I'm gonna fight 'em off / Road to HS
Hi guys, my name is Jandry and Im 26 years old guy. I have been playing poker since 2021 I believe and currently in the NL100 streets, shooting some NL200 games sometimes. I decided to create a blog so I can have more insights about my game but also make some friends along the way 😀
My goal is to reach HS even if that takes me forever. I just dont have any other option and there is no option for failing.
This is my graph of the year.
- January wasnt the best month ever, I was very confident about my game given I had very good results on December so I got out of line on the tables, lacking studying and not table selecting properly. On february,
- February I hit a BBJ so I had a boost in my bankroll and that allowed me to play NL100 given that Im currently winning at NL50.
- March I grinded mainly NL100 and few NL200 tables. I ran very good and I feel like the games are almost the same except that there are more good regs at this level ( still plently of nits ofc just like me ). I also feel very good playing at the NL100 tables but something inside me always tells me to play higher lol.
- April looking for some coaching and stablish myself as a winner reg at NL100.
Note: I am missing some hands from all stakes given that PT4 is very slow idk why and it takes me like 7h to get 30k hands uploaded.
Thanks for reading, GL on the tables !!