hardly anyone using them at 25nl so I think it's good as they also make people uncomfortable, they're not used to facing such large sizings like 13 or 13.5 from the bb.
Also study over bet spots on the flop, as a rule if the board is T or lower, dry and no straights possible then a good default c bet is overbet. This is focused around overpairs and strong top pairs mixed with bluffs, so a heavy big bet or check strategy is what I like to employ. Again it's very polerizing but generates a lot of fold equity as people at 25nl from what I've seen rarely over bet the flop. There's also other overbet spots on the flop like on AK6 when bb defends you can build an over betting range on these types of textures also which I don't see many doing.
I also don't flat in the HJ or CO, I play 3 bet or fold, this forces out equity from those behind and keeps your range uncapped. I also rarely flat in sb, vs min raises however I do have a small flatting range.
Also in theory you check back a lot of draws on the flop and turn, this works well when up against tough opponents. I think at 25nl however people aren't really aware enough to spot if a strategy is slightly unbalanced so are unlikely to exploit you on turns and rivers if you bet draws at a slightly higher frequency than what is optimal. I think it's a good exploit to bet them at a higher frequency at low stakes as people don't respond correctly and it can generate extra fold equity and they're unlikely to exploit you on later streets.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts on some of the things that I believe may be helping my red line, you may already be doing some of them
Hey man, hope it's going well. I'll be back on the grind soon today. I see in some of your posts you mention your red line and not been aggressive enough perhaps. I'm no expert, I'm trying to climb through the stakes myself, hoping to reach 100nl at some point, but if I can I can offer some things that I believe are helping my red line.
I think it's important to study gto to understand the game better, but more to spot where you can deviate and exploit the weaker opponents at 10nl and 25nl. Like
Thanks for the tips. Definitely using the larger sizings to avoid the rake. German rake is even higher than normal :X
Hey man, hope it's going well. I'll be back on the grind soon today. I see in some of your posts you mention your red line and not been aggressive enough perhaps. I'm no expert, I'm trying to climb through the stakes myself, hoping to reach 100nl at some point, but if I can I can offer some things that I believe are helping my red line.
I think it's important to study gto to understand the game better, but more to spot where you can deviate and exploit the weaker opponents at 10nl and 25nl. Like
Yeah I have multiple spots where I play OB or check as the flop sizing, i.e. CO / BTN / SB vs BB on [A, BW, < T] I play 125 or x. I agree it's much nicer 😀
I dont flat from anywhere but the BB or if a fish raises as BTN.
This GTOW article really showed me I should spend some time doing MDA and learning when to overfold / overcall. I think my biggest leak currently is that I'm not folding strong hands when I know Villain likely has no bluffs and I'm not beating value.
Also in theory you check back a lot of draws on the flop and turn, this works well when up against tough opponents. I think at 25nl however people aren't really aware enough to spot if a strategy is slightly unbalanced so are unlikely to exploit you on turns and rivers if you bet draws at a slightly higher frequency than what is optimal. I think it's a good exploit to bet them at a higher frequency at low stakes as people don't respond correctly and it can generate extra fold equity and they're
If you bet too many high equity draws though people are sometimes right in overfolding as your betting range will be too strong.
I'm back in the game quit to play live ,but kinda busted my roll on slots and roulette sadly.
Was crushing redline beforehand and i can say for sure that u don't need to concern urself with redline winning ,its not worth the effort for the return.The swings are wilder than normal and u benefit very slightly ,because of too many stations on the stakes.If u really wanna crush the redline u need to develop alot of x/r and overbet lines where u add lots of ur TP/TK type hands and even lower than that on wet boards etc.
Just too many nits in the pool that won't make any money of u if u don't give it to them by playing passively.
WWSF depends really on how wide u open if u open super wide u shouldn't focus on winning more than 48% of the time even that is a stretch if u play like 29/25