My Quest from NL10 to NL50
Hi there,
I will try to keep this short and be direct. I've played poker for a long time but mostly on and off however I believe that in the past I had some sort of pressure of wanting to do well, right now I just want to have fun playing it as a side hobby and focus on some more personal skills.
The goal is to get to NL50 (atleast) and be able to then have some decent side income. I don't feel pressured in anyway tho regarding that possible additional income. Therefore the main goal is to be patient, be consistent, have a decent bankroll management strategy and get there whenever is time.
I'm playing on GGPoker. I deposited 300$ and started playing NL10. I only play reg speed tables, no rush as it ****s my head up and I can't think properly 😃
I am aware that the rake is high but I believe that the pool is soft, at least in NL10 and I have fun 😀\
Stakes rules
I will be following a standard strategy of 30bis shot and drop down when I lose 5-6bis.
Bankroll right now
I ran quite well I think so far and enjoying the 50% rakeback (won't obv be able to keep it). Received around 55$ rakeback once, around 23$ ggcare and one jackpot badbeat on my table for 50$ i think.
This blog:
I think this will mostly be to post hands, trying to be consistent as I said before and yeah. Let's see what happens.
16 Replies
I started playing on the 8th February and so far this is what we have. Volume is good I think, obviously running better than what I should. Let's see what happens.
Good luck mate
Very good volume playing reg tables. How many tables do you play at a time?
Between 6 to 9 tables. It depends but always try to have at least 1 rec (with high vpip) around. There are some nit recs that are not worth the grind imo.
Like if someone is clearly a reg, sitting with a weird number of bbs but not playing many hands, won't splash as easy and with high rake it is not worth sticking around imo.
nice start gl gl
So, I clearly didn't come here anymore. I got busy with other personal stuff/work, played less but still managed to keep the profit.
Needed some money for other personal stuff and thought that I had to make a smart choice and cashout my initial investment. I felt really good about it - risk free, just had to take it easy and manage well my bankroll and just enjoy the game!
So I cashed out 350$ and left 200$ (I was at 550, so had lost 10bis across a week or so).
Then, some friends invited me for a road trip and knowing that would cost me around 350ish €, I was a bit gutted because really wanted to go but at the same time knew. So I set up a "challenge" and had two weeks to make as much as possible to go and feel less bad about spending that money (I was gonna go anyway, but trying to smooth it a bit).
So, grinded my BR to 280 I think and then boom. Jackpot. Boosted my BR to 990$ and imediately and happily cashed out 350$. I think bankroll was at like 650ish, not sure.
Grinded a bit more NL10 and said, risk free now so let's do it. Hopped on to NL25 last week and right now:
BR: 1259$, which is pretty cool!
I had said that I was going to shot at NL50 once I hit 1250, but changed my mind. I'm doing well in NL25, know the pool and feeling quite comfortable. Can handle a few losing days that are coming for sure so, gonna wait for the right moment to move to NL50. I think that at 1500 I def go for a 4bi shot.
These are the stats after the Jackpot with some NL10 and then NL25 for the last 6 days
Very nice to hit a jackpot when needing some reallife money. Where is the roadtrip going to?
Good luck on the grind.
Very nice to hit a jackpot when needing some reallife money. Where is the roadtrip going to?
Good luck on the grind.
Indeed. Roadtrip was to Madrid and was fun. Worth the money but it rained all the time, very unlucky with the weather as the previous and next week was fine. All good tho!
Came here to post an update.
I think I'm going to try to be more consistent in coming here and posting updates and perhaps hands yeah!
So, after cashing out and BR being at 1259$ I went on my trip and didn't play at all of course. Came back and we went up to 1600$ which was enough to take a shot at NL50 but I made the decision of cashing out another 350$.
My cat needs surgery and it is going to cost 400$ (splitting it with partner). Cashed out today and restarted at 1250$ looking at those 1500 as goal to move up to NL50.
Bankroll right now: 1378$
Also decided to post some graphs since I started playing again this year in February.
NL10 Graph and Stats
NL25 Graph and Stats
Doing much better in NL25, playing much better in my opinion. Being more patient as well and know the pool quite well. Let's see how it goes and if I can reach NL50 soon.
GLGL, impresive volume. Waiting for 50nl hand histories.
Hey, I guess I'm pretty good and consistent with updates every 15days or so lol.
Since last time, I had a bit of brain damage and spewed a few buyins during 2 days. Played horrible and tilted. Got my **** together and started playing solid again but wasn't running very well too, so had to be patient.
Yesterday, I hit 1550$ on my bankroll and decided to jump in the NL50 pool. So far, not much going on but managed to win a bit and plan to stay there unless I lose 4bis.
So right now:
Bankroll: 1668, and I will drop if I lose 4bis.
This is my overall NL25 stats after 51k hands:
And so far, the NL50:
I guess the challenge is completed =D but I will keep going and posting here.
Thank you!
Nice results. Keep up the good work.
Dude you are doing very good. Keep grinding. GL!