One Month one Thousand (25nl)
Wanted to keep my self accountable and improve my journaling. So decided to start one month blog/challenge wit
Week 3 Recap
Week 3 was weird, did manage to finish my challenge, but was on and off in my performance and sleep was awful. This week will have a lot of work( Monday,Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday). Will focus more on planing my free time and having better sleep. Also will play poker from my work station only.
Cash: +78,89$
Mtt/Spins: +10,96$
RB: +20$
Total: +109,85$
Cash Graph:
Session Graph:
Goals for Week 3:
1. Keep the value to 6k+ hands
Failed was close but need better planing
2. Gym 3x week
Failed did manage to go 2x
3. Increase study time (hand history review in mornings)
Done did study more then previous week, but more talking about strategy with discord boys rather then reviewing my game.
4. Better sleep routine ( 23:00 )
Failed really bad most of the nights went to sleep 1AM
Goals for Week 4
1. Regain stability in my poker performance.
2. Gym 2x week
3. Plan my days ahead in planner to have better balance between time spend for gf/poker/work/fitness
4. Better sleep routine ( 23:00 )
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or thinks I could do better is much appreciated.
Keep it up!
Remember that strong body = strong mind so don't forget to exercise. I always find myself playing way better after working out.
I think you can do better.
Just kidding, you are doing great. Try to enjoy to process too. Not everyday has to be a complete win across the board, ebbs and flows are going to happen. I too like to be critical of myself but at the same time a little compassion goes a long way
Agree(going to the gym atm) and agree(wont let you down again, so sorry), thank you guys for support.
Great results!
And I agree on the hand against Nemesis, you could have shoved there. At least that's the read I've gotten by reading about it here.
Day 12
Finally had a good sleep after late night shift. And started my day writing day 11 blog and Week 3 recap. After that had nice upper-body gym session with gf.
First session started on low energy after gym ( unsure how to fix it) and results were unpleasant, but as longer I played energy got better and got back to green. Also enjoy playing and figuring out nemesis.
After that went on a hike with gf (4km) because for the first time this year temperature was +20*C.
Second Had minimum energy but for whatever reason all my tables were filled with fishes (maybe payday idk) so opened even more tables. It was all going great until I got disconnected and lost all the tables. Came back, lost a stack to reg(Biggest bluff) and called it a day.
Today poker was not the priority.
Goals (Playing day):
Done-Post daily updates (Graphs, Biggest HH, interesting spots)
Missed -Study every day at least 1h
Done -Gym every morning
9/10 -Good sleep, good nutrition
3/10 -Track my emotion during/after playing
3/10 -Have fun and not put extra pressure on myself
Old BR: 1558,24$
New BR: 1575,91$
Today results: +17,67
Total results: +1069,14$
Cash graph:
Played 2 sessions:
Biggest Win/Luckiest:
HH1: Vs Nit-Reg, after he check-raised turn I knew he had set, he would have 0 bluffs... Have note on him bluff-catch only after I see him bluff postflop.
Biggest Loss/Biggest Bluff:
HH2: Vs Reg,He called with TT no diamond. I like my line, but yea not making huge bluffs vs this guy again.
Biggest hero call:
HH3: Vs Fish, After he check back OTT i see him having only 56s or 33 for value
Nemesis Hand:
HH4: Vs my boy, from now bluff catching only if river is scary card or I beat some of his value
Nemesis hand 2:
HH5: Vs my boy again, Scary river and I beat value, ez call
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played my hands or anything that could help in my journey is much appreciated,Nit-
Nice read! GLGL
HH2: Hard to find hands for villain that value bet river but fold to such a small raise (villain needs to win ~30% of the time). Out of the hands you check back turn with, how many are value hands, and how many are weak? I feel that you arrive at river with a wide range of potential bluffing combinations and only very few strong value hands (flushes/boats). Therefore I'd even b/c Jx in villain's shoes.
HH2: Hard to find hands for villain that value bet river but fold to such a small raise (villain needs to win ~30% of the time). Out of the hands you check back turn with, how many are value hands, and how many are weak? I feel that you arrive at river with a wide range of potential bluffing combinations and only very few strong value hands (flushes/boats). Therefore I'd even b/c Jx in villain's shoes.
Agree with not being enough deep to bluff effectively, but because the turn card is pretty bad I would IP check QQ JJ QJs and some nut flushes (A5s)
Nice read! GLGL
Thank you!
Agree with not being enough deep to bluff effectively, but because the turn card is pretty bad I would IP check QQ JJ QJs and some nut flushes (A5s)
OK, so you would check back quite some value hands, aren't you afraid of losing value? Lots of hands that call turn (Tx or diamand draws) that might not bluff river when they miss. Or do you think enough opponents would bluff river? Or value bet thin so you can raise river? I'm asking because I just like to bet when I have a strong hand.
OK, so you would check back quite some value hands, aren't you afraid of losing value? Lots of hands that call turn (Tx or diamand draws) that might not bluff river when they miss. Or do you think enough opponents would bluff river? Or value bet thin so you can raise river? I'm asking because I just like to bet when I have a strong hand.
After some tought and discussing the hand with discord boys, I'm starting to dislike how I played the hand more and more... Might have fancy play sindrome
Day 13
Had a good sleep and good fighting practice in the morning. After repeating some preflop stuff jumped into action.
Session Nr.1: started by losing 4,5 buyins in first 200 hands but managed to claim back out to solid 26$ profit, had nemesis at all of my 5 tables so variance was really high.
Session Nr.2: Started cold again being down 2 buyins and managed to climb out to 56$ profit, playing 5 tables and nemesis being at 3 tables, variance was high.
Session Nr.3: No nemesis and because of playing 6 tables or used to playing against nemesis was very call-happy, calling down not giving up on bluffs, no lose was bigger then 30bb but these medium pots stacked up. Bad session and ended down 49$.
Still trying to figure out whats best for maximum EV playing six tables and playing worst or 4 tables but not getting that much hands... Big limitation is my laptop I play on Aspire 5 A515-45-R74Z with the 15,6 inch, and I hate tables overlaying, also not a fan of having tables too small. PartyPoker software is not helping either. Saturday will try to play 5 tables.
Goals (Playing day):
Done-Post daily updates (Graphs, Biggest HH, interesting spots)
Done -Study every day at least 1h
Done -Gym every morning
9/10 -Good sleep, good nutrition
6/10 -Track my emotion during/after playing
9/10 -Have fun and not put extra pressure on myself
Old BR: 1575,91$
New BR: 1609,29$
Today results: +33,38$
Total results: +1102,52$
Cash graph:
Played 3 sessions:
Biggest Win/Nemesis hand:
HH1: Vs Nemesis, at first was thinking 7d makes straight flush, but snapped after looking at board for the second time.
Biggest Loss/Biggest hero-call/Nemesis hand:
HH2: Vs Nemesis, calling him on a somewhat scary river.
Unluckiest hand:
HH3: Vs Reg, weird line from my opponent IMO, also think most sets and JJ bets flop. OTR was tring to get calls from A5s A4s and strong Ax. Might overplayed.
Nemesis Hand:
HH4: Vs my boy (nemesis), that on hurts.
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played my hands or anything that could help in my journey is much appreciated.
Day 14
Decent sleep and a good leg workout..Did write Day 13 blog that took me some time. So jumped in the action only around 16:00 on top of that had study session at 20:00. So played small volume.
Session Nr.1: So so session just being to sticky and giving money away..
Session Nr.2: Tables were very good and I ran pretty awful, but its fine.
Goals (Playing day):
Missed-Post daily updates (Graphs, Biggest HH, interesting spots)
Done -Study every day at least 1h
Done -Gym every morning
6/10 -Good sleep, good nutrition
3/10 -Track my emotion during/after playing
3/10 -Have fun and not put extra pressure on myself
Old BR: 1609,29$
New BR: 1528,24$
Today results: -101,05$
Total results: +1021,47$
Cash graph:
Played 2 sessions:
Biggest Win:
HH1: Vs Fish, on very similar board did the same huge raise OTF (BB vs me one orbit ago)... no idea what he folded, any guesses?
Biggest Loss:
HH2: Vs fish, In great shape vs AK and AA... unfortunate set-up
Unluckiest hand:
HH3: Vs Maniac, had a note that he overvalues 2nd pairs vs this player easy gii.
Biggest Bluff:
HH4: Vs reg, not sure if its solver approved but I like it...
Biggest Blunder/Hero-call:
HH5: Vs aggro fish: Not happy with my river call, had hard time finding any bluffs and still paid off...
Nemesis Hand: No nemesis today :(
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played my hands or anything that could help in my journey is much appreciated.
Week 4 Recap
Week 4 was meh Poker wise, but was great fitness and health wise. First losing week in the challenge. I did massively improve my sleep and diet. managed to go to the gym 3x even when I had 4 working days. And planning was on point, resulted spending good quality time with gf. Despite all the positives, I paid with my poker volume and performance. Still struggling to have a Poker/life/work/relationship balance.
Feeling a little sick and will go easy on myself, got work Monday Wednesday and Thursday. After that I'm free from work 19.04.-01.05. Already planning next bigger blog/challenge.
Cash: -58,14$
Mtt/Spins: +7,71$
RB: +20$
Total: -30,43$
Cash Graph:
Goals for Week 4:
1. Regain stability in my poker performance.
Failed Was worse then week 3.
2. Gym 2x week
Done Even managed to go 3 times while having 4 days work of 12h shifts. Big thanks to gf.
3. Plan my days ahead in planner to have better balance between time spend for gf/poker/work/fitness
Done did good job of planning but still need to find more time and energy for poker
4. Better sleep routine ( 23:00 )
Done Was much stricter with my routine.
Goals for Week 5
1. Regain stability in my poker performance.
2. Gym 2x week
3. Take it slower and not put pressure on myself
4. Continue better sleep routine ( 23:00 )
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or thinks I could do better is much appreciated.
Day 15
S**t sleep, and from feeling sick to being sick (Common cold). Took free from work. In following days will keep blog, study and play time shorter while I recover.
Session Nr.1: Tried playing two tables of zoom 25nl and got murder. Can definitely feel the difference, even if I'm sick atm... even fish X/R OOP as 3bettor pre after cb otf 2c6d7d 3c.
Session Nr.2: Ran back to regular tables and broke even without playing any significant hand, kinda meh session.
Goals (Playing day):
Done-Post daily updates (Graphs, Biggest HH, interesting spots)
Missed -Study every day at least 1h
Missed -Gym every morning
1/10 -Good sleep, good nutrition
2/10 -Track my emotion during/after playing
2/10 -Have fun and not put extra pressure on myself
Old BR: 1528,24$
New BR: 1469,4$
Today results: -58.84$
Total results: +962,63$
Cash graph:
Played 2 sessions:
Biggest Win/Nemesis hand:
HH1: Vs nemesis, Have special adjustments for this guys.
Biggest Loss/Blunder/Biggest bluff:
HH2: Vs reg(zoom), he pretty much snaped. Was trying to get these Ax hands to fold...
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played my hands or anything that could help in my journey is much appreciated.
No comment regarding your hands, I play with 4 cards 😀...Don't put too much pressure on yourself even in the daily writing. Consistency is great but it takes a lot of time to update on a daily basis, if it's too time consuming you could do twice a week for instance.
GL anyway!
HH2: I try to ignore that I see results but in Villain's shoes I'd have such a hard time believing the river raise. It seems suicidal to slowplay and check back turn with value, when there's both flush and straight draws. What are you trying to say you have? TT? 99? But checking back those hands OTT. Really?
Also consider if you should play when beeing sick, perhaps better to only study? Or completely rest, at least one or two days. Get back fresh.
Get well soon!
Consistency is great but it takes a lot of time to update on a daily basis, if it's too time consuming you could do twice a week for instance
Yeah, when I started the challenge I made concise decision to post daily updates for 1 month. At the start I was running like god it was fun and easy to post, but now it's tiresome. In next blog will post weekly updates and monthly updates.
Day 16,17
Still sick but feeling better. Have not left my apartment in like 4 day, might go for a walk today. Played decent amount in last 2 days. Confidence is really low. Was happy to win during last session day 17, but still need a lot of work and recover to get back to my prime. In last day played while being in bed and enjoyed playing two tables of zoom.
Goals (Playing day):
Missed-Post daily updates (Graphs, Biggest HH, interesting spots)
Done -Study every day at least 1h
lol -Gym every morning
4/10 -Good sleep, good nutrition
2/10 -Track my emotion during/after playing
2/10 -Have fun and not put extra pressure on myself
Old BR: 1469,4$
New BR: 1392,03$
Today results: -77,37$
Total results: +885,26$
Cash graph:
Played 5 sessions:
Biggest Win:
HH1: Vs reg, going for max value, worked out great.
Biggest Loss:
HH2: Vs reg, BTN vs SB easy stack off.
Biggest Bluff:
HH3: Vs unknown, decided to unload last bullet, because it will 1/2 pot size bet and imo it outperforms against sticky PP. Idk might be wrong.
Biggest Hero-Call:
HH4: vs aggro fish, for me biggest decision was about calling 2/3 cb OTF, after that on scary turn and river I think he overbluffs and undervalue bets...AK was my biggest concern.
HH5: Losing with AA while gii preflop always feels strange like an anomaly.
Biggest Hero-Call:
HH6: vs reg, was auto piloting preflop and only started to play hand postflop. IMO when he takes this line he limits himself to only 7 value combos 33,88,KTs and there are plenty of bluffs to choose from. Although IMO regs don't like bluffing this spot.
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played my hands or anything that could help in my journey is much appreciated
Small Update:
Saturday and Sunday will be last two days of the blog and i will try to finish strong and get above 1k$ profit line. Feeling better health wise but still at 33% strength. My study time has improve drastically and I can see benefits. On top of that won 3rd place in freeroll deciding on what tournament to play...
HH3: I like it, Villain might also have diamond draws that beat you, AXdd, JTdd etc. They might also fold QJs or QTs.
HH6: Not sure. Maybe 33 isn't in CO's range? Then I like it more. But either way I don't think it can be a huge mistake to call down.
Day 18,19
Feeling much better. Played fine and was happy to be in the green...Still far from prime level. Had the strength to study and repeated my preflop stuff, basic but much needed after being off my game due to sickness.
Goals (Playing day):
Missed-Post daily updates (Graphs, Biggest HH, interesting spots)
Done -Study every day at least 1h
lol -Gym every morning
/610 -Good sleep, good nutrition
5/10 -Track my emotion during/after playing
4/10 -Have fun and not put extra pressure on myself
Old BR: 1392,03$
New BR: 1561,16$
Results: +125,9$(15$ mtt)
Total results: +1061,16$
Cash graph:
Played 5 sessions:
Biggest Win/Luckiest:
HH1: Vs Reg and Fish, Nice flop was begging for nit-reg not to have 99 and have 33 I was feeling like its 50/50, extra money from fish that over-values OP is a bonus
Biggest Loss/Unluckiest:
HH2: Vs aggro-fish, not the best spot but I took it..
HH3: vs fish, I don't think fish is capable of value betting AhXh for this sizing and I expect most set to raise OTF or esp OTT and on top of that wider calling range... Made me pretty confident in hero calling
Biggest Hero Call:
HH4: Vs reg, have a special read on a guy.
Omaha pro hand:
HH5: Miss clicked 25nl Omaha instead NLHE and got AA in first hand
Got two bountys but no mincash
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played my hands or anything that could help in my journey is much appreciated
Week 5 Recap
Week 5 was very compromised, so did not expect to be in the green overall. Was not happy with my lack of discipline regarding not playing when I'm half-dead in bed, but I did try to play less. Did skip work this week. Overall bad start to the week and slowly climbed back out of the hole, in future will try to play less or maybe play some micro stake tournaments when I feeling dead.
Cash: +16,14$
Mtt/Spins: +15$
RB: +50$
Total: +81,14$
Cash Graph:
Goals for Week 5:
1. Regain stability in my poker performance.
Failed but more because of being sick, not much I could do.
2. Gym 2x week
LOL I think I left my apartment maybe 2x this week and obviously not to go to the gym.
3. Take it slower and not put pressure on myself
Failed I did put the same amount of pressure on myself though out the week only difference was I was able to take it and preform only when I got better during the end of the week. But overall did decrease pressure from previous week.
4. Better sleep routine ( 23:00 )
Done But not because of better discipline but duo to being sick and needing more sleep so I count that one as a done,idk.
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or thinks I could do better is much appreciated.