NLH MTT Grind to High Stakes
Hi, My name is Cagdas. I am 20 years old from Germany and I want to share my grind with you. My biggest goal is to be one of the best in the game, I will play and study everyday. Yesterday, I deposited 50 euros to my GG account. I started playing 1-2 dollars buy-in tournaments. I played 7 yesterday and 10 mtts today. I cashed 8 of them and made the 5th on Daily Big 2 euros. I made lots of blunder, but my main leak is playing as short and mid stack. Especially, pre flop. Also, I struggle playing limped pots from SB. I need to feel more comfortable playing shorter stacks. When we are deeper, I feel way better both pre and post flop mainly because I study deep stack play a ton. Now, I will focus more on playing short. I will update this thread every night, posting graphs after a while. BR sits at 86.39 after 1267 hands. I studied charts on GTOWizard and studied LP SB on GTOBase app. I didn't study a lot yet and will keep studying these. I am trying to exploit people as much as I can, but I am not even close to being good. I will be getting better by playing and having more experience.