9c6's Poker Scrub Bankroll Challenge $100 NL5 -> $10,000 NL500
So I'm finally starting my bankroll challenge for 2024. The title is overly ambitious for fun, but as you'll see from the rules of the challenge, it's actually doable if you (or I) are actually winning players.
My goal is to play on ignition mixing 1 zone table and 3 reg tables.
Starting at NL5 with $100 and moving up once I have 20 100bb buyins at the next stake.
Rather than actually using my resulting bankroll, I will simply use my all in adjusted winnings plus rake paid out on pots I've won.
In other words, I'm ignoring variance on all-in pots and ignoring rake, since micros are such a rake trap and I want to actually move up some time this century.
This obviously means I can still move up from running too hot (all in adj only covers so much), but I don't want a ton of volume with pennies. This is just for fun after all.
As you can see, with these rules, someone who is an actual crusher gets to cheat a bit on the bankroll management side in order to move up faster in keeping with something a little bit closer to their expected winrate.
Once I've "won" enough to double the roll, I deposit more into the account to make up the difference of rake and all in variance (obv ignoring all of the rest of the variance of the game tree).
Then I move up and play the next stake.
If I get my ass kicked at the next stake, I have to keep redepositing until I quit or improve my graph enough to recover and move up.
Ignoring rake and all in variance won't protect me from being a bad player. If I'm a losing player, I can't move up.
And since zone doesn't cover all stakes, the zone table will become a reg table for stakes not covered.
So far only 7k hands in. A bit of runbad on all-in pots (which we get to ignore!).
We have all-in adjusted net winnings of $22.29
Plus $44.45 rake paid on pots I've won.
So we're already $66.84 of the way to our $100 needed for NL10.
Wish me luck folks!
18 Replies
Love the idea to use all in adj
in and gl!
UPDATE: I am now using My C Rake Attributed instead.
I think my method overstates my rake paid because of split pots.
$42.08 instead of $44.45. Cool beans.
We still need to increase our volume, but at around 8.5k hands we're around $75 earned out of $100.
Next post probably when we get another 1k hands or maybe when we get to $85
Moving up will be fun, though I'll miss having the zoom table open.
I don't think you should add your rake paid as you've stated. Regardless, I still wish you the best of luck!
Have you been playing previously to this? What stakes and what volume?
I don't think you should add your rake paid as you've stated. Regardless, I still wish you the best of luck!
Have you been playing previously to this? What stakes and what volume?
Prior to this I've actually only played play money lol.
I put in like 20k hands on Zynga (lmao) and some unknown number on pokerstars zoom play money.
I figured I should move up to actual money starting with micros, but because the rake is an insane trap (11 bb/100? srsly?), I'm just ignoring rake for the purposes of seeing whether or not I can "beat" a stake. Low live (I can count my number of sessions on one hand lol) rake caps at like 2bb in large pots vs 40bb in online micros.
I'm just a rec, so being actually profitable is secondary to me vs just improving my game.
I also despise HUDs, so I'm sticking with anon sites like iggy.
It's looking like I'll get to graduate from NL5 after around 10k hands with the way things are going.
Though I'm running below ev on flips, I actually think I've been running a bit hot in terms of getting there with monsters occasionally, and with some of the big bluffs I've run lately.
I'm sure I'll go back to cursing my luck soon enough again. It always happens eventually.
It's going to suck when I run into people who actually know how to bluff, though I guess learning when to bluff catch will be fun instead of just "never ever".
Fish on a heater. 10k hands with $87 "won" out of our goal for $100 to move up to 10nl
If we can keep sunrunning, we'll get there.
6.7bb/100 adj, 17.0bb/100 after our "rakeback"
Next update at $100
Figured we can also share our leaktracker frequencies.
Everything looks fine.
I know I have a ton of leaks from reviewing my hands though.
Mostly stopped calling down light vs aggression because the pool is so passive and only bets big with nuttish hands.
I think I should also squeeze a lot wider than I have been. Might implement that and see if it tanks my winrate. I honestly play 3bet and 4bet pots really badly because I haven't studied them much at all.
I can also probably profitably overcall more.
I've been ducking out of those hands pre (v1 RFI, v2 flat, hero?) unless I have like a 4bettable premium when I probably don't have to.
Actually I forgot I already won $13 before I started tracking with pt4, so that's just enough for our $100!
Let's start fresh on nl10
Alrighty. We're just about 1k hands into 4 tabling 10nl.
Let's see how we're doing.
Off to a bit of a rough start, but we're $20 in to our new goal.
We need to grind up $300 to move up from 10NL to 25NL, so we've got quite a bit of a climb ahead of us.
The lack of a zoom table will make getting volume in a bit more challenging, but since we get to ignore rake, it should just be a matter of time, assuming we don't play like ass.
Wish me luck!
Finally time for an update. Slow and steady progress.
2k hands now at 10nl
Earned $50/$300 needed to move up to 25nl
17% of the way to our goal
At this rate, should be able to move up around 12k hands
Well it's been a long time. Couldn't play for a variety of reasons, some medical. But we're back!
5k hands now at 10nl
Earned $73/$300 needed to move up to 25nl
24% of the way to our goal
At this rate, should be able to move up around 21k hands.
Had a bad downswing which killed our winrate.
We're sitting at 14.21 BB/100 after adjusting for rake and all-in equity. Winning thanks to 100% rakeback, but we'll still need a lot of volume to move up to 25nl anytime soon.
Good luck on the virtual felt!
Slowly plugging along. Time for another update.
6.5k hands now at 10nl
Currently on a very silly upswing that I'm sure will revert later.
Earned $100/$300 needed to move up to 25nl
33% of the way to our goal
At this rate, should be able to move up around 20k hands.
We're sitting at 15.26 BB/100 after adjusting for rake and all-in equity.
Good luck grinders!
7.6k hands at 10nl
Earned $118/$300 needed to move up to 25nl
40% of the way to our goal
At this rate, should be able to move up around 19k hands.
We're sitting at 15.5 BB/100 after adjusting for rake and all-in equity.
Good luck grinders!
9k hands at 10nl
Earned $136/$300 needed to move up to 25nl
45% of the way to our goal
At this rate, should be able to move up around 20k hands.
We're sitting at 15.0 BB/100 after adjusting for rake and all-in equity.
Really we just need more time and volume, which is hard to come by these days, but slow and steady progress.
Good luck grinders!
Best of luck! Keep grinding.
Thanks fam. Still need to get like another 10k hands in. Slow going. Last 1k hands were basically breakeven. Hit some bad variance. No real progress.
10k hands at 10nl
Earned $135/$300 needed to move up to 25nl
45% of the way to our goal
At this rate, should be able to move up around 22k hands.
We're sitting at 13.4 BB/100 after adjusting for rake and all-in equity.
Good luck grinders!
Alright folks a lot of life has happened which I won't get into but it's been a crazy shitstorm.
That said, I got up to $150 earned at NL10 with an observed rakeback winrate of around 12bb/100, so around a 93% probability that i'm at least breakeven at the stake, so we're just going to move up because I simply don't have the time to grind as much as I'd like. It's just very unlikely i'm actually losing at this stake, so no point in proving it to anyone.
Wish me luck at NL25, at least for when I get a chance to actually play.