40€ to x€ NLHE cash project
Starting from nl5 today with 40€ bankroll. Playing 6 max and goal is to reach nl100 eventually.
Playing 4-6 tables let's go 🚀
12 Replies
Went broke on 2nd day of the project. Today I deposited 37€ so in for 57.8€ total.
I started with 20.8€ that was left on my account instead of 40€ cause I wasn't able to deposit on the first day.
I monkey tilted on first 2 days, I often go on rage tilt in the lower limits cause I try t o force myself out of them to higher blind limits and try to win by playing too aggro etc then blame it on my opponents and the run etc.
Today was a good day +100€ ish and no huge mistakes, some clwar mistakes but total punts I didn't make too many.
Not a good day, I was very tired but eventually started to play slightly better towards the end. Felt like a ran pretty bad for a while not specifically bad though. Made some mistakes today as well for sure but hopefully I can clean them up with better preparation and energy tomorrow.
Start roll 57,8€
Br 168 €
Deposited ~110€ more today to leverage moving up faster.
Goals for today:
- taking breaks with 1 hour intervals
- meditation / light exersice on breaks
- no distractions while playing, no web, or phone usage.
Best day so far non result oriented wise, even though I still made several mistakes, I guess it's hard to play a perfect 2k hands of poker where you always make the best decision. Still a bit tired, I haven't slept sufficiently lately and I can feel the effect on my energy levels. Also I quit coffee only a couple of days ago so maybe that plays a role. Almost safely rolled to nl20 now which is great cause that is a level where I can make a decent hourly.
Looking good. Good luck.
Thanks Parasense!
Ended up drinking some alcohol on thursday, kinda through some backdoor equity with no specific plan wether or not to have a day off or not.
(I play full time btw).
First drink was tea then I followed along with my friend and ordered beer. --> drank 7 total and I was so damn hungover on Friday, like alcohol these days just isn't worth it for me. Always miss one day from life by being completely bedridden. Well at least I had the pleasure to watch rory and morikawa tilt in Arnold Palmer Classic.
Can't wait for the golf season to kick off here, it's the one free time activity that gives some nice kicks and other stuff don't come close. (The ones that I do).
The point of the post is I am not happy with how I handled the thursday situation, no disclipline, no boundaries set for myself.
As a "redemption" my goal is to play 24 hours on sat-sun. That's a massive volume for cash games and if I can accomplish that I would be very satisfied. However I won't try to grind volume obsessively if I feel like my winrate drops due to bot being able to focus, rather I play less with good focus and sharpness and more breaks.
If you happen to have a drink too much again, try taking a double dose of magnesium in half a liter of water before going to bed. Solves most problems with hangover the next day.
Played bad yesterday, ran hot. Exactly what I said I will try to avoid kind of happened. Which is that I was playing for the hours, with semi poor focus. And, I was playing too many tables, with distractions as well. Also took a shot at nl50 and that's when things started to get shaky, too slim of a BR --> mentally harder to make tight laydowns etc.
Today I will have a simple goal:
break once every hour
0 distractions while playing
max 5 tables
no coffee & clean diet
And here is yesterdays graph, better to be lucky than good..
Got an email offering me 100% bonus to Stars last week that was usable for 7 days. I made a deposit yeaterday but saw no place to enter my bonus code, I had this issue before as well but was able to somehow find the box maybe after my deposit or something.
So I decided that I will go on with the deposit and maybe I will be able to enter the code in the further steps. I didn't get the bonus, so I spent 2+ hours in stars chat, only to get a oneliner response saying that I am no longer eligible for the deposit. I made the deposit within that 7 day period but it was at the very end and since I spent 3 hours total after the deposit until I got a response it was past 7 days.
Anywya now I have my br in stars and can't cashout before I play the money through once or whatever their policy is, I guess I'll have to play there for a little while.
Haven't played much poker at all in a long while. Today I'll start another challenge, goal is to build my br of 51.84€ into 10k€ before the end of september. I will start with nl5 today.