Turn $100 into a Lamborghini Aventador
My name is Norbert. I am 35 years old. I came from Hungary. I have been playing poker since I was age of 18.
I read many hungarian books and watched a lot of videós about how to play poker but I find that it didn't go deep dive in mathematical aspects of poker.
I do everything to be easily understandable because english is not my native language. That's the second secret goal with blogging to improve my english.
So first yes.. It's a bit bragging. How to turn $100 into a Lamborghini Aventador which costs more than $100.000 ?! Yes. Within 5 years. I gave myself 5 years. If I fail I stop playing poker. Because I love this game I do everything I can!!
Yes, it's a very big goal. This is my favourite car. If I can reach this goal I would say I can play poker. I have a passive income what can cover my expenses so I have enough time to study and play.
I have been reading the following books:
- Endgame Poker Strategy: The ICM Book (The Poker Solved Series)
- Secrets of Professional Tournament Poker: The Essential Guide
- Poker's Postflop Course Part 1: Advanced Analysis of Exploitive Postflop Play in No-Limit Hold'em: The River
- Beyond GTO: Poker Exploits Simplified
- GTO poker simplified
- Play Optimal Poker
- Play Optimal Poker 2
- Playing The Player
- The Myth of Poker Talent Why Anyone Can Be a Great Poker Player
- APPLICATIONS of No-Limit Holdem
I have already read many hungarian books so I know the basics, but I think these books will improve my winrate. These seems the best.
I want to finish studying this book at the end of this year. I may post hands which I can easely analyze after reading these books but my purpose is to share at least 3 hands every day.
14 Replies
PokerStars - 600/1200 Ante 160 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 8 players
UTG: 24.39 BB
UTG+1: 65.43 BB
MP: 39.77 BB
Hero (MP+1): 48.55 BB
CO: 17.09 BB
BTN: 9.5 BB
SB: 50.94 BB
BB: 21.48 BB
8 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.57 BB) Hero has A♦ 5♦
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.2 BB, fold, fold, SB calls 1.7 BB, BB calls 1.2 BB
Flop: (7.67 BB, 3 players) Q♥ 3♦ A♠
SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks
Turn: (7.67 BB, 3 players) 7♦
SB bets 3.83 BB, BB calls 3.83 BB, Hero calls 3.83 BB
River: (19.17 BB, 3 players) 5♥
SB bets 9.58 BB, BB raises to 15.32 BB and is all-in, Hero raises to 42.38 BB and is all-in, SB calls 32.8 BB
Hero shows A♦ 5♦ (Two Pair, Aces and Fives)
Main Pot [65.11 BB]: (Pre 35%, Flop 22%, Turn 23%)
Side Pot#1 [54.13 BB]: (Pre 43%, Flop 36%, Turn 24%)
SB shows A♥ 7♠ (Two Pair, Aces and Sevens)
Main Pot [65.11 BB]: (Pre 42%, Flop 20%, Turn 71%)
Side Pot#1 [54.13 BB]: (Pre 57%, Flop 64%, Turn 76%)
BB shows 3♥ A♣ (Two Pair, Aces and Threes)
Main Pot [65.11 BB]: (Pre 23%, Flop 59%, Turn 6%)
SB wins 119.25 BB
Both players may have a strong range. But What should I do after the shorter stack moved all-in? Call and fold if the bigger stack jam?
How can I calculate the EV If I put the shorter stack A3, 33 and the bigger stack A7 and 33 and some stronger Ax like AT, AJ which will fold to my all-in.
realistically I would just call the jam from BB
good luck! think that car costs way more than 100k though
But How can I make an equation for this?
I try to calculate a basic EV.
(River pot+SB bet + BB Allin + my allin)*(my win against BB and sb call) - (my risking money) * my lose equity against bb and sb call
(19.17+9.58+15.32+42.38) * 0.1794 - (42.38)*0.8206 = 15.50913-34.777028 = - 19,267898
But What If I think sb will fold AJ, AT, A3, A5? Only calls with pocket 33 and A7?
Basically I played wrong on the river. I should have easily fold.
as someone with 100% Hungarian blood and age 34 I support your Journey
Till now my day is running very bad.
PokerStars - 50/100 Ante 12 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
SB: 95.92 BB
BB: 99.32 BB
UTG: 99.09 BB
UTG+1: 95.04 BB
Hero (MP): 93.63 BB
MP+1: 84.47 BB
MP+2: 90.1 BB
CO: 133.57 BB
BTN: 101.78 BB
9 players post ante of 0.12 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.58 BB) Hero has A♦ A♣
fold, fold, Hero raises to 3.2 BB, fold, fold, CO calls 3.2 BB, fold, fold, fold
Flop: (8.98 BB, 2 players) 5♦ 3♦ 2♦
Hero bets 3.05 BB, CO calls 3.05 BB
Turn: (15.08 BB, 2 players) 7♥
Hero bets 11.16 BB, CO raises to 127.2 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 76.1 BB and is all-in
River: (189.6 BB, 2 players) 6♠
Hero shows A♦ A♣ (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 82%, Flop 58%, Turn 43%)
CO shows 2♥ 3♥ (Two Pair, Threes and Twos)
(Pre 18%, Flop 42%, Turn 57%)
CO wins 189.6 BB
PokerStars - 30/60 Ante 7 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 11.2 BB
Hero (SB): 44.8 BB
BB: 130.88 BB
UTG: 71.5 BB
MP: 55.5 BB
CO: 44.1 BB
6 players post ante of 0.12 BB, Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.2 BB) Hero has Q♠ Q♦
fold, MP calls 1 BB, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3.2 BB, fold, MP calls 2.2 BB
Flop: (8.1 BB, 2 players) 7♣ 7♥ T♠
Hero bets 2.75 BB, MP calls 2.75 BB
Turn: (13.6 BB, 2 players) 7♦
Hero bets 7.75 BB, MP raises to 15.5 BB, Hero raises to 38.73 BB and is all-in, MP calls 23.23 BB
River: (91.07 BB, 2 players) A♠
Hero shows Q♠ Q♦ (Full House, Sevens full of Queens)
(Pre 71%, Flop 87%, Turn 91%)
MP shows A♥ 5♠ (Full House, Sevens full of Aces)
(Pre 29%, Flop 13%, Turn 9%)
MP wins 91.07 BB
Both players may have a strong range. But What should I do after the shorter stack moved all-in? Call and fold if the bigger stack jam?
Call and report for cheating if the bigger stack jams. The betting won't be reopened for him if you flat, because the shove isn't more than a minraise.
PokerStars - 100/200 Ante 20 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
SB: 85 BB
BB: 37.07 BB
UTG: 50.54 BB
UTG+1: 93.62 BB
Hero (MP): 47.82 BB
CO: 48.8 BB
BTN: 40.9 BB
7 players post ante of 0.1 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.2 BB) Hero has K♦ K♥
fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.2 BB, fold, fold, fold, BB calls 1.2 BB
Flop: (5.6 BB, 2 players) 4♦ 9♥ 9♠
BB checks, Hero checks
Turn: (5.6 BB, 2 players) 3♠
BB bets 4 BB, Hero calls 4 BB
River: (13.6 BB, 2 players) 6♥
BB bets 13.6 BB, Hero calls 13.6 BB
BB shows 7♥ 9♦ (Three of a Kind, Nines)
(Pre 16%, Flop 91%, Turn 95%)
Hero mucks K♦ K♥ (Two Pair, Kings and Nines)
(Pre 84%, Flop 9%, Turn 5%)
BB wins 40.8 BB
There were two reasons why I checked back.
First, this is a typical way ahead way behind situation. Only 9x and pocket fours beat me.
Second, I judged that I could pull more money from Qx, Tx, Kx, Jx, 8x hands if he got a pair.
He bet almost a pot on the turn and I gave him this range.
I put him this range: 44-33,AsTs,As9s,As8s,Ks8s,Qs8s,Js8s,Ts8s,9s8s,As7s,Ks7s,Qs7s,Js7s,8s7s,As6s,Ks6s,Qs6s,Js6s,7s6s,As5s,Ks5s,6s5s,As4s,Ks4s,As3s,Ks3s,As2s,Ks2s,97o
After the river card he bet a pot. It seems very polarized to me.
I had 65.71% equity so thats why I called.
PokerStars - 125/250 Ante 25 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BB: 28.84 BB
UTG: 26.17 BB
UTG+1: 82.72 BB
MP: 110.54 BB
CO: 38.04 BB
Hero (BTN): 43.38 BB
SB: 38.9 BB
7 players post ante of 0.1 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.2 BB) Hero has A♠ 6♣
fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.2 BB, SB calls 1.7 BB, BB calls 1.2 BB
Flop: (7.3 BB, 3 players) 8♦ 7♣ A♥
SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks
Turn: (7.3 BB, 3 players) 8♠
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets 2.48 BB, fold, BB raises to 6 BB, Hero calls 3.52 BB
River: (19.3 BB, 2 players) J♣
BB bets 4.82 BB, fold
BB wins 19.3 BB
I think I made mistake this hand.
I should have bet the flop and after gave it up.
I had to fold after he check raised me on the turn.
Yes it was a terrible play. :(
PokerStars - 60/120 Ante 15 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
UTG+1: 66.82 BB
MP: 40.67 BB
MP+1: 22.17 BB
Hero (CO): 47.75 BB
BTN: 33.91 BB
SB: 65.59 BB
BB: 26.92 BB
UTG: 50.72 BB
8 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.5 BB) Hero has J♥ J♠
fold, fold, MP raises to 2.5 BB, fold, Hero raises to 7.5 BB, fold, fold, fold, MP calls 5 BB
Flop: (17.5 BB, 2 players) 5♥ J♣ 7♦
MP checks, Hero checks
Turn: (17.5 BB, 2 players) T♠
MP checks, Hero bets 5.95 BB, MP calls 5.95 BB
River: (29.4 BB, 2 players) A♣
MP checks, Hero bets 34.17 BB and is all-in, MP calls 27.1 BB and is all-in
Hero shows J♥ J♠ (Three of a Kind, Jacks)
(Pre 57%, Flop 98%, Turn 91%)
MP shows A♦ K♥ (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 43%, Flop 2%, Turn 9%)
Hero wins 83.6 BB
I have 237 hands about this player.
He played 20/13/6(3bet)/86(fold to 3 bet)
Seems to be a regular.
I put him this range: AQ+, TT, KQs
4 combinations beat me, 24 combinations I bet so this is a situation where I can easily bet.
PokerStars - 15/30 Ante 4 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
CO: 99.87 BB
Hero (BTN): 101.67 BB
SB: 98.87 BB
BB: 99.87 BB
UTG: 99.87 BB
MP: 99.87 BB
6 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.3 BB) Hero has K♠ 9♣
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.2 BB, SB calls 1.7 BB, fold
Flop: (6.2 BB, 2 players) K♥ 5♣ 6♦
SB checks, Hero bets 3.53 BB, SB calls 3.53 BB
Turn: (13.27 BB, 2 players) 3♥
SB checks, Hero bets 7.57 BB, SB raises to 15.13 BB, fold
SB wins 28.4 BB
Now I think flop bet, turn check back and river call depending the size of his bet...
PokerStars - 80/160 Ante 24 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (BB): 54.71 BB
UTG: 83.68 BB
UTG+1: 87.31 BB
MP: 36.55 BB
MP+1: 9.68 BB
CO: 51.55 BB
BTN: 111.36 BB
SB: 70.54 BB
8 players post ante of 0.15 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.7 BB) Hero has A♦ A♠
UTG calls 1 BB, UTG+1 raises to 2.3 BB, MP calls 2.3 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 9.5 BB, fold, fold, MP calls 7.2 BB
Flop: (24 BB, 2 players) 5♠ 4♣ 7♥
Hero checks, MP checks
Turn: (24 BB, 2 players) 5♦
Hero checks, MP checks
River: (24 BB, 2 players) 2♠
Hero bets 32.4 BB, MP calls 26.9 BB and is all-in
Hero shows A♦ A♠ (Two Pair, Aces and Fives)
(Pre 93%, Flop 97%, Turn 100%)
MP shows Q♠ A♣ (One Pair, Fives)
(Pre 7%, Flop 3%, Turn 0%)
Hero wins 77.8 BB
PokerStars - 20/40 Ante 5 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
UTG: 240.1 BB
UTG+1: 158.9 BB
MP: 163.12 BB
MP+1: 81.85 BB
CO: 32.6 BB
BTN: 127.8 BB
SB: 121.25 BB
Hero (BB): 119.65 BB
8 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.5 BB) Hero has T♣ 4♣
UTG calls 1 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, SB calls 0.5 BB, Hero checks
Flop: (4 BB, 3 players) 4♦ 2♣ K♠
SB checks, Hero bets 1 BB, fold, SB calls 1 BB
Turn: (6 BB, 2 players) 4♠
SB checks, Hero bets 4.45 BB, SB calls 4.45 BB
River: (14.9 BB, 2 players) 6♦
SB checks, Hero bets 20.12 BB, SB raises to 114.67 BB and is all-in, fold
SB wins 55.15 BB