My poker story

My poker story

About me: I am 35. I have an okay job that pays about $70k a year in Wisconsin. Masters degree+, veteran. I work for schools so I get my summers off. I have decided to go to WSOP this summer.

My poker story isn’t all that exciting. Played some online, played some live, always been a fan of the game. Little successes here and there but never any huge scores. Took breaks, always came back. I think Im good, but most do, and if Im being completely honest with myself I don’t have any spreadsheets or whatever to back that up…just what I feel. I play $1/$3 NLHE at the Oneida Poker Room in Green Bay. Sometimes $2/$5. Not to suggest that means much it’s just what game I’m most familiar with.

Im going from about June 19th -July 13th and maybe a few weeks in August. Im going to play 12 hours a day each day. Cash games only no tournaments. Staying in a cheap place through Airbnb $800 for 27 nights or whatever it is. Hoping to get in about 400 hours at cash games this summer. Ill also post when I play sessions at my local room or other places. Sometimes I also play in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Chicago. Not to imply I’m a reg anywhere. Last few years was more interested in fantasy football and the stock market so have played little as in maybe monthly.

Ive created this thread as a journal for myself to help keep track of my losses/winnings and share with others who enjoy the game. I’ll post all sessions even if I lose big, or everything. My bankroll right now is about $30k but it’s not from poker. Sold a property. Never built a poker roll before, hadn’t ever tried too much. When I make money I spend it. Going to try and do it differently and keep things separated.

Bankroll: $30,000
Hours: 0
Hourly: $0/hour

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11 March 2024 at 02:14 AM

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