My Journey To High Stakes (or about 1knl)
Hey everyone, i decided to start up a blog, it has been a while since i last had a PGC and thought it would be a nice time to start a new one.
I'm a full time poker player and Run It Once coach from Wales and this blog is going to serve as a place to document my journey from 200nl to 1knl online and occasionally post some fun hands etc.
I also run a poker discord with my study partner Alexandra Fagaras who is also a Run It Once coach, together we host weekly study streams both in our discord and on Run It Onces Youtube channel which we've had pretty good feedback on recently.
If you'd like to join the discord you can do so here:
My most recent sample at 100-500nl
So my goal over the next 12 months is to become a solid reg at 1knl on all sites. At the moment i mostly play 200nl but also mix in some soft 100 and 500nl tables. Sadly i have a bad habit of removing too much from my roll which makes playing 500nl and shotting higher difficult at times but this year I'm determined not to do that as i think my winrate would suggest I'm just leaving money on the table playing lower than i am capable of. I'm also going to try and be a bit of a life nit this year (which I'm usually not) to try to pad the roll. I will make sure i update this at least monthly and with that in mind i will also add my monthly goals and keep you updated on how they go:
Play 105hrs
Study 20hrs
Meditate on the days im not playing (i dont play unless i mediate but never meditate on my days off)
Spend 30 mins a week on my mental game
With all that said glgl to everyone, lets crush the month.
10 Replies
Subbed, gl bro, I'm back on grind and will nit up on life as well this year, I play MTTs but also like cash hands and studying it a Lil bit. Gl to u
Enviado de meu SM-S921B usando o Tapatalk
Thanks mate, you too!
Gl, will be following your updates!
Hey guys, quick monthly update to the blog.
Poker has continued to go quite well this month, i have been running extremely good and winning a lot of flips which is always welcome. Started playing a little 1knl which sadly didn't go as well but it wont be long until it does I'm sure. One downside this month is that I've played a few too many tables than i would really like. I have never been a ''grinder'' and have always preferred to play less tables, take lots of notes and try to fully focus on each decision so this month I want to get back to doing that.
Monthly goals
Play 105hrs - failed - managed 85hrs this month but not too concerned that it was lower because I spent a bunch of time on other stuff that needed doing.
Study 20hrs - failed - i only managed 15hrs this month which isn't great so hoping to improve that this month.
Meditate on the days I'm not playing (I don't play unless I mediate but never meditate on my days off) - failed - i think i managed this just once as i kept forgetting so want to improve this again this month.
Spend 30 mins a week on my mental game - failed - i think i spent around 50 minutes total on my mental game which again isn't great
No watching of shorts/tiktoks/reels unless its our own content. - failed - deleted reddit, instagram, tiktok etc. off my phone but was still suckered in a little too much by youtube shorts when getting a new subscriber email etc. so think i will turn those emails off this month and see how we do.
Overall a little disappointed that i didn't achieve any of my goals. I know that the play and study ones were a bit of a push from what i thought i could achieve but no real excuse with the others. This months goals will be:
Play 85hrs
Study 13hrs
30 mins a week on mental game
complete another month of Duolingo
This month I will be heading to Barcelona to attend a stag for one of my friends hence why my study/playing goals this month are a little low. Will update the blog at the end of the month and hopefully will have crushed the goals, glgl to everyone on the grind.
Hey guys, quick monthly update to the blog.
Poker has continued to go quite well this month, i have been running extremely good and winning a lot of flips which is always welcome. Started playing a little 1knl which sadly didn't go as well but it wont be long until it does I'm sure. One downside this month is that I've played a few too many tables than i would really like. I have never been a ''grinder'' and have always preferred to play less tables, take lots of notes and try to fully focus
Instead of time goals for mental game, try something like journaling before or after each session. Each time just 5 minutes, writing about what you're feeling, how you expect to react, what you hope to achieve. I did this for about 3 months and helped me realize that I was only playing when I was feeling excited about poker and was expecting to win most of the time, which is not good.
Good luck though
Instead of time goals for mental game, try something like journaling before or after each session. Each time just 5 minutes, writing about what you're feeling, how you expect to react, what you hope to achieve. I did this for about 3 months and helped me realize that I was only playing when I was feeling excited about poker and was expecting to win most of the time, which is not good.
Good luck though
Yea great advice, i currently do journal before every session but i think i should also journal after my session to release any attached emotions.
Hey everyone, time for a blog update.
Life has been pretty good this month, I've had a bunch of time off as i had a friends stag do in Barcelona which was a lot of fun, sadly i had to take a few days off when i came back as i was a bit worse for wear. I then also took a couple of days off to enjoy the last few days i had left in Romania as since Brexit UK nationals only get 90 days stay in Europe every 180 days meaning i spent the last few days driving back to the UK which took around 27 hours. I will spend the next 3 months in the UK as i always have my boy over summer so will be having lots of days out with him and spending quality time away from the computer. We also have a nice trip to Miami planned in August when i take him back with both my parents coming which will be amazing for them as they've never been to the US.
Nice pic from the Romanian countryside
Poker this month has been pretty incredible, I've run really well at all stakes I've played and managed to achieve my best ever month with a total profit of around $12500 including an untracked site i play on. Sadly whilst my results have been really good i feel like my study and processes have been slipping. I failed on all four of my goals this month as i only played around 70 hours of poker, studied around 9 hours, didn't work on mental game and gave up on duolingo. I also feel like the quality of my play at the tables hasn't been as great as it could have been but i have also recognised over the last month or so that I'm a bit of a perfectionist in some areas of life, i feel like this can manifest itself in me not studying or not playing enough because I'm tired or have a slight headache or whatever it is and I'm really starting to feel that i am just avoiding doing something because i know i wont be great at it in that moment, i even Anyway, i think its nice to be aware of cause i also think it affects other areas of my life and only by recognising this can i work to improve it. I also think I need to define exactly what my study is because whilst i only studied 9 hours this month i haven't accounted for all the coaching sessions i do which although isn't necessarily studying i do think I'm learning during these sessions too.
Plan for June
Get back in a routine of going to the gym (i have neglected this for way too long but recently realised that i want to make this a solid part of my routine)
Play 60hrs
Study 10 hours
Plan my working days
Awesome results mate. Keep it up!