2NLz to 200NLz in 2024?
I'm a very long-time social / rec player (10+ years of playing once a month, sometimes less) starting to learn poker strategy properly, with a lot more time to invest.
About 2 weeks into taking poker more seriously and thought I'd start a thread here to track my own progress.
I have about 30hrs/wk available. I plan on spending my time 60-70% studying, 30-40% playing.
Playing mostly on GG.
Study Plan
I've hired a coach to help get me pointed in the right direction and help me grasp concepts, but I'm also spending a lot of time myself. Had my first hour session today, will have another later this week.
I do "okay" at constructing ranges (e.g. I can find and prioritize the best bluffs in a spot), and understanding where to find bluffs even in more difficult spots (and today it clicked that this is for example an easy exploit in micro stakes, knowing where most other players won't find bluffs). I understand the common math concepts. I'm just now trying to figure out frequencies (and patterns to them) as a whole.
30m - Review preflop ranges daily (currently very accurate on RFI, still improving on 3bet/4bet accuracy)
1h - Hand review. If I've flagged hands (need to do this more) I'll dive in. Otherwise, I upload to GTOWizard, sort by biggest EV mistakes, and try to find hands where I can't justify my deviation. I'll try to ask myself questions about these and dive in to find relevant heuristics/answers.
1h - Try to find new heuristics. Right now, I'm trying to find patterns in how GTO decides on frequencies.
1h - Consume general strategy content (videos, etc), make notes, validate concepts by finding the patterns myself with gtowizard to set it in, etc.
0.5h++ Play! Often this is more like 1h-3h. Mostly 2 tabling zoom.
Every week I'll revisit this study plan, figure out what's working and what needs to change.
Bankroll Strategy
I will infinitely reload +$20 as needed if I go bust. Hasn't happened yet.
Move up: 20bi at previous stake + 3bi at new stake
Move down: 20bi at previous stake
At 25NL I'll change to a 40bi strategy before moving up. If I'm somehow completely crushing the game I might be willing to slightly lower that.
Also planning on starting a separate roll for live and injecting some cash once I'm confident I'm winning at 10NL+.
Starting balance was $20
Current balance is $30
The more I understand the less I expect to be winning, but the more confident I feel that I'll get there. Here's my graph, includes about 6k hands of 5NL starting just before the peak.
All zoom (rush & cash on GG).
50NL by end of April
100NL by end of August
200NL by end of December
I know this is very ambitious. I can put in a lot more volume on the weekends, but will sometimes take a day off so I don't burn out. Aiming for the toughest rush and fold games is because I genuinely enjoy the challenge of poker, strategy, etc. If I want to make a big profit, I'll play more live 😀
I plan on posting daily updates for now, occasionally with bankroll / hand histories, often with what I'm studying.
Any feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated!